Shooting Star

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Hurt/Comfort

Summary: Kkura has been waiting for years to be loved back by her bestfriend. That a pledge was built by herself to wish what she was yearning for. And that is for her love and affection to the certain woman she's expressing admiration be reciprocated.

Word Count: 6500

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_ShootingStar


Shooting Star


Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that our wishes will come true? Do you believe that what happened in the past, what's happening right now, and what will happen in the future, was written in the stars? 


Life is indeed mysterious. It's like a book written by an author who loves to be unpredictable. As though that author composes in impromptu, where he or she doesn't want to plan the flow of the story at all. 


It's scary. Having no knowledge of what will happen to us is maybe the worst nightmare we ever have. 


There are two different types of people for me. Some people live their life to the fullest without doing so much effort, and most of them are the people who I usually call "Lucky" Some were working hard so in the future they could live their life like how they wanted to be and I usually call them "The Achiever." 


Unfortunately, I'm neither of them. I'm not lucky and I'm no achiever. But hey, I don't care.


I just wanted to give all my love to her and for her to love me back. Eunbi, my bestfriend and my only love. Imagine? I'm loving the same person for my whole life and yet, I didn't have the guts to confess my feelings towards her.  Not lucky, not an achiever, and a big time coward. Yes, that's me. I guess, life doesn't love me at all. 


But the point is, these two types of people doesn't differ at all. I guess the only difference is on how they expect what the future holds. They contrast each other but at the same time, they're both alike. We all wanted to know what might happen in the future and let's all admit, we are all wishing for our future that hopefully it will become the future we wanted, pictured in our mind, and what we expected it to be.


"Sakura!" I almost choked when I heard a voice from behind.


I was eating alone in this simple cafe with an aesthetic ambiance. I love it here. I was perfectly surrounded by pastel colors. The color of its wall was pure white that made the pastel colors out-stand their yet simplicity and calming vibes. 


There are only few of us in here, not crowded and it’s quite nice hearing instrumental music the staffs are playing. However, my moment got ruined when I heard the irritating voice of my cousin.


I spun around to look at her. I badly wanted to curse at her because I already knew what she’s up to but I held my self back I don’t want to make noise and ruin the vibe of the café and of course the moment of these 4 couples that surrounded me.


"What?" I emphatically whispered when she sat in front of me.


Her plastered smirk on her face made my aroused irritation intensified. 


"Ouch!" I hit her in the back of her head. I’m so annoyed.


"I told you to stop following me Hyewon. I'm not going to help you. Period!" I said as I stabbed my cake using my fork while glaring at her. 


"I'll treat you for the whole month Sakura just help me this one. Please." She glued her palms together and gave me her puppy eyes look.


"No. I don’t want to." I shook my head furiously and opened my mouth to eat the cake. If I’m that desperate for Eunbi to love me back, I think this girl is much more desperate to be with her long-time crush she’s claiming that their feelings are mutual. I pity her.


"Kkura, please. Promise, I'll be the one paying for your fare to California." I was shocked when she mentioned California. It was my dream destination. Next year, first day of January at around 11 in the evening will be the fall of one of the brightest star in the universe. 


I love astronomy. I have towards the stars, planets, moons and everything you can see in the outer space with your eyes, but of course, nothing tops my love for Eunbi.


"Really?" Hearing from my spoiled yet sweet cousin that she will be the one paying my fare is one of my dream come true. 


Not to mention that Hyewon is really stingy. She never gave me gifts whenever it’s my birthday. I would appreciate a single lollipop from her but no she’s really that stingy. 


"Yes Kkura! So please, help me." 


"Fine! What should I do?" She almost screamed when I gave her my agreement to what she wants to happen. Thank God she was able to held back from doing so. 


I frowned at her while observing that she’s smiling through her phone.


"Do you know her?" She asked while facing her phone to me. I squinted my eyes so I can look at the image properly. I'm not using my eye-contacts or my eyes glasses right now. I'm far-sighted so meaning I can't see things when they are near to me. 


I nodded when I got to familiarize the girl in the picture. She was just wearing her hoodie but I cannot deny that she looks gorgeous and daring to look at despite her soft features. 


"So why am I looking at her? To envy?" She laughed at my statement and shook her head. 


"No, she's your mission."


"What? Missionary? What Missionary? What are you talking about?! I'm not going to do that. I don’t like her. I’m not interested!" Her jaw dropped while I was breathless from talking continuously. 


"W-What the? What?!" She started to laugh. Her face is now as red as tomato as she continued to bark in laughter. I can even see tears forming in her eyes while caressing her stomach as she let a big laugh escape her wide mouth. 


I pulled her hair making her stop laughing stupidly. I’m so embarrassed because people inside are looking at us. This café is prohibiting loud and unnecessary noises but here we are, disturbing the peacefulness with Hyewon’s laughter. I don’t even know why she’s laughing. I was serious and yet she finds me funny. How ridiculous! What am I a clown? 



"Missionary?! Hahaha Sakura. Is that only what’s running on your head causing you to fail some of your subjects?"


"You said Missionary!" 


"It was mission Kkura, not Missionary. I can't even imagine you doing her with—"


"Stop! Just tell me what you wanted me to do so I can take my leave already. My class will start in one hour Hyewon make it fast. I’ve got so much things to do."



"So, I was saying, Chaewon is your mission—" She started emphasizing the mission to me.


"—you need to befriend her and introduce her to Choi Yena." Then she showed me a picture of that girl she mentioned. 


Not bad. I'm looking at her picture. She was in her black crop top with black leather jacket showcasing her perfectly sculptured physique that could make all the girls drool over her. I myself almost drooled but of course I didn’t… I only love Eunbi. Her hair was in ponytail so she looks so bubbly and then cool at the same time. My eyes lowered and saw the caption on her photo.


"Hotter than summer and at the same time, colder than winter but baby, just a taste of your lips I could make you bloom like the spring and fall like the autumn leaves." I read that aloud while shivering not because of kilig… I was cringed. I thought she was serious but based on her caption on her Instagram post, no doubt she’s a notorious play girl.  


"So how am I going to introduce hoodie girl to the four season play girl? Hyewon, we're not close and we don't even have a common friends." 


"Exactly!" I got confused to what she said.


"Look Sakura. If you don't have common friends how about me who’s not even from your school? At least both of them are your school mates. You’ve got more chance to interact with them" I furrowed my brows and looked at her suspiciously.


"What's your agenda here Hyewon? What’s with your plan that you’re making me a cupid? I’m too beautiful to do that!" I said then I flipped my hair for more emphasis.


"I heard a rumor that Chaewon is into my crush. Kkura, I don’t want my love to be with someone else" 


"Wait I thought you have mutual feelings? As usual and as expected, you lied."


"I'm not! I know she loves me!" She defended but I just ignored her childish reaction.




"So there, I want you to do all your ninja moves just so Chaewon can divert her attention to someone else, and that someone else is Choi Yena. Don't worry, Kkura. This will be easy for you because there are rumors saying Yena is having her feelings for Chaewon." 


"But when it comes to Chaewon it will be difficult for me." I cleared my throat and closed my eyes to concentrate then as I opened it, I tried to change my mood into jolly one.


"Hi Chaewon! I'm Sakura! I know you don't know me but I just want to say that...Yena likes you and you should give her a chance because I know you will enjoy her company." I said that like as if Chaewon was in front of me hearing my gibberish. 


"Ugh! Hyewon! I don't know if I could execute your plan like how you wanted it to be. I couldn’t even get my crush notice my love for her, not that she’s snob or what it’s just that she’s clueless not knowing that I like her already."


"Sakura, I trust you alright. You can do it. If our plan succeeds then finally you did something great in your life!" 


"Duh? I did so much great things in my life." 


"Okay then. Can you enumerate them?" This girl is challenging me. 


I was about to open my mouth but I chose to shut it and avoided her teasing gaze.


When she realized that I won't speak, she started laughing endlessly while tapping my shoulder like she's telling me that it's okay. 


"So it's a deal then?" I looked at her for a while then eventually sighed in defeat.


"Just make sure my fare to California is on you?" 


"Sure! You can trust me Sakura. If you want I’ll also pay for your hotel." My eyes got bigger to what she said. It seems that my eyes sparkled in excitement and I could feel butterflies tickling my belly. So if I agree, I won’t be costing any money in California?! Maybe just the miscellaneous! Now I want December to come fast and get ready to fly to California.


"Really?!" She nodded enthusiastically.


"I hate to say this but..." I stood up and hugged her tightly.


"You're the best cousin in the world!" She only chuckled and hugged me back.


After that short yet weird meeting with my cousin, I unconsciously found myself inside our library reading Fifty Shades. I lied to Hyewon. It’s my free time the whole afternoon, I just told her that I have classes so I could avoid her plan but here I am, reading and at the same time planning some of my ninja moves to Hoodie girl and the four season playgirl. 


What should I do so Chaewon could interact with me? Oh well, I'm pretty. I also have a killer body. So basically, she will notice me not that she finds me attractive. 


Anyways, because of me being the epitome of beauty, daughter of Aphrodite and living Venus, I'm sure she'll consider me as a threat. 


I smirked because of that thought. My plan is to make her beg to become a friend of mine. Make her lose her mind because she wants to join my circle of friends, but in order to do so, I'll give her one condition and that is to date Yena the playgirl. Simple! Omg I’m a genius. Kkura genius, Kkura big brain. 


I diverted my attention back to the book and started focusing. I'm in the part where Christian Grey is doing Anesthesia. I can't take this anymore. I told myself to read all of the books but I’m still stuck with the first book. I can’t take what’s happening inside the red room. Gosh…


Before I lose my sanity because of Christian Grey's hotness, I decided to close my book, put it in my bag then find Chaewon so I can execute my plan already. 


It was easy for me to find Hoodie girl. Why so? She’s surrounded with her friends and they’re the noisiest in the corridor. They're screaming at the top of their lungs. ier than the cheerleaders, wilder than the fan girls of BTS. I lazily looked what's in front causing a commotion and causing these girls to lose their poise. 


My jaw dropped when I saw who they were cheering and screaming at in our field. Our running team, they look so tired yet cool, their hair were messy and sweaty, lips were parted because they were catching their breath, and there she was, my Eunbi.


Then suddenly, all my surroundings went in slow motion. I can't hear a sound, I only hear her breathing. All things went blurry, I only see her in high definition quality. 


She walked slowly as she wiped her sweat from running. She’s the reason why my medulla oblongata activated and forced me to breathe heavily. How the is she being so naturally and effortlessly be so damn attractive?! No wonder those girls were so ready to die just so they could see Eunbi. But I won't let that happen, not when I'm still alive...even when I die! 


I furiously shook my head and gather back my equilibrium. I faced back and went to approach this Hoodie Girl looking like as if she’s about to join a beauty competition. I saw Chaewon busy putting nail polish, she was nonchalantly on what's happening. I just shrugged it off as I walked to her.


"Hey." I called her but looks like she didn’t hear me. Her attention is still on her nails.


"Chaewon?" I called her once again. But her friends cannot stop the noise.


I calmed myself down for seconds and breathed deeply so I could prepare myself for what I’m going to do next. 


"SHUT UP!" I yelled and at the same time slammed the locker beside me that made them stop and looked at me in unison. Even Chaewon and some of the players gave their attention to me because of my sudden action. Great. 


"THANK YOU!" I told them and got my eyes back to  Chaewon who’s now raising her eyebrows. 


"Can we talk?" I gathered enough courage to ask her because my confidence dropped as soon as everyone’s attention are in me.


"Do I know you?" Oh. That was unexpected, I thought she will be flattered because a Goddess approached her. 


"No need to know me Ms. Hoodie Girl, I just want to discuss a serious matter with you so make time and spend it with me." I seriously said like I was some sort of a CEO in a big company. Amusement and teasing was very evident on her face but eventually nodded.


We both went to a kiosk and sat down. . 

"So?" She asked. 


"Ms. Hoodie Girl—"


"What’s with that nickname?"


"Oh sorry. I got used to it. So, Chaewon. I want to offer you a proposal that both bene

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1771 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD