Silence's a Sin

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Historical, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Slice of Life

Summary: In the year 1923 Sakura's family volunteered to help the closest priest they know to a mission bound to spread such religion and help those in need. To Sakura's surprise, one of the nuns was her past lover, Eunbi.

Word Count: 17284

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_SilencesASin


Silence's a Sin


The cracking and falling of dead leaves were filling the entirety of the area caused by the autumn wind that passed by, brushing our hair, making some strands fly on both of our faces. 


The august ended a few days ago and yet, the summer feels like yesterday and the autumn just started to really occur today and will continuously do tomorrow. 


It dawned to me like this twilight time that perhaps it was also the end of the short time event of our life like the eons, eras, periods, and epochs she's talking about especially the Precambrian that tells the history of how everything is formulated. Created and ceased. Formed and destroyed. Begins and ends thou there's not really much information about it. 


I don't know much about those but she does, and because of that, I've come to have an idea. 


She's got a huge knowledge of aspects or stuff but she is kind of slow when it comes to realizing decisions. Not really kind of but indeed she is, and she admits she is. 


Maybe I do have an advantage for that but somehow I'm also thinking that maybe I do not really because there's no way I would tell straightly the meaning behind things but I'm also praying, wanting-- hesitating for her to realize. 


We're both fools. 


As I reminisce about our eternities the longer I stared at her eyes. I felt the inside of my mouth dried up in an attempt to say what is the least that I wanted her to know. The least I could tell. But I'll let those be one of the dawns that would most likely be unseen till she's old enough to understand the actions she's witnessed and wondered about.


In the back of my head, I uttered. "I remember each day of august. Each day starting from this year's mid-summer in Italy. Each of your words, touches, stares, and all of the moments we have kissed and loved each other in silence." 


Hoping that she would also hear it, like the moment the cicadas have gone quiet that one night on our place, and her inner voice told me everything that was unspoken with the thump of heartbeat that outstands the proper. 




"Good Morning," the priests greeted. 


Sakura's mother and father kindly stood up and walked towards him with a welcoming smile as he entered the dining area.


"You may now go." Arthur, who's Sakura's father, informed the one who assisted the priest. 


"Was I late?" The priest asks and Arthur taps his shoulders. 


"No worries, we haven't had any bite yet." He reassures.


"Sachiko, Arthur must have been taking good care of you. You look way more beautiful than the last time I saw you." The priests said and laughed while giving Sakura's mother a kiss on both of her cheeks. 


"Arthur is a good husband Joseph. I agree that I am being well taken care of." 


"That's the sweetest compliment I've heard after months from you, darling." 


Sakura's mother smiled and scrunched her nose. Caressing his husband's back and leans her head on his shoulders. 


They continued chatting not until the latter sitting every since a while ago released a sigh and stood up. Garnering their attention by the sound of her chair grinding through the wood tiles.  


She was actually thinking it is better to not just greet at all. But for the sake of manners, she decided to finally do so.


"My dear child, how are you!" The Priest asks with enthusiasm. 


Fixing her black blazer she started walking towards their direction. Lifting the side of her lips. She wouldn't call it a smile, it's too forced to be one. It was just a fake display of hospitality. 


"Doing good, father Joseph." She responded politely and shakes his hand that is now tightly squeezing hers. 


He also leaned in and gave her a not so short peck on both of her cheeks. A wide smile was seen on his face as he pulled back and stared at her. 


"Wow, Arthur you raised your child beautifully as well... You grew taller Sakura," he says. As if it wasn't completely obvious. The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago. 


Well, she's probably just an inch taller than him so it's not necessary to follow her whole body using his eyes but he did, nonetheless. 


What's even new from religious people taking advantage of their position. After all, people view all of their actions righteous. 


What a joke. 


"Take a seat." Sakura offered which all of them gladly did and settled to their own chairs. 


She too sat on her chair once again. Stretching her neck before picking her knife and fork. 


Her mother cleared which caught all of their attention including hers. 


"Sakura, would you like to lead the prayer before the meal?" Her mother asks and smiles. 


Sakura looked at them each whose hands are clasped together with their faces grazing with anticipation. And so she nodded lazily.


"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit, Amen. We uh... This- t-thank you for this... gift of food. We will nourish it through our human body and stay healthy for longer life, Amen." She cleared after and the rest did the sign of the cross once more and they started to dig in with their meals. 


Conversation flowed smoothly with the three of them. Sakura is excluded. What she did is to only eat her food while listening-- or maybe not. The topics aren't really interesting as they are more of how things are currently going on with their lives. And she's too busy daydreaming about whatever comes into her mind.


"Sakura..." She felt a gentle tap on her shoulders so she turned her head and met the gaze of her mother. 


"You okay? We've been trying to get your attention ever since a while ago." Her mom brushes her hair back and she smiles to reassure her. 


"I was just spacing out, nothing special. Why are you calling me though?" She asks confusedly. 


Her father wiped his mouth and put both of his elbows on top of the table. Intertwining his fingers as he started to explain. 


"Father Joseph mentioned-" 


"Oh come on Arthur, we've been friends for so long, just call me Joseph when we are not out in public or it's just us." The priest insisted. 


"I got used to it, I apologize- So as I was saying. Your uncle Joseph is planning to have some kind of mission in Italy. It's to spread more of Christianity and help those people that are in need of help. Your mom and I volunteered just a while ago to support most of the finances and by that, we'll be flying along with those who are coming to help as well." 


Sakura hummed and pursed her lips. Guessing rightly what words are to come sooner. 


"Would you like to come with us?" 


Ironically, their questions and suggestions don't really give her an option. She has to agree every single time. 


So she nods and shrugs her shoulders. 


"Yeah sure... I would love to." She answers back. 


"Well, that's great." 


Arthur removes his elbows on the table and goes back into taking a bite of the food. All of them followed.


"Hmm... Arthur," Joseph called him. 


Sakura's father hummed and chewed his food with his mouth closed. Turning his head to look at one of his long time friends who ended up becoming a priest. 


Joseph wiped his mouth first and gulped from his glass before speaking.


"Is Sakura going to follow your path in the military? Or she'll just find another man with a high rank of job, marry him and do nothing in life?" Casually he asks. 


It seems like she's not the only one taken aback from the statement coming from someone spreading such holy and immaculate words. That is just very insensitive. 


Sakura's fist slowly clenches. Her jaw tightening as more seconds of silence pass by.


Her father slowed down with his chewing as well. The tension slowly built up in the dining room.


"Oh forgive my use of words. I didn't mean to say it is like your wife Sachiko. Oh for the love of God, No. Truly no. There are really just a lot of women who depend on their whole life on their husbands. I supposed I just really don't like the idea of a man being born with a purpose of woman's survival." Joseph explained himself. Her father could only look at the direction of her mother making Sakura roll her eyes. 


"Anyway, thank you for-" 


"Wouldn't you agree that it is the fault of the standard of our society, Uncle?" Sakura asks, cutting him off.


"Besides, men wouldn't just feed an ordinary woman. For sure, it'll be at least someone very special to them. Quite obvious why there are still female beggars outside and only one woman for each man." 


He stares blankly and seems to process what she just said before laughing forcibly and tilting his head. 


He laid his utensils down as he leaned on his chair. 


"Not all men only have one woman, my child. And so on with the women." 


"Exactly. So why do men feel so superior? Because almost all of the decent jobs outside are only offered to them and they get to boss around their household? Even if women try their hardest they would most likely just end up digging their own grave in the hopes of getting the same treatment as men get. With all due respect, I am just saying my perception of your statement and does not mean to say that your opinion is wrong (Which totally is.), Uncle."


She also settled her utensils down. Directly staring at him whose eyebrows are now raised. 


God, she hates him. 


Coughing for a bit, Arthur spoke to break the tension of the atmosphere burning with disagreements of his daughter and his friend.


"So when is the mission happening Joseph?" He asks. 


Joseph properly sat down and slightly puckered his lips as he thought. Acting as if their opposition didn't happen at all. 


"Well, First, we will have to invite your family to meet those who are coming as well. Actually, exactly Sunday after the mass will do, are you free at that time?" 


"I don't think we have an appointment at that time but we will also clear our schedules as well so no worries. We will make sure to attend your mass too." Arthur replied. 


"All good then?"




Sakura wiped her lips as she stood up. 


All of their eyes curiously watching her. 


"I'm done. I will be going to continue what I was doing a while ago, we'll meet again this Sunday, Father Joseph." She said and nodded her head at them. 


She walks away carrying the annoying sound of wood clicking with how heavy her steps are. 


She walks her way to the bed and flips herself for her back to fall down with a thud. Feeling the soft mattress relaxes her tense muscles as she lands.


"Church and men?" She utters with sarcasm and bitterness. Each word was spoken with so much hatred from her chest. She'll pay anyone who can name a worse duo than the two. 


She groans and flipped herself around. Her face and front, facing the covers of the bed. 


The breeze of air enters her window, thus, making some of the papers that were lying peacefully on top of the piano fly away. She groaned and pushed her upper body up. Standing to groggily pick each piece. They all ended up being blown, not even one ended up on where it was placed.   


The door opened and she turned her neck just barely before continuing to pick papers again. 




Her mother handed her the others with a smile. She also receives a long warm kiss on her forehead. 


"My daughter..." She utters softly and caresses Sakura's hair. 


Sakura steps back and puts the papers inside the cabinet. Closing the windows as the wind continuously blew. The sounds of the branches of trees swaying got hushed. 


"I heard that Rolinda accidentally broke your violin." Her mother sighed as she sits down at the chair in front of the piano while looking at Sakura.


"She did." Plainly she replied. 


"She has been here with us for just a month yet she has broken a lot of our stuff already..." Her mother said with a tone of disappointment. 


Sakura her lips and hopped into the bed once more. 


"Wasn't she always clumsy? Mother, You should just find us another maid before the time comes that it's Father's thing she will 'clumsily' destroy." 


"You think so?" 


Sakura hummed and played with the ring by rotating it while it is still encircled around her finger. 


"It's for the better..." she mutters. 


"Considering her background, it will not be better for her though. She's a struggling mother. Her husband has already died and both of us know how hard it is for women to look for a job." 


"But then despite that. She's still not doing her best and being careful. We can't just have her out of pity," Sakura reasoned out. 


"I'll talk to her about it and will definitely let go of her if she ruined a thing again" 


This time, Sakura didn't say anything back. 


"We'll buy you a new violin this week." 


Sakura grabbed a pillow and hugged it. Burying her head and muffling her voice but audible enough to be heard.


"No need, we will be leaving for Italy soon." 




For a second, she thought her mother left already not until she felt the mattress being pressed down on her side. 


"What your uncle Joseph said..." 


"I don't want to be lectured. What I said is more realistic than what he said. He clearly is a ist." 


"Silly, I didn't say you were wrong." She heard her mother snicker and felt the mattress being pressed down more as she shifted closer beside the lying figure. 


"You should play me a piece." 


Sakura pushed the pillow down slowly just enough to give her vision. 


Sachiko smiled at her and Sakura ended up sighing while standing up. 


As she sat down on the chair, she turned her head at the back to look at her mother who's smiling while watching her. 


"Do tell, what exact piece do you want to hear?" 


"Hmm... I don't know... Just play me your favorite." 


Sakura pauses and her lips. Pressing down random keys at first before eventually getting started by pressing down the right keys. 


Timing is special when it comes to playing the piano. 


One late note may cause a disturbing sound for the ears. 


It requires perfection, passion, and... as always, it requires you to be a man to play it proudly with people applauding you for it.


Without noticing that she was pressing down harder than she should, she stopped as she felt her mother's hand holding her left one. 


"Hey...That's enough..." 


She lowered her head down and closed her eyes. Holding herself back from smashing everything she gets a hold of. 


"What's on your mind?" 


Hatred of the blindness of society. This is not a man's world. Everyone is born for their own survival. But then what's happening? Why can't everyone achieve their dream and live a life they wish for themselves? Live for their own survival. 


Instead of saying all of her thoughts, she decided to keep it to herself. The answer is given yet it is too ridiculous for her to take it in. To accept it and swallow it down her system.


"Will wonders ever cease?" Her voice comes out almost as a whisper. 


"You can think of anything, it's a matter of taking action, Sakura" Her mother releases a shaky breath and reaches for both sides of her cheeks making Sakura face her. 


"Why did you keep your mouth shut, mother?" Genuinely concerned she asks. 


"Because speaking won't do me good as well." Her mother pursed her own lips. And that was the last expression Sakura saw before her head was laid on her mother's shoulder. 


"Speaking wouldn't do you good every time. You have to consider the condition of the present and the one you are talking with. Sometimes the best answer would just be no answer, stay quiet, and let the silence figure it out for them." 


Sakura sat properly once again and looked at her. A smile on her mother's face draws out not widely but just enough to make her feel sincerity. 


"This brain of yours is fighting for the rights of the things that matter in society." 


"You are not afraid to use your voice and to speak up what you think is right. I am really proud honey... Your mentality is amazing and wonderful."


The feeling of a sense of relief washed through her. At least somehow, she knows that what she is doing is right and just. 


"But this..." Her mother held her hand and lifted it up. Putting her palm just below her left shoulder, making her feel the beat of her own heart. 


"This is somewhat not as amazing and as wonderful as your mind is."


For a moment, she felt full confusion drown her but thankfully, her mother did not use silence as her way of getting an answer because she can never understand how silence can make you realize and hear words unspoken.


"This… this will fight for what it beats for even if it ruins itself. Even if it ruins you. It will agree with things and sometimes not. It will make you feel crazy for having to experience a ride of emotions which some may feel new and unfamiliar however one thing is for sure." Her mother put their hands down and pulled her for a soft embrace. 


"My daughter, the love it will make you feel is enchanting that it conquers all... Including religions and beliefs."  




Sakura stares at the scene on the side of her seat. Playing with her lower lips and her chin by the use of her fingers that are leaned in at the door of the car. She watches the sunlight that is peaking at the gaps of the leaves as well as the shifting of the perspective of some landscape. 


It lasted for about an hour until the trees slowly faded into her sight and different establishments continued to grow more and more populated as they traveled their way and reached the city where tall, and short buildings stand. Variety of repetitive establishments being placed in just a farther location. 


They are living in the countryside as her father prefers quiet places especially when he comes home after years from the military, Sakura inherited that from him as she also prefers quiet places but it wasn't like they are not used to seeing such buildings.


The road started to become further occupied by cars and some horses. There are also people crossing to the other side of the street while some are in line waiting to hop on a vehicle.


"I'm expecting the church has evolved through the donations it's receiving. I can't wait to see the improvements." Her mother spoke. 


"I heard that they made it wider and their next goal is to change most of the material for new ones," Arthur responded and took a u-turn. 


"Are you bored at the back?" 


Sakura quickly raised her head up and met the gaze of her father in the rear mirror. She shakes her head with her lips a bit pouted. 


She rolled the window down and moved her sunglasses to look at the real colors of the outside but immediately pushed it at the bridge of her nose. Too bright. 


"We are going to be late for the mass," Arthur said and sighs. 




Sakura opened the car door. Shutting it down when both of her feet are already laying on the asphalt outside the church. 


She removed her sunglasses and folded it. Still looking at the structure of the said church and ended up looking at the cross above. Her skin slowly felt warm, especially on her face so she finally looked down and turned her gaze at both of her parent's backs. 


She hangs the sunglasses on the neckline of her shirt and proceeds into following them. Jogging to catch up and finally continues to walk at a normal pace.


They dipped their hands into the liquid as they entered and did the sign of the cross. Sakura followed and sat beside them at the empty seats available. They thanked the people who adjusted to give them space. 


"Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever..." 


A song was then played by the quire. Filling the church with the melody of the music that was produced by various instruments that were blended along with the voices of the singers. 


Shifting uncomfortably with the hard surface she's sitting at, Sakura sighs and tries to distract herself. Tapping her feet uncontrollably at the ground. 


Her mother turned at her and held her knees for her to stop and so, she did. 


Sachiko shakes her head as if to tell that she should not do it again which she replied with a shrug.


her lips, Sakura pulled the sunglasses on her shirt and played by the sides of it with her fingers. The music is still ongoing. Yet, it wasn't really her taste for her to listen with full awe nor appreciation. (She doesn't think everyone in the church does after all.)


She crossed her legs by laying the right one on top of her left unintentionally. It was kind of a hobby of hers to sit that way, though she heard that it is not good for the circulation of blood. 


"You can't sit like that lady," Arthur spoke, making Sachiko once again turn her head at her daughter. 


"It's okay, I got used to it." 


"Still. Don't sit like that." 


As Sakura stared at him confusedly, her eyebrows slowly furrowed. 


"You are not a doctor." 


"I am not but what I meant is it's disrespectful." Her father simply answered. 


Without wanting to put out a fight she lays it both of her legs down while chewing the side of her cheeks. 


When the mass finally comes to an end and the people start to leave. The three of them stood up and walked towards the higher platform located at the very end where all chairs are faced in this direction. 


Father Joseph was standing in there and as he turned and faced them, Arthur was ready to greet him with a handshake which though a surprise for Joseph, he returned it back. 


Sakura forcedly smiled at him as well and turned her gaze into somewhere else. Those that are fixing the things looked confused as Sakura observes. It is really rare for them to see someone close with a priest. 


Some that are looking at her, wondering why she rather has her attention spammed to them rather than the person they drove to meet. Totally not something unexpected if they just know her, what's even a valid reason to give attention to men? 


"Let us now meet those who will be coming with us then, shall we?" 


Her parents nodded and were soon assisted by the other knights of the altar. She hesitantly followed them as she's not yet done having a look with the whole place but there might be more to where they are going. 


The structure wasn't bad and the interior design as well. They are eye-pleasing and Sakura unexpectedly likes it as it is not too bad being obtained by only getting coins each mass or donations as it clearly shows where the money is going except for the priests. 


There was a garden at the back of the church that has a path that leads to another building. Which looks completely the opposite of the church they just went in a while ago.


Sakura's not really a fan of myths, supernatural phenomenons, nor ghosts as what they call but she is totally lying if she's not going to admit that the looks of the building are as creepy as Father Joseph's wrinkled face. 


"I'm sorry for the term God, but I can't bear it. I know you definitely didn't craft this monstrous human being." Sakura whispered to herself as they passed by a confession room. It was too deafening in there that little noise, even her whispers are very noticeable. 


"Are they waiting for us already?" Arthur asks. 


"No, but they have them called and we will get there earlier than they will." 


Footsteps and nothing but birds chirping can be heard after. How Sakura wished that angels would sing into her ears for a beautiful distraction.


Or maybe a pretty lady can pass by her at least. 


Chuckling on her own she thought, "The second one would be much more effective, I approve my, Lord."


They made a turn into one of the halls and entered a room that has a prepared number of chairs. There weren't any turned lights but the large windows made it able for the sun rays to enter and lighten the whole room and make it warm. 


They sat in the chairs and talked a bit before people started entering the room. Sakura is observing each person entering, some look like they are in their teenage years while the rest seems to vary from 20-50. She greeted each with a smile when they met her gaze. 


The front seats are yet to be occupied by those that are going to come. But cluelessly, they waited for the door to open again as they talked grouped by grouped while waiting for the room to be filled. 


Tapping her feet mindlessly at the ground, she puckered her lips and played with the ring on her fingers. Head raising for a bit when the door opens once again but it was just one of the younger ones that came back from the bathroom. 


"Good Morning Ms. Miyawaki," A greeting coming from the man who's sitting in the second row of chairs says. Sakura smiled and greeted good morning as well and quickly turned her attention at the door again. It wasn't just because she doesn't want to have an exchange of conversation with the man who appears to be at the same age as her or maybe a little older, it's just that she feels that she kinda needs to let her attention focus only at the door until it opens though she doesn't really have any expectations what reason would possibly make her open her eyes the whole time they will be talking about the mission. 


One of the knights of the altar went out and Sakura leaned on her chair while crossing both her arms as she stared at the outside of the opened door where nothing but an empty wall is shown.


Feeling her eyes slowly getting heavy as she expected. She blinked fast and decided to stretch her limbs to wake her body up and only did it fully awaken her whole when the nuns finally entered. 


Bolts of undefined electricity felt like it was pinching every inch of her skin as she laid her eyes on the first one to enter, dressed in all black with cross pendants on her necklaces that are displayed outside her clothing. 


Everyone in the room seems to be giving stares at the beauty of the youngest out of all the nuns that have entered and yet, no one can be as surprised as Sakura is. She knows her more than they do, Sakura knows her better than everyone in the church and even the church does. 


The surprise expression on the nun's face as her eyes also met hers made Sakura feel even more electricity drowning her with tingling feelings inside her system. Making her insides felt all so sick that she just can't help but to wince and look away.


It might have looked bad for the other but it was for her good. 


"Are you okay, Ms. Miyawaki?" The person who greeted her a while ago asks, making some turn their head at her as well. 


Ugh, she hates attention.


She nodded and cleared . With some eyes still laid on her in worry, she acted fine. She acted as if nothing was making an effect on her. Not even the nun that has finally sat across, staring at her with unclear emotion. 


Oh, she's definitely not fine. 


The questions stuck in her head still do not have any answers. Not even if she concludes and thinks because still, nothing is forming as a possible and acceptable reason why Kwon Eunbi converted and offered herself to the church. Of why has she put her whole life in the order of Christianity and sacrificed her own control and freedom. 


It feels like she will puke the moment she returns the stare and so Sakura does it secretly. Looking at her only when people could hardly notice or suspect her. And only if Eunbi is not looking at her as well. 


It was an exchange of secret glimpses. 


Wonders on both of their heads unanswered but on top of all. Memories are slowly getting recalled. It was blurry and almost too dreamy to remember some but all of those, happy recollections or not, made the situation they are in the most ironic thing Sakura has ever experienced. 


Kwon Eunbi, her past lover who vowed to love her eternally, is now serving God, the creator. The one who created Adam and Eve, the one who is said to only accept man and woman as lovers. 


What a twist for such a reunion. 




All of them kindly thanked the Miyawaki Family for their kind act of helping and even coming with them as well. With a warm smile, Sakura's parents shared their last words to the meeting that was paid by claps and happy faces. 


"Let's have a nice time in Italy," Arthur said and shook hands with the priests. 


"Stay here until lunch, that is the least we can do and it is a pleasure for us to feed this kind family of yours," Joseph insisted which they kindly agreed. 


The door was then opened as they were dismissed by the priests. Leaving them 4 once again along with the others that are waiting for Father Joseph. 


Sakura's eyes are left staring at the closed door and her movements are all hesitant. 


"Excuse me, may I just get called later when lunch is ready? I would like to tour around the area," she asked permission. Dashing off as soon as she got a nod from the priest. Well, that's all she needed since she knows that whatever Father Joseph would agree upon, they are obligated to agree as well. 


After searching not so obviously in each door in the hallway she ended up going outside and only hoped that there is a higher chance to see the nun again at lunch. 


So she walks around. Beneath her parades little flowers and grasses. Being blown softly with the not so strong gust of wind. 


She sat at the bench and observed the people that are staying in the garden area as well. Noticing the hyacinths near her sit, she picks it and observes it on her hands until the universe just does its own way of pissing people in the most ridiculous ways. 


When needed, the one you need cannot be found but then randomly pops out when you don't need it anymore and you are most likely to pass by it and let it get lost again. 


Sakura is not pissed though, or maybe just a little bit.


She cleared and fixed her hair. 


"Sister Eunbi!" She calls, catching the attention of not only the nuns but almost the whole population in the garden. She then stood up and walked fastly towards their direction.


"May I excuse her for a while?" She asks the one who seems to be the head nun. 


All of them ended up happily agreeing from her request and started walking again. Leaving the two standing while staring everywhere except their eyes. Maybe she too is not yet in for the face-to-face.  


"What is it Ms. Miyawaki?" Eunbi asks. Finally found her courage, unlike Sakura. 


Shaking her head, Sakura found herself saying words without sense while putting both of her hands on her waist. Only then she noticed that she's still holding the hyacinth flower on her right hand. 


"Because it's bright..." Slowly and hesitantly she reasoned out, making Eunbi raise her eyebrows. 


Nice. She messed up.  


Eunbi then raised her head as she looked up in the sky with her eyes squinted. Humming in agreement when she finally lowered her head again and looked at the latter. 


"It is," Eunbi replied shortly. 


Right... An awkward chuckle escapes Sakura's lips. 


"Well if you don't mind I have to go now and help the other nuns," 


"Yeah, sure... You can go." Sakura awkwardly approves and smiles in the reflection of Eunbi's unreadable expression that she has also shown her when they were looking at each other in the room a while ago. 


"And please, don't pick up the flowers in the garden." 


With that, Eunbi walks away. 




They landed in Italy at exactly 8 am in the morning. The excitement taking over their sleepiness away. 


The giddiness visible with the teenager's faces made the older one's smile and chuckle as they looked at them amusedly. 


They will be staying at the dorm quite far from the church of St. Peter's Basilica.


"Good Morning Ms. Miyawaki, would you like me to help you with the bag?" Recognizing the familiar voice, without turning her neck she hums and shakes her head in the sign of refusal. She's observing the outside of the building they will be staying at, it wasn't bad, to say the least. However, it looks almost the same as the creepy building beside the church back in their place. 


Well, somehow, kind of, it looks bad. 


"I am Lee Seung-gi by the way," 


Sakura smiled and said nothing. There was nothing to say. The man seems to know her already since he keeps on calling her with her surname since the meeting. 


"This is the epitome of history," he says, dreamy while looking at the building as well. And for the sake of not making their conversation stop perhaps.


"The past is too eulogized," sakura replied and started dragging her own luggage as she saw her mom signing her using her hands to come and go inside as well. 


"Pardon me?" He asks as he quickly follows while carrying his things. 


"There's just nothing that fascinates me from history, it's not that beautiful." 


"But I didn't say it was," 


Sakura pauses and so did he. 


For a moment, there wasn't really going on with her mind. She was confused about whether he agrees with her idea or not but neither of the two would matter anyway. 


"Sure," she says and continues walking. This time he didn't pursue the following. 




Knock. Knock. 


Sakura turns her head at the door and puts her papers down. They are probably ready, she thought. 


She's been waiting for her parents to knock to inform her that she is needed to go outside. She jumped down the bed and hastily laid her pen and notebook down at the table beside her and jogged her way to the door.


"You ready?" 


She hummed in response. Closing the door right away so they can proceed into walking. 


"Are gardens really famous to be placed near religious places?" She asks as she peaks at the opened window on the side. 


"I do think so," her mom responded. 


No one spoke after. Just a few exchanges of words from them but her father didn't really contribute to the conversation. How was quiet as always. Quite reasonable as there is nothing to talk about (or there are a lot, they just don't really want to talk about personal things). 


From her sweater, Sakura switched to polo with two opened buttons that she tucked in on her pastel loose pants. It was a rather not so comfy outfit for summer as she preferred shorts but then they still have to go to the church. 


Speaking of the church. 


"What time are we going to the St. Peter Basilica again?" Sakura asks to remember that they will be visiting there from time to time and most likely to spend eighty percent of their stay in Italy at that specific church. 


"No idea." Her father replies surprisingly. 


Faint footsteps soon then got louder and the owners of those revealed which are the teenagers who volunteered. They greeted Sakura's family enthusiastically, well sort of, and dashed off again as they looked like they were one of the unexpected people they expected to pass by with. 


They were viewed as kind. Her family is rather unproblematic assumably except her and they aren't that type that has the facade of a good family thingy. They are what they are outside.  


"Where are we heading to?" 


She says, breaking the silence surrounding them once again. 


"To Joseph." 




Traveling abroad is one of the things that is not so uncommon for them. However, they would lie if they said they've been into something close to this but beautiful church. Sakura has seen pictures of the interior and even heard from some, but seeing it in flesh. On her own eye. St. Peter's Basilica made her feel like she is currently stepping in a place of a different era. The vibe is so nostalgic and dreamy. 


With all of their neck stretch as they looked at the statues and the detailed designs with their mouths gaped in awe, Sakura's eyes landed on the person she was looking for every time a crowd of nuns was seen. 


But as always, only when she's too preoccupied with other things or thoughts that Eunbi will show herself. 


Make her remember her again as if these coincidences are the reminders that notify her that she can't just forget her. 


And that is probably the exact reason because if she's not going to be seen even with Sakura's eyes close then she'll get to see her with her eyes open. 


To her surprise, their eyes met. Eunbi was smiling, she knew it wasn't for her as it faded as soon as it registered to the nun's brain who she ended staring at. That it wasn't the beautifully made sculptures nor great art. It was just like any other person but a little higher than a mere stranger. 


Eunbi's smile was replaced with a fake and forced one as she bowed her head for a far greeting of hello or perhaps a good morning? 


Whatever it is Sakura forgot to greet back as Eunbi already followed the others that are going to help prepare for the mass. 


They sat in the second row. 


It was somehow an advantage for Sakura as the nuns will also be sitting in front of them. Oh, she wishes Eunbi will not be sitting on the opposite side. 


Her daydreaming was interrupted by a loud bang that echoed throughout the church. Garnering the attention of all of them. 


Turning her head to see the commotion, they looked at the pianist who's clutching on his chair almost cussing because of pain. 


They gathered around him and assisted him while some were left wondering what just happened. 


"The fallboard fell into his fingers," her father spoke. 


"Fallboard does not fall easily," Sakura answered back. 


"The guilty looking violinist that is standing right there was the one who messed around his fallboard, I saw it," her father pointed at. 


She winced at the idea of how much it probably hurt, fallboards are heavy and definitely, anyone wouldn't want that falling down on their fingers. 


"I think they are having a problem," Sachiko spoke.


Sakura raised her head up and watched their distressed face. 


"Maybe because they don't have someone to take over their piano," Sakura said and shrugs. 


Feeling someone staring at her she turned her head and caught Eunbi staring. She looked away right after but Sakura knows there will be more hesitant stares she'll be getting. Eunbi would like to help and she'll only be going to be able to do that if she convinces Sakura or if she's too weak to do that then she'll make someone convince her instead. 


But weirdly, a smile curved onto her lips by the idea of her name being spoken by Eunbi once again. 


"Sakura knows how to play, can she just volunteer?" Her mother spoke again. 


"This is not just an ordinary church, we need to get their own invitation," Arthur replied. 


"But how? They don't even know she can?"


"But they will ask for sure,"  


They stay still like that and watch them handle everything. Having to ask all queries if they know how but even if it seems like they do, they are way too pressured to play an instrument that can only be played by one person. That their flaws can be heard so easily. 


"Good morning," a soft and familiar voice spoke. 


"Good Morning, Sister," her parents greeted the nun who's now standing at the very end of the long chair. 


Without bothering to look at Sakura she only asked permission from her parents. 


Oh, she knows way too much. 


"Perhaps, does any one of the three of you know how to play the piano? We are in need of someone to take over, it is a very important piece," she asks almost begging. 


"In fact, our daughter knows how to... Sakura," her father called which made her break the stare she was giving at the standing figure a while ago. 


"I can p

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1765 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD