A New Addition

Blood and Love



After spending one dreadful night at the hotel in Munich they began their search onwards to where Ezo’s supposed hideout was. Just like in Baekhyun’s dream he’d seen a cave, meaning wherever Prometheus was, Ezo was also there. 

Adrian confirmed that he’d seen Ezo in a dream too and he had been standing in a similar dark and damp cave. So they were both working together with confirmed knowledge.

Still, Baekhyun was surprised. From greek legend he always thought of Prometheus as being someone intelligent and doing things for the greater good. Then again, last time he’d said the same thing about gods and they have severely proved him wrong.


“I’m still stuck on the fact that Prometheus thinks we have something he needs.” Kyungsoo thought.


They were walking along the busy street of Munich. There were several tourists all scattered around. Although it was a city, it presented like a town, with old timey buildings and in the centre a huge cathedral with a domed roof and red shingles. The other buildings surrounding it were small apartment buildings that you would see in the 1940s. For a lack of words, the city was beautiful, stuck in the 1940s and yet, so timeless.

Baekhyun had woken up that morning with a slight headache. He threw on his favourite black leather jacket he loved to kill monsters with and his black cargo pants. He didn’t like the fact that some mortals were giving him side eyes, probably because he wasn’t dressed in vacation wear like them.

You could say Baekhyun was a local. In fact, he’d grown up in a small village in a german orphanage. If he remembered correctly his father house was somewhere around here, but he knew his first visit wasn’t as he hoped.

That is...Baekhyun’s mortal dad was an . Apparently, he was this famous celebrity model that he didn’t know of. When Baekhyun told him he seriously had no idea who he was, his father got into a bit of a fit. 

Baekhyun spent his summer in Germany alone. He had no cell service, no access to iris messages. To be completely honest he didn’t want to do anything at that point. 

All this life he’d wanted to meet his father. Someone he’d assumed hadn’t known about him all those years-whom his mother had failed to tell him about. Now, it seems that Aphordite has not told Baekhyun about his father all along. He didn’t live up to any expectation Baekhyun had.

A self absorbed entertainer who didn’t really care for the fact that he had a son with a greek god.


“What are you thinking about?” Kyungsoo tapped his shoulder gently.


“Nothing,” Baekhyun smiled to reassure him.





The feeling of being followed never left Baekhyun. Everytime he turned around out of instinct he expected to see someone there tracking them, but all he found were curious tourists going about their day.

When they stopped at a bakery for some coffee, Baekhyun felt an instinctual feeling to take out his bow and arrow.

His weapon, to mortals, wouldn't be perceived as a bow and an arrow, he thought maybe a blown up dog balloon would make more sense in a mortal's eyes.


“Guys-” Baekhyun started.




The explosion came from the outside of the cafe. Kyungsoo’s eyes grew large with a croissant in his mouth. He sighed internally before stuffing the rest of it in his mouth and taking out his sword.

Some mortals around them watched in confusion as three teenagers ran outside of the cafe, holding who knows what.

The three demigods stood outside watching a monster Baekhyun hadn't seen in a long time.

A deadly Chimera, half lion half winged animal hurling around crazily. When it’s beady eyes met with the demigods, it charged. Its one an only goal being to take down any half-blood in sight and find the mysterious ‘thing’ they desired. 

On the right, was a burning fire that had exploded. At first the demigods wondered how that had occurred, but when the Chimera began to roar, instead of a lions sound, out came a ball of fire.

Baekhyun aimed his arrow and took a stab at the lion. Surprisingly, his arrow went right on target, the torso of the creature. However, the monster only winced for a minute before regaining all his strength and spitting out another fire ball.


“Ah! Mom, he's killing the animal!” A little boy who had walked out of the cafe yelled.


The child pointed at Baekhyun who looked at his weapons and then back at the boy in confusion. Even the mother covered in shock as she watched Kyungsoo take out a deadly bronze sword.


“What the-” Baekhyun wondered.


And when he looked around him he saw a crowd of people some just in the middle of pulling out their phones and trying to capture a picture of three demigods who were to say the least...killing something they’d probably never seen in their life.




All he could think was. Run.


And so they did. Pretty far for having not been marathon runners. 


“We have to chase it off. For some reason these mortals can see what we see. The mist isn’t working.” Baekhyun said, looking back every now and then to see the angry Chimera hurtling towards them in an angry haste.


“You’re right, we need to go into a remote area where there are no mortals.” Adrian said.

It was a blunder of a mess to say the least. Not only were they fighting a monster in one of the busiest streets in Germany, but the mortals were seeing everything. This was a dangerous situation. Mortals weren’t supposed to see what gods and demigods could see because this could disrupt the dimension between the two worlds.


“Over here!” Kyungsoo yelled, pointing at a dark and secluded alley.


The three demigods sprinted into the grungy place. They were being backed into a dead end of an alley, with the chimera coming upon them with more strength. After all, it wasn’t everyday a demigod would sprint 3 kilometers for fun.


First, Baekhyun took out his arrow and shot. It landed right on the leg of chimera, making the creature whimper for a slight second before the arrow easily came out of his flesh.

Then Adrian took our his sword and slashed at the monster with all his might. The Chimera was smarter and faster. One second he was one side, the next he was behind them. Thankfully, the son of Athena dodged just in the knick of time to miss those sharp talons hit his throat. 

Kyungsoo tried his best with his own sword. The three of them working together now should have been some advantage.

Yet, not matter how hard they tried, the Chimera would almost grow stronger. With every jab that Kyungsoo made into it's flesh it was easily delfected off. It was like it had a special armour that couldn't be infiltrated by meesily bronze metal.

Since Adrian was standing in the middle, the half lion half eagles eyes were trained on him. 

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were quick on their feet when the chimera ran towards them jumping up and running in the opposite direction (really the only direction since they were in a one-way alley). Adrian was slower. He didn’t have enough time to react and before he knew it his right leg was being mauled and chewed on by the chimera. 


“Ah!” Adrian winced in pain.


The son of Athena took out his bronze sword and swung at the chimera as it continued to sink it’s sharp fangs into his calf.


Kyungsoo quickly took his hand and pushed them flat on the ground, causing the earth beneath them to shake. Suddenly, the chimera tumbled over, landing between the deep cracks in the ground that Kyungsoo had just made. 

Baekhyun tried to run over to an injured Adrian, but there were more pressing matters. 


The Chimera easily jumped out of the hole in the cement and exposed his talons, more angry than before. His eyes narrowed at Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun took out his arrow and helplessly shot another one, hoping this time it would do something.


“Stop!” Baekhyun attempted charmspeak.


Usually, with his voice this loud and demanding, it should have worked. Except, the Chimera didn’t budge. He charged at Kyungsoo slashing his sharp nails at the demigod, in which he was knocked to the ground no problem.

They were running out of options.

With both his friends down. Adrian on one end holding his injured leg and Kyungsoo knocked out from the sheer strength of the chimera, it was only Baekhyun. Somehow, this circumstance felt familiar.

They’d come this far and they were going to lose to a chimera? Really? He didn’t think his combat skills could stoop so low?

Taking out a silver dagger, Baekhyun charged with his own strength towards the animal that was already trained on getting the last demigod. 

The Chimera’s eyes glowed red and it approached Baekhyun, opening its mouth to give him a taste of his fiery breath.

Baekhyun fell on the ground, his back against the cold brick wall of the alley way as the Chimera approached him. It tactfully knocked away the dagger from his hand, causing a small but still noticeably laceration in Baekhyun’s forearm.

This was really it, wasn’t it.

He’d die at the hands of this monster, unable to help his two friends. In a desperate attempt to use his last charmspeak his lips moved slightly, out of breath, his vision turning blurry.


“H-help…” Baekhyun whispered.


He shut his eyes tight, ready to accept his fate. But as soon as he closed them, Baekhyun heard a deafening sound. Like a loud boom-a static shock. No.

Thunder. Lightning.


Standing in front of him was someone he thought he’d never seen again.

Chanyeol had his back to him, holding out his special lightning dagger at the monster. The chimera wailed in pain from the impact of the electrocution. 

The monster's body shriveled up into nothingness. 

Baekhyun was more than shocked. 







Turning back to where Baekhyun was sitting, Chanyeol looked down with an unreadable expression on his face.

The son of Zues looked just as he did the day they’d left camp. HIs dark black hair over his forehead, a little frizzy. His eyes round and puppylike, but his mouth was twisted in a bitter way, like he hadn’t meant to reveal himself.


“Sorry-” Chanyeol started.


Baekhyun stood up quickly, “Sorry?!” He then took whatever energy he had left in him and shoved his ex-boyfriend.


To which, Chanyeol let him do it. He continued to earn the weak punches to the shoulder that Baekhyun threw at him.


“You followed after us! When Alec clearly told you it was dangerous. You even said yourself! Four people on a quest isn’t a good omen!” Baekhyun was near tearing up.


“I said I’m sorry-but...you needed me. You need me.” Chanyeol insisted, holding his hand to his chest firmly. 


“Go back to camp right now!” Baekhyun lashed out.



“Guys!” Kyungsoo voices sounded from their right.


The son of Ares had come back into consciousness and he was at Adrian’s side on the ground, who looked out of shape. 

The injured demigod had his eyes shut tight in pain. Beads of sweat trailed down his face and the colour of skin had grown a flushed white. He turned his head away from his leg that continued to bleed.

Baekhyun bit his tongue, wanting so badly to yell at Chanyeol more, but found the nerve to ignore him in that moment.

Both ex-boyfriends walked over to Adrian, crouching down and examining the wound.


It was bad.

The blood was oozing out by the minute. He needed to be bandaged up. Or something.

Chanyeol took the lead, telling Kyungsoo to tie his wound up and then taking Adrian on his back because he couldn’t walk.

Then, the demigod advised Baekhyun to charmspeak Adrian, tell him to hold it together until they found a safe spot to treat the wound.



When they all reached the hotel they’d stayed at previously, they laid Adrian’s almost unconscious body down, getting to work. How they'd got into the establishment without getting noticed? Chanyeol had simply used his flying powers to fly him and Adrian up to the floor of their room, while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo took the elevator. 

There were no bandages in sight-since of course this was a hotel, what was there to expect.

Chanyeol determinedly, reached for a candle on the bed night stand that looked unused. He took his finger and touched it lightly, causing a spark to form and eventually fire. Kind of like a bunsen burner. 


“What are you doing?!” Kyungsoo pushed Chanyeol’s candle away from Adrian’s wound.


Baekhyun was confused at first, but then it clicked.


“He’s cauterizing it.” Baekhyun explained, glancing at Chanyeol before annoyingly accepting that he'd thought of something smart.


“Huh?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Burning it. If we burn the skin on top, the laceration will seal up.” Baekhyun said, “I’ve only done this once before in my quest when I was twelve. It works.”


“But what about..oh i don’t know the excruciating pain that he’s going to feel!” Kyungsoo said in disbelief.


“Don’t worry,” Baekhyunb came to the side of Adrian, holding his larger hand into his slender one.


At that moment, he hadn’t meant it, but he looked back at Chanyeol who could only glance up at him. The demigod's eyes flickered with irritation, but nonetheless, he let Baekhyun continue on.

Baekhyun made Adrian open his eyes and focus on him and before he knew it, he had him in a deep charmspeak trance where he mumbled coo’s of encouragement. One hand on his sickly one and the other on his sweaty forehead, Baekhyun was able to create a natural anesthetic. 

All at the same time, Chanyeol took the candle and with shaky fingers began cauterizing the wound. Baekhyun looked away, gulping away the vomit that was about to leak out of his throat if he kept looking.

Kyungsoo watched in amazement as the both of them worked together to heal the demigod.

It was just like when the three of them had gone on a quest together. They worked flawlessly.


Before they knew it. Adrian had fallen asleep and his wound was all bandaged up. They’d fed him a tiny bit of ambrosia before letting him get some rest.


The three demigods left him alone as they went into the kitchen of the hotel room to discuss some pressing matters.


“I’m not letting you off so easy.” Baekhyun said between clenched teeth at Chanyeol.


The son of Zues could only roll his eyes as he opened the hotel fridge and rummaged through to find something to eat. Out of all things he was thinking about food. Typical Chanyeol.


“You can’t stop me from doing things. You’re not my mother.” Chanyeol spat back.


Kyungsoo came between them, shaking his head in dismay.


“You two are unbelievable. One of our quest mates almost died and you were really deciding on continuing an argument at the time? Grow up.”


“How can you be okay, with any of this, Kyung? He disobeyed Alec.” Baekhyun reminded him.


“Don’t be shy, say my name,” Chanyeol mocked him.


“Listen,” Kyungsoo held his hand, “I know what Chanyeol did was...kind of pyschotic, but I’m willing to let him go on this quest.”


“What?!” Baekhyun slammed his fist into the granite island of the kitchen.


Chanyeol smirked at the demigods disbelief. 


“If Chanyeol can forget about his animosity between Adrian for the sake of saving his life, shouldn’t we tolerate him being here? I mean...I hate to say it, but we could have died if Chanyeol hadn’t come to rescue us.” 


Baekhyun huffed a laugh, “Please, he didn’t rescue us, he was simply doing what any orderly demigod would do-save your kind. He’s no hero.”


Chanyeol’s jaw tightened at the words he’d just heard come out of Baekhyun's mouth. He was hurt, more than ever angry. He’d expected Baekhyun to thank him, shower him with apologies for, I don’t know...saving his damn life. 

He should have known better. Saving someone’s life for Baekhyun was duty, not a good deed. 


Kyungsoo crossed his arms over one another, “Whatever, he’s part of the team now.” He reached out and shook Chanyeol’s hand.


Baekhyun glared daggers into Chanyeol.




Authors note: YAYYYY Chanyeol is back! UGH i missed writing about him so much! :'(. He is so adorable trying to get Baekhyun pissed. I know all of you are feeling how Chanyeol is feeling, a little dejected about Baekhyun's behaviour, but HOLD FAITH EVERYONE. Baekhyun isn't that much of an XDDD. Soooo since I'm on a roll, I may post another chapter in an hour or so. Pls don't be mad at the spelling and grammar, I'm writing these a quickly as possible. 

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Chapter 11: Aphrodite was right though. That's the beauty of love!

This was so good. I love how things are progressing. Moving onto the 3rd book :D
Chapter 10: Gosh why? When they could've been happy 🥺
Chapter 9: The cliffhanger!!
Chapter 8: Curiosity gets the best of me with each chapter!
Chapter 7: Is it Mina who is the mole or is it Adrian (I still don't trust him) 😒
Chapter 6: Oh no Baekhyunee 🥺
Chapter 5: What a chapter! Is it Baek's time to be jealous now? 🤭
Chapter 4: Their bickering is the best part. Pretty sure I'll see more in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 3: Chanyeol should've seen the way Baekhyun Hughes Adrian 🤭
Chapter 2: Adrian is already getting on my nerves and others are surely hiding something from Chanyeol