
Blood and Love



Morning approached and Baekhyun could feel the nervousness meter rise. He’d been on two quests so far so it was supposed to be a piece of cake. He knew how to do a quest with a prophecy and without one. How to do a quest as a rookie and how to do it with one. He should have felt prepared.

Yet, he couldn’t help but want lock himself inside his cabin and never come out. 

Perhaps the thought of having to leave the camp-in particular Chanyeol who he had fought with didn’t leave a good taste in his mouth.

He didn’t want to leave on a life-threatening quest without at least remaining on semi-good terms. What if Baekhyun died on this quest? Would this be the last time he would be seeing Chanyeol?

At times he presumed their break up was a good thing. This would make Baekhyun focus on the quest. Focus on what was important: saving the camp from another invasion.


“Have everything packed?” Alec asked the three of them.


Baekhyun, Adrian and Kyungsoo all shook their heads a little too nervous to speak. They looked beyond the camp barrier where they would be allegedly headed to Germany where Baekhyun had spent half his summer trying to find his father.

He did eventually meet with his father...but it was disappointing to say the least.

You see, his father was a celebrity-one of those mortal actors you see on billboards and advertisements. Baekhyun had always wished for a normal family, but even with his father was no less than a god in the mortal world. 


As the three of them walked to the outskirts of the camp Baekhyun couldn't help but turn back in the last moment, looking back at the place he’d called home for so long, hoping this wasn’t the last time he was going to see it.




They landed in Munich, Germany much quicker than Baekhyun thought. Perhaps his perception of time had been warped because of the long nap he had taken on the plane. He could sense Kyungsoo was tense, but Adrian seemed to be sweating.


“Are you okay?” Baekhyun whispered, leaning in to ask Adrian.


They were sitting in the middle row, where Baekhyun was situated in the middle and Kyungsoo and Adrian on either side of him.


“I've never been on a plane before.” Adrian admitted, “I mean planes were a thing twenty years ago, but only rich people went on it.”


Baekhyun smiled, noticing Adrian’s shaky hands that held onto the arm rest so tight that his knuckles turned white.


“Don’t worry. I used to be scared of flying too, but someone taught me it isn't all that bad.” Baekhyun assured him.


His heart dropped at the thought of his memories with Chanyeol-how together, they were able to summon his flying powers. How they’d saved Kyungsoo last year by flying. Baekhyun was so used to the air because of his connection with Chanyeol. What would Chanyeol do if Baekhyun was feeling nervous? Probably hold his hand.

That is why the demigod slipped his slightly cold hand into Adrian’s calmly one tightly. He knew having a nervous quest mate was never a good thing.

Somehow, Adrian fell asleep holding on to the demigods hand.




Walking out into a whole new country always had its charm. It was september so Germany was cold. A bitter cold that Baekhyun and his quest mates hadn’t expected. They arrived at the crack of dawn, where the entire airport was very silent. 

Baekhyun, although tired, was extremely aware of his surroundings. He felt that although there weren’t many people around him that he was being followed.

They boarded off the plane and turned in their boarding passes. 


Baekhyun couldn’t get the feeling out of his body. First in the airport and then when they were heading to their hotel-he felt this uneasiness, but it wasn’t from a monster. 



“This map shows that Ezo has been creating a lair right under this huge art gallery in Munich. I mean-it’s diabolical I don’t understand how a demigod could be able to pull this off.”


“He has help,” Adrian sighed sadly, “There’s no signs that he’s partnered with a titan though, it seems that a god is involved.”


“A god? Like our parents.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened


“Perhaps,” Adrian tapped his chin curiously, “Last year when you went to olympus did you notice any god in particular that...stood out?” He asked the both of them.


Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked at each other and shrugged.


“I guess we were so starstruck from seeing the gods we didn’t really notice anything out of place.” Baekhyun explained.


They decided to drop the conversation as they made their way to the hotel room. They had gotten one room with three separate beds. It wasn’t a five star hotel, but it could make do for the little budget they had. Demigods didn’t use mortal currency so they had to exchange their dracma for mortal money.



When they stood at their door, Baekhyun squinted at the card that the bell boy had given him curiously. He flipped it over several times to inspect how in the world this was supposed to be a key to their door.


“It’s been a while since I’ve been to the mortal world.” Baekhyun cursed, handing the card over to Kyungsoo.


“Tell me about it.” Adrian agreed. 


Kyungsoo took the key card and tapped on the door revealing their stay that night. It was like any other hotel, the three beds are facing the door. There was one large window that overlooked the entire German city. There was a small minifridge to one side and the door on the right was where the washroom led to. 

The son of Ares immediately plopped onto the bed after a long night of travel, taking a deep sigh of breath.

Adrian followed too, taking off his shoes and shutting his eyes closed.


Baekhyun however, stood with his arms crossed looking outside the window suspiciously.


“It’s too quiet.” He shook his head in dismay.


“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo asked.


“I mean, isn’t it weird that no monster has attacked us yet?” Baekhyun asked.


“Maybe Germany has less monsters?” Adrian shrugged.


“I didn’t want to frighten anyone while we were on the flight, but I feel like we’re being followed.” Baekhyun admitted.


Immediately the two demigods sat upright to be cautious. 


“What about now?” Kyungsoo asked.


Baekhyun nodded sadly.




It hit midnight after a long chat about their enemies and their plan the next morning. Baekhyun laid in his bed near the window, looking outside to enjoy the city escape before he'd be met with another monster.

He hated admitting that he thought about Chanyeol a lot. Like a lot that night. To the point where he saw even the smallest thing and thought about his ex. It began slightly drizzling with cold rain outside, reminding him of that time before summer break when his boyfriend had taken him to the sky-literally and given him a tour of the United states through an aerial view. 

Baekhyun smiled to himself when he remembered the same rain began pouring down on them. Chanyeol was flustered and didn’t know what to do. They were soaked in rain water and even though the demigod was mad, Baekhyun still found himself finding Chanyeol’s embarrassment endearing. They shared a kiss that day.

The son of Aphrodite unconsciously took a finger to his lips, trying to remember the way Chanyeol’s lips tasted-sometimes salty, sometimes like that icy mint toothpaste he used.

Baekhyun sat up straight, realizing he was falling into a rabbit hole.

He walked over to the washroom, and ran the sink.

Ducking down, he  splashed his face with the icy cold water of Munich.

He thought it would have calmed him down, but when he looked back up to the mirror he let out a strangled shriek.






Adrian and Kyungsoo barged into the washroom, kicking open the door to find a heavy breathing Baekhyun, who had taken out a toothbrush as a weapon to fight the gorgon that was currently hanging off the ceiling.


“Where did-”




Both Adrian and Kyungsoo attempted to ask Baekhyun, but they soon realized that he too was clueless. 

Gorgons were just as they remembered-slimy, gross, venomous creatures. Adrian and Kyungsoo had their weapons drawn so Baekhyun s past them, letting them handle the monster that had entered their room while he tried to find his own weapon.

Baekhyun was sure he was going to die in that moment but the next second he took out a toothbrush from the drawer and used his charmspeak to hold the monster as far back as he could. Improvisation was key.

Flinging his duffle bag open, he took out his own dagger and ran back into the washroom.

When he got back it was turning into a bloody mess.

Kyungsoo had the gorgon to the ground with his knee and Adrian had his own dagger pointed at its neck.


Wham! Adrian hit the gorgon with the of his dagger instead.


Baekhyun noticed the monster falter, but soon stood up.


“Stay in your place!” Baekhyun used charmspeak on the gorgon.


The monster froze from Baekhyun's powers.


“We can’t kill it.” Kyungsoo said.


“Why?” Baekhyun asked.


“Because his blood will stain the washroom. There’s no way we can clean this in enough time for room service to come back up here.” Adrian explained.


“So then…what's the plan, because my charmspeak is about to wear off-”


The gorgon broke free, opening its talons and exposing them to Kyungsoo first who was quick to dodge. He landed his dagger into the arm of the gorgon who wailed in pain. The demigod cursed after the attack realizing how much blood was beginning to spurt out onto the white tiled floor of their hotel bathroom. 


Adrian used his hands to hold the gorgons talons back. With sheer strength he was able to take it by the arms and fling it out of the washroom. 

The monster wasn’t having it.


“You idiot demigods. Think you can get rid of me! Where are you hiding it!”


They all looked at the gorgon in confusion. Hiding something? What on earth could they be hiding that this gorgon wanted so badly.


The three demigods cornered the gorgon against the window of their hotel room. 


It was like the idea came to Baekhyun quickly.


“Kyungsoo, open the window!” He demanded.


Adrian looked at Baekhyun in confusion, but before he could ask anything, Kyungsoo flung the window open exposing them to the chilly atmosphere of Munich. The breeze made them shiver. 

The monster looked at the demigod in confusion, wondering why they’d just opened the window. 

Baekhyun smirked before using his charspeak.


“Jump.” He told the gorgon.


The creature fell to it’s fourteen story death.



The three demigods set off to work, grabbing a damp towel and rubbing off as much blood as they could from the washroom. Sure, mortals couldn’t see gorgons, but they sure as hell could see blood. To demigods the blood was a venousnous dark purple colouur, but to mortals this would have looked like straight up murder. 

Kyungsoo rubbed until the tiles were left sparkling clean, something Bakehyun didn’t think he was capable of doing.


“What was that gorgon going on about?” Adrian asked, “Something about us hiding something.”


“No idea. It must have been something important if someone sent a monster to us.” Kyungsoo thought.


Then came a knock on their door. Baekhyun looked between the two, realizing they had no intention of getting up and answering. That or, Baekhyun was really the only one who could speak german between the both of them, so it made sense. He walked over to the door, a little worried that the mortals had heard everything that had gone down. 


“Hello,” a bell boy, dressed in his uniforms looked curiously beyond Baekhyun. He was speaking german.


“Hello,” Baekhyun answered back awkwardly, trying his best not to make it seem like he’d just killed a gorgon.


“I got a call from the room beside me that there was a lot of commotion going on. Loud noises, screams?” The employee asked.


Baekhyun pursed his lips, a common sign he was lying. He proceeded to shut the door behind him and tilt his head to smile brightly, “Oh we were just watching a scary movie is all.” He said.


The bell hop wasn’t buying it clearly, because he proceeded to try and touch the door knob behind Baekhyun attempting to open it.

But in the knick of time, Baekhyun swatted his arm away and looked into the mortal's eyes.

He didn’t want to, but he had no choice.


“Leave now. Walk back and mind your own business. Not a word of this to anyone. Off you go.” Baekhyun used his charmspeak.


In return, the bellhop’s eyes glowed a tinge of pink before he robotically turned around and walked away like the conversation had never happened. 


Baekhyun sighed in relief.




That night, Baekhyun fell into a deep sleep despite his terror of having to face another monster.

He was standing in a blank space-all white around him, until he felt himself begin pulled along into a different area.

Baekhyun stood in an empty cave. It was cold and dark. Something he’d remembered seeing in horror movies. There was only the noise of a small drip of water that was falling from the ceiling to the floor of the cave. It was eerily quiet, actually.

But just as Baekhyun had said that he heard voices that echoed across the cave.

Knowing that this was a dream, Baekhyun found no trouble walking towards what was presumably a dangerous situation.

When he finally saw who it was, his heart immediately began to pound that he could hear it inside his skull. Walking over so that he could be hidden by a rock, he peek his head out to get a better look.

Standing a few meters from him was a titan he’d only heard about in legends. Prometheus. The supreme trickster and son of Lapetus. He was not only powerful, he was intelligent. 


“I asked one thing from you, idiot creature and you have failed me.”


Prometheus sat on a huge golden throne and kneeling in front of him was the same gorgon that Baekhyun and his quest mates had supposedly just killed.


“I located them master, but...they didn’t have it.”


Prometheus’ nostrils flared, “YOU IMBECILE!” He stomped his foot.


Baekhyun gulped, feeling his back pocket for his weapon, even though this was a dream.


The gorgon cowered in fear as the titan’s anger grew, “I need that nectar at this moment. And my men have told me that those three demigods have it.”


The creature was at loss of words.


Baekhyun understood that ‘three demigods’ were him, Adrian and Kyungsoo, but what nectar was this titan going on about? All they had was ambrosia. Nothing else? Clearly, Prometheus didn’t know what he was talking about.


The gorgon could only close his eyes shut before Prometheus took out a fist and slammed it to the ground, making it erupt in flames. The monster died being burned alive.


That’s when Baekhyun sat up from his nightmare.




Baekhyun had to admit. It was a disturbing dream, but he couldn’t help but want to go back into REM sleep simply because he felt he’d been left on a cliffhanger. What was this nectar that Prometheus was going on about. Was he part of the prophecy?

That morning, Baekhyun took out his notebook, writing down his dream thoroughly so he wouldn’t forget. He scribbled down basic knowledge he knew about Prometheus, all he could remember was that he had given human’s the ability to seek knowledge and fire. Hence, the ability for him to use fire.


“What are you doing?” Adrian came from their small hotel kitchen holding his breakfast.


“Research,” Baekhyun scratched his head in confusion.


Adrian came closer, placing the plate of food Kyungsoo had just prepared and narrowing his eyes at Baekhyun’s notebook.


“Prometheus?” Adrian raised his eyebrows.


Baekhyun nodded slowly, explaining his dream vividly.


“I just don’t understand one thing...what's his role in all of this? Why did I have a dream about him?”


Adrian pursed his lips, “Prometheus isn’t just someone who gave human beings fire. He’s credited to have made mortals. The giving the knowledge and fire thing was more of a...grudge he was holding against Zues.”


Baekhyun nodded, making Adrian explain further.


“Well, considering Prometheus’ trickster-like ways, it only made sense that he would make fools out of the gods. He played a practical joke on Zues which made him mad.. It seemed that was only the start of Prometheus’ fanatics. Then he went on to giving human beings something Zues had never wanted-intelligence. After that...Zues decided to eternally punish him by having him chained and sent an eagle to eat his liver everyday.” Adrian explained. 


Baekhyun’s face winced at the last part, he could understand why Prometheus may hate Zues (as did many other people).


“But come I saw him alive and well in my dream isn’t he supposed to be in eternal punishment.”


“Prometheus was rescued by Hercules years later.”


Baekhyun blinked, a sudden realization drawing upon him.


“Wait-so if...Prometheus is alive then that means my dream was real. And if Prometheus hates Zues...that means he’s part of the prophecy.”


Adrian tilted his head in confusion.


“The enemy of the sky.” Baekhyun read from his journal.


The son of Athena’s eyes widened upon realizing that Baekhyun had figured out an integral part of the prophecy.


As if in celebration, Baekhyun wrapped his arms around the demigod jumping up in joy. Adrian awkwardly patted his back. 

When Baekhyun became self aware that he was standing a little too close to Adrian he stepped back like his body was on fire.


“Sorry,” Baekhyun bowed.


“No, it’s okay. Let's go update Kyungsoo. We have a long way to go on this quest.” 



Authors note: Ohhhhh Adrian and Baekhyun's relationship is becoming spicyyyyy. And sorry guys yep, Chanyeol was not in this chapter, but no fret, the next chapter will be posted SHORTLY. Perhaps in about thee hours? So stay tune! I just need to finish up the last part (as I write this as I go). As you know, Chanyeol followed them on their quest, but lets see how that unfolds. 

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Chapter 11: Aphrodite was right though. That's the beauty of love!

This was so good. I love how things are progressing. Moving onto the 3rd book :D
Chapter 10: Gosh why? When they could've been happy 🥺
Chapter 9: The cliffhanger!!
Chapter 8: Curiosity gets the best of me with each chapter!
Chapter 7: Is it Mina who is the mole or is it Adrian (I still don't trust him) 😒
Chapter 6: Oh no Baekhyunee 🥺
Chapter 5: What a chapter! Is it Baek's time to be jealous now? 🤭
Chapter 4: Their bickering is the best part. Pretty sure I'll see more in the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 3: Chanyeol should've seen the way Baekhyun Hughes Adrian 🤭
Chapter 2: Adrian is already getting on my nerves and others are surely hiding something from Chanyeol