Unexplainable Feelings

Kkubi OS Festival
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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort

Summary: Eunbi was blaming herself for an accident, thinking that she was the one who caused it. Sakura is the kind of person who doesn't want to see people sad and blaming themselves at something. Sakura was involved in that accident, but she wanted to help Eunbi get back her feet. What will happen if they fall for each other? Can a ghost and a person end up together?

Word Count: 17213

Hashtag: #KkubiFestival_UnexplainableFeelings


Unexplainable Feelings


The sirens of the ambulance filled the night with the cold breeze. The paramedics are busy doing their job—saving the life of one girl who is in critical condition. Another girl is sitting on the back of another ambulance with a towel wrapped on her back to her shoulders and she is watching the paramedics trying to save a short-haired girl who had her face and head and even body wrapped in her own blood,she was unrecognizable, and her shirt that had the color of white had turned into pink. The sitting girl was watching with guilt, and she can’t breathe just by looking at the sight of someone dying because of the accident she had just caused. She then grabbed her inhaler on her lap and inhaled it to find comfort—to stop the suffocation she was feeling as the moments before the accident had flashbacked her mind, and tears wanted to escape her eyes. 



Eunbi was frustrated as she heard her parents arguing in the driver seat and on the shotgun, apparently, her mother caught her father with someone and that was what they were arguing about. And when Eunbi had heard that they were planning to break up because that was not the first time Eunbi’s father was caught with someone else, Eunbi had an idea to make her parents be together again. 


“Dad, Mom…” Eunbi started but that didn’t stop the screaming of her parents towards each other, and so Eunbi screamed back her next words. “If I disappear, you wouldn’t break up, right?...” she continued and when her parents had heard those words, the nagging and screaming had stopped just like the car that they are riding right now. Both her parents looked at her and stayed quiet. Eunbi then continued her words. “I knew that I was the reason why dad wanted to have a break and maybe that was the reason why he cheated. He was tired working and working for my tuition, my hospital fees and for our needs” Eunbi then looked down and tears started spilling down. Her parents don’t know what to say to their daughter once they heard her. Eunbi felt guilty about her family becoming like this. And when she didn't hear words from her parents, she immediately ran out of the car and ran to the middle of the street to greet the incoming car before her parents could stop her. She just wanted to end all the pain right now. She was blinded by the lights from the car and so she readies herself for what was about to come. She closed her eyes as she heard the honk from the car. But she didn’t feel any pain on her body but instead, she heard a loud crash near her, she opened her eyes, and she looked to her left side where she saw a car that had crashed on a tree, the car was wrecked and all of the people riding it were all unconscious. She felt suffocated as she saw them. 


‘What have I done’ Eunbi thought before passing out. 



Sakura opened her eyes, and she felt different from before, and she saw the paramedics who are trying to record something, and for a few moments, Sakura saw the paramedic lifting a white sheet to cover her face. That had scared her and so she immediately sat up, but her eyes had opened once she realized that she just passed through the sheets and even the arms of the paramedic as he was putting the white cloth down her body. But before the cloth had covered Sakura’s face, she immediately looked behind her and found her own body with her eyes closed. Then she realized what happened just by looking at her body lying down unconsciously.  She felt sad after realizations spilled on her mind.


What broke her gaze on her lifeless body was an unfamiliar voice. 


“You have probably realized everything by now, right?” Sakura heard and she looked at where the voice came from. She saw a tall guy wearing all black and is also wearing a black wide hat that covers her face, only his lips are visible, and he has black smoke that was floating around him. But his aura was somewhat different from what is visually presented, he has a comforting aura that soothes Sakura the moment she heard his voice. 


“God? Is that you? Why are you wearing black?” Sakura asked with wide eyes. 


The guy had chuckled before answering the question. “No, I am not God, but come with me and I’ll take you to him,” the guy said, extending his hands to Sakura to help her stand up. 


Sakura accepted the help from him and stood up, she looked at her body one last time and it was now lifted on a stretcher and brought her to the ambulance by the paramedics. 


Sakura then remembered the guy who was with her and looked at her with a smile. “If you are not God, who are you?” Sakura asked, and the guy was about to answer but was stopped by Sakura’s loud gasp. “Don’t tell me you’re Lucifer?” Sakura asked with wide eyes.


The guy then looked at her and shook his head. “I just told you that I will bring you to God, why are you making me look like an enemy? I'm a Grim reaper. By the way” 


Sakura’s jaw had dropped and her eyes were wide open at that revelation.


“I thought grim reapers don’t exist. Are you real” Sakura asked and touched the guy again with her index finger.


Grim reaper just ignored the girl and snapped his fingers, then just a second, a thick black book appeared on his hands and he flipped the book open. 


Sakura then extended her head to look at the book. It was empty but then words had magically appeared on it. 


The grim reaper cleared his throat and starts to read what was written in the book. 


“22 years old, died in a car accident at 10:38 PM. And your name is Miyawaki Sakura” the grim reaper then looked at Sakura—confirming that everything was correct. Sakura had nodded. “I know it is heartbreaking and not easy and that you have to leave the world behind, but your parents are already waiting for you above. But as a grim reaper, it is also my job to make my client feel contented before they enter the next life, so I’ll ask you if there is anything you wanted to do before going in the next life?” 


Sakura doesn’t have anything to leave behind except her cat, Maru. But Sakura was the type of girl who wanted to make everyone happy, she was optimistic, cheerful and she never blames anyone even if she was hurt by someone's actions. So she looked around the area and saw the girl who had run to their car and made them end up where they are right now. Sakura can’t blame her, especially when she was looking at the girl who is crying right now. She looked back at the grim reaper and asked something. “Is that girl feeling responsible for the accident?” 


The grim reaper looked at where Sakura was pointing at and the grim reaper snapped his fingers again and for a few seconds, the answer from Sakura’s question was revealed. “Yes, she is blaming herself for the accident, saying that she was the cause of it” the grim reaper answered after he went inside Eunbi’s thoughts.


Sakura felt sad at this news. She looked back at the crying girl and from that moment, she knew what she will do before entering the next life. 


Sakura looked back at the grim reaper. 


“Let me stay until I make her stop blaming herself for what happened today, and make her live a happy life on that matter. I want everyone to be happy” Sakura said with a smile. 


“If that’s what my client needs, then I have to do it. But remember that when you finish your business, you need to go call for me immediately. If you didn’t do that you will stay here, but there are consequences, like becoming an evil spirit” 


Sakura nodded after she heard the reminder of the grim reaper. 


“Alright, I’ll be going now. And remember once you wanted to call for me to bring you to the next life, just snap your fingers and I’ll surely come” 


“Got it!” Sakura said and the grim reaper suddenly disappeared. Sakura was about to walk closer to the crying girl but she jumped as she heard a whoosh sound near her. She looked behind her and saw the grim reaper again. 


“Apologies, I forgot to change your clothes,” he said Sakura looked at her attire, her white t-shirt that had turned pink from the blood. He snapped his fingers and immediately Sakura’s clothes changed into a simple white flowy dress which revealed her knees, she was wearing no shoes but it doesn’t hurt walking barefoot anymore. Maybe it’s a natural thing for spirits, to not feel anything. Before Sakura can thank him for the dress, he immediately disappeared. Sakura can also feel something in her pocket, a sheet of paper perhaps, and maybe it was from the grim reaper, but she decides to read it when she has some time. 


She then starts to walk to the crying girl and she sat beside her on the door of the ambulance--thinking for some ways to make the girl stop blaming herself at what happened today. 


It was the next day when Sakura had the courage to go to Eunbi’s house and observe her. She followed Eunbi all throughout the night after the accident, even when to the precinct and she watched as the detectives asked some questions to Eunbi and Sakura wants to comfort the girl when she saw her crying and just by looking at Eunbi while she was telling what had happened at the accident, she knew that she was regretting what she did and she was blaming herself for what happened but Sakura thinks that it was not her fault all along because it was her parents who turned the stirring wheel and this girl doesn’t want them to get hit by a tree the moment they turned the steering wheel. It makes Sakura sad somehow, seeing the girl like that. Sakura unwinds near her neighborhood after Eunbi came home, remembering every moment she spends in that place, she smiled as she saw her neighbors being busy and she felt giddy as she saw her crush, Irene. Sakura spent her little time watching how busy this neighborhood is then after a day, she went back to Eunbi’s house. She doesn’t have any problem getting inside Eunbi’s house for the first place because she can pass through walls, it was dawn when she arrived and that explains the doors being locked. Sakura will still pass through the walls even though the doors are opened, because she wanted to try passing through walls for the first time, feeling she has superpowers or something. As she enters Eunbi’s room, she knew that the girl was still sleeping because she saw Eunbi’s back and she was facing her window and her study table. Sakura walked to the window and sat on the empty chair to watch the sleeping girl but she was surprised to see Eunbi’s closed eyes and the corners of it were wet by her tears. She thought that the girl was just having nightmares but she got worried once she saw Eunbi's shoulder’s heave up and down--indicating that she was indeed crying. As Sakura watched Eunbi, she wants to clear her mission as soon as possible. She can’t stand seeing someone in this state. 


Eunbi was lying down on her bed, when what happened that day came back her mind, haunting her again. She can't seem to just forget everything, that's happened, because she knows that if she didn't run to the incoming car, the whole family on that car wouldn't have died. There is a question that left unanswered on her mind. 'Why did she do it?' She wanted to answer this one, why did she run to meet the oncoming car and cause an accident with her actions—actions that she can't re-do. She wanted to find some answers in her questions, but the closest answer she can get from her mind was 'I wanted to be gone and make my parents make up. I want to end the pain' that was what she wanted to answer, but she can't say that because it was not her plan to drag someone with her during that moment, it was not her plan to make 3 people die instead of her. And this is haunting her, it hurts, she feels scared, guilty, regret, pain and she felt like she was some kind of murderer. Crying is the only thing she can do—and blame herself. If only she can die instead of them, she would do it. Especially for the daughter who seems so young to die. Eunbi cried the entire time, and she didn't even know that someone—or some spirit was patting her back and trying to wipe her tears as she cries. 


Sakura spent her time in Eunbi's room the entire time, she looked over Eunbi's bookshelf and she became engrossed in reading this one short story. After finishing it and knowing that the girl is still sleeping, she remembered that she still need to read the strip of paper on her pocket that the grim reaper had left her. She fished her pocket and there she saw a strip of paper, at first it didn't have anything written on it. But she was surprised once handwritten words appear magically on it. She read it and she finally know what it is meant for once she read the title. It was what she needs to know in staying as a spirit in this world. First, she can make herself visible to other people—not just for Eunbi, as long as she thinks that she wants to be seen by many people, it will automatically happen. Second, she can pass through anything, and of course, once she thinks that she doesn't want to pass through things, it will automatically happen. Sakura spends her time reading what was written on that paper. And she lay down on the same bed that Eunbi was sleeping, she tried to sleep too. Who said ghost can't sleep? That is why she slept with Eunbi. Eunbi on the other hand felt cold all around her, but she still slept because she was tired from all the crying. 


"Eunbi-ah~ it's time to wake up, you need to get up, today is your first day at work" Her mom entered the room and showered her sleeping daughter with kisses. Luckily, Sakura was fast enough to make herself invisible before Eunbi's mom could enter the room.


'That was right, it’s first day at work today' Eunbi thought and tried to wake up her best to wake up. But her eyes are somehow still very swollen because of the crying she had done last night. 


"Your favorite hot cocoa is served, come on and eat '' Her mom said and pulled Eunbi to get up. Eunbi didn't bother getting up and that made her mom look at her. Her mom looked at her and waited for Eunbi's words. 


"Mom?" Eunbi asked, not making any eye contact with her mom, she was looking at the floor. "Did 3 people really die yesterday?" She asked and she was trying her best not to break down in front of her mom. 


Her mom kneed down in front of her daughter and held her hand. “Come on Eunbi, it’s not your fault that the family died, okay?” Sakura nodded as she was agreeing in what Eunbi’s mother is telling her. “Stop thinking about it, it’s not like you wanted them dead instead of you, cheer up hmm? You still have to go to work” Eunbi’s mom said as she caressed her daughter’s cheek” Eunbi nodded. But honestly, she can’t just forget what happened yesterday. People might think that it was just an accident but to Eunbi, she can’t think of it as an accident. Her mom stood up and told Eunbi to prepare herself for her first day at work. 


Thanks for bringing me in here Dad” Eunbi said as she was about to get out of the car, she was stopped by a hand that was holding her wrist. Eunbi looked at her dad.


“Eunbi-ah, I’m sorry I cheated to your mom and to you,” Her dad stated and he looked down, feeling guilty about what he had done. “You were right, I feel burdened that’s why I tried to go and have fun, without even thinking about my family,” Her dad looked at her. “I’m sorry, Eunbi. But just know that I won’t ever do it again, especially now that I have realized that you and your mom are the most important thing in my life” Eunbi doesn’t know whether to believe that or not, to be honest. So she just stared at her dad, waiting for him to finish his speech. “Now go to work, Goodluck on your first day,” Her dad said and smiled at Eunbi. Eunbi didn’t return the smile but she just nodded and opened the door to get out of the car. 


Sakura followed Eunbi as she walked to the company building. That was one of the reasons why Eunbi just wanted to disappear sometimes, she can’t have peace within her family, and her health status was not nice. Turns out that she was diagnosed in the hospital and she’s been in and out in it for like 4 years and her diseases were increasing each time she was brought to the hospital, thankfully for the past 4 months, her health had become more and more stable. But the hospital fees are what made her father feel pressure, he has to work harder for his family. So Eunbi was blaming herself about his father’s actions.


Eunbi greeted every senior she sees while was making her way to her work cubicle Eunbi was nervous since it was her first time to work since she graduated, but somehow, she felt comfortable, she doesn’t know why but it’s like there was someone who was wishing her good luck as she makes her way. Eunbi smiled as she saw her team leader and started introducing herself. 


It was tiring. Eunbi thinks that work was a bit tiring, but Eunbi felt strange that whenever she felt her shoulder numb, it will soothe for a little while—like someone was massaging her shoulders while she works. Eunbi thinks it was strange because she can also feel the cold sensation lingering on her shoulders. Like some ghost is massaging her. And she brushed the thought away as she was alone in the hallway, walking to the nearest bus stop. She was getting scared by her own thoughts but she knew better than ghosts and spirits doesn’t exist. 


She was getting near the bus stop when 2 dogs were suddenly running towards Eunbi. Eunbi jumped as she heard the barks of the dogs. She looked behind her when she saw that the two dogs with ‘not so kind’ faces were glaring at her, they looked angry, they were salivating—like they were ready to eat Eunbi alive. Eunbi was not sure where these dogs came from. Eunbi gulped as she realized that no one was with her in this hallway. She covered her face as the dogs were getting near but she was surprised when a short-haired girl had held her wrist and pulled her to run away from the dogs. The dogs are fast to run of course, so the short-haired girl picked up some thick sticks from the ground and started to shoo the dogs away. Eunbi saw the dogs were scared of the stick that this girl was holding. The dogs are not doing their move to attack the girls. So the short-haired girl grabbed Eunbi’s wrist and dragged her away from the dogs. They ran and ran until they lost the dogs. The short-haired girl then let go of Eunbi’s hand and threw the stick away. 


Eunbi was tired and she needs to find her inhaler as soon as possible. She fished her bag and after a few seconds, she starts to use her inhaler. The short-haired girl saw her and she guided Eunbi to the empty chair near a convenience store. The short-haired girl then looked at the convenience store, she has this crazy idea to get Eunbi water but since she has no money, she will take advantage of her powers (as she calls them). She made sure to stay invisible once was in front of the door of the store. She passed through the glass door and walked to the section of bottled water. She quickly glanced at the cashier if he was looking at her but he was too busy watching something on his phone. Sakura took this as a cue and grabbed the water, then she ran until she gets out before the cashier can even notice her. It was the first time that Sakura had stolen something. But she smiled as she successfully went out. She never thought that she could use this to help her steal, and stealing was the last thing in her mind, but it just happened so she tried to brush the idea off. She tried to be visible again and walked towards Eunbi. 


"Here you go" she extended her hands to hand the water to Eunbi


"Thank you" Eunbi grabbed the water and drank from it. After her breath starts to normalize. 


"You, where did you come from?" Eunbi asked curiosity filled her voice. 


"What do you mean," Sakura asked 


"Where did you come from? I knew I was walking alone in that alley, and even if you are from the other side of the alley, I should have heard your footstep. But I didn't. Now can you tell me what just happened? Eunbi asked, eager to know how did Sakura appeared suddenly. 


Sakura scratched the back of her head and smiled nervously, she avoided Eunbi's eyes. "That… Uhm… I was uhm" Sakura tried to find words for her to explain everything in one go. But it's not that easy, you can't just tell anyone and tell them, 'I am a ghost and you are my mission'.


"Yes? Tell the truth, please. And don't beat around the bush" Eunbi reminded, still looking at Sakura


Sakura gulped and closed her eyes. She tried to release the nervousness she was feeling inside. Heck, she also doesn't know whether Eunbi would believe her. When she opened them, she said only the truth. "I am a ghost, and you are my mission," she said seriously and looked at Eunbi's eyes. 


Eunbi would've believed her with her expression, but her words, not so much. She laughed and clapped her hands as she found what Sakura said, a hilarious joke and she was only kidding with Eunbi. 


Sakura frowned as Eunbi's laugh gets louder and louder. 


"Yah! What's so funny? You said you wanted the truth" 


"Nice joke, bwahahahaha," Eunbi said as she tried to stop from laughing. "Nice one, I would have believed you with your expressions, but I don't believe in ghosts, or spirits, or whatever you call them" Eunbi explained and looked at her wristwatch. She stood up and started walking her way to the bus stop. Sakura followed her. 


"But ghosts are real, I am a proof," Sakura said as she walked beside Eunbi. 


Eunbi just scoffed. "Tsk. You are no proof, and ghosts are not real. Maybe I just haven't noticed you earlier, that's why" Eunbi explained without looking at Sakura.


Sakura had enough and decides to show Eunbi what she can do. She walked in front of Eunbi and Eunbi stopped her tracks, she looked at Sakura with that 'what is it?' look.


"Don't close your eyes okay. Just watch me" Eunbi then crossed her arms and did what she was told. 


Sakura disappeared after a few seconds, which left Eunbi surprised. But she counted from 1 to 3 and decided that she was just having hallucinations when Sakura disappeared. So she took a step and was about to walk faster when she stopped as Sakura appeared in front of her, only less than an inches apart from their faces. She can feel the coldness from that contact. Her eyes grew large as their face became close to each other. Eunbi felt her heartbeat faster, but not because she likes Sakura or anything else. It's because she didn't have any close contact with someone like this before. It was new so new to her, but she can't dislike the feeling. 


"Waahh, look how weird my imagination is!” Eunbi exclaimed, her voice shocked and was clearly impressed. 


"You still don't believe me? Sakura asked worriedly. 


"Well, I've read about some books that if you are stressed, sometimes, you can have hallucinations, so that's it," Eunbi said and pushed Sakura lightly to the side.


Sakura then followed Eunbi as she started walking again. 


"You are not having hallucinations, I'm real, and I’m a spirit. You saw what I could do" Sakura explained. She was not ready to give up. 


Eunbi exclaimed as she felt a little hesitation at the girl beside her. She stopped and took a deep breath before facing the girl on her side. 


"Look, not to be mean, but you are bugging me off right now, I'm thankful that you saved me from those wild dogs and that you gave me water earlier but you are really making it difficult for me to believe that you are a ghost, I'm just having a hallucination because I am in a really difficult situation right now. And you," Eunbi said without looking away from Sakura's eyes and pointed at her "will be gone by tomorrow". 


After that a staring contest had taken place, no one wanted to give up, and silence also took part in it. After a few seconds, Sakura decides to break the silence. 


"Of course. If that's what you think. Now let's go to your bus stop before you miss it" Sakura said and stretched her arms forward, gesturing Eunbi to walk forward and go to the bus stop with just a few steps away from here. Sakura did not want to say that, nor wanting to obey Eunbi's words and be gone by tomorrow. She has a mission, for God's sake, but how can she do it if her subject is being as hard-headed as a walnut. So she decides to obey Eunbi, maybe give her a week and appear again. 


Eunbi wanted to talk again, but she ignored it and walked straight to the bus stop, rolling her eyes as she walked through Sakura. 


Sakura tried her very best to stay quiet while following Eunbi. She stayed to Eunbi's side until Eunbi sat down on the last part of the bus. Sakura watched as Eunbi closed her eyes and cried silently. Sakura felt what Eunbi was feeling once she tried to wipe Eunbi's tears. Sakura was shocked but she just did what she needed to and wanted to do. She extended her arms—hugging Eunbi sideways. Eunbi was crying with guilt and regret, but there was something that was making her feel comfortable on her way home tonight. 


Sakura was not having it, she grew tired just by watching the girl for the rest of the week. She wants to do anything she can to make Eunbi feel happy again, or feel alive again as she calls it. She can't stand seeing Eunbi being like a zombie, even though she can't definitely imagine what Eunbi's life was before she decides to help her. But everyone would just be so irritated every time they see someone being offered food and not eating it all. Her mom always makes her good food, but Eunbi was just avoiding it as best as she can. Eunbi looks like a mess right now, to begin with, even her eyes are similar to a panda's eyes. Sakura always spends her time watching or mostly hugging and comforting Eunbi without the latter noticing it. But after seeing Eunbi, she was not ready to give up, she wants to make Eunbi happy and live life to the fullest. 


Eunbi wasn't the type to forget things very easily, like what happened to her parents, and on her sickness when she was younger, she just can't forget them all, but nothing hits harder once you know that a family died because of your own antics. She can't stop blaming herself. Her stress level this time is also hitting harder than the way she deals with her previous problems. It's not like she wants to stop eating, or stop eating and just cry and think of the accident—she was just weak. She's too weak to handle everything, so she just let her stress take over her. If something or someone can just spark the happy engine inside of Eunbi, then maybe she can view things differently. 


Being asked to take a break at work because you looked stressed is probably not the best way to start Eunbi's Monday. So after being asked to pack her things for the meantime, she went to her company's rooftop to clear her mind. She smiled as she feels the sun shone on her face and the wind hits her face. 


Sakura smiled, seeing Eunbi smile for the first time. But something broke Sakura’s smile as Sakura ran as fast as she could to hold Eunbi once she realized that Eunbi was now crying and walking nonstop with her eyes closed, she ran as fast as she could before Eunbi could make another step by the edge of the building and before Eunbi could climb the railings to jump off, Sakura quickly grabbed Eunbi by the arm and pulled her close to her arms, enveloping the girl into a protected hug. 


Everything happened so fast that Sakura can't even explain how she made herself touchable to humans that fast. But she was thankful. As Sakura pulled Eunbi closer, they fell on the ground, making them sit by hugging, Sakura made sure that Eunbi was comfortable and patted her back as she cried louder than before. 


Eunbi cried harder as she realized that someone was with her, comforting her in her state like this. She wrapped her arms on the stranger's neck and let her comfort her. 


Eunbi was ready to give up, and she was asking God for a sign—that maybe if someone saves her from what she was about to do, then maybe she'll continue to live her life. And boy, someone really did save her. All she ever needed was someone to comfort her and tell her that everything will be alright, tell her that everything was not her fault. 


"Shh~ its okay, just let it all out," Sakura said as she caresses Eunbi on her head, her other hand was embracing Eunbi from her arms. Eunbi continued to sob as everything that she felt had been piled up and she just had a breakdown. "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself please~," she said as she patted Eunbi by the shoulder. "Stop blaming yourself, everything will be okay" Sakura continued to comfort Eunbi with her soothing voice. Eunbi felt comfort in the stranger's arms. The kind of comfort she was waiting for a long time. She loves it, she feels safe and… loved at this moment. Eunbi smiled as she let herself be comforted by Sakura. 


After staying like that for a while, Sakura assured that Eunbi was no longer crying and broke their contact apart. They had eye contact while Sakura was still holding onto Eunbi's arms. Eunbi's jaw fell agape, as realizations hit her. 


"Y-you!" Eunbi said and pointed at Sakura


"I'm the ghost that's bothering you, yes I know that," Sakura said irritatedly


"But how did you know… why did you saved me?" Eunbi asked, confusion evident on her face


"Ugh, I told you before but you won't believe it. I told you that you are my mission. Now can you believe it— " before Sakura could even finish talking, she was stopped by Eunbi's index finger that touched her nose. 


"If you're a ghost, then how is it that I am able to touch you? Isn't spirits supposed to pass through people?" Eunbi asked as she continuously bumped Sakura's nose on her talk. 


Sakura frowned and held Eunbi's wrist and pulled her face closer to hers.


"This is the last question you'll ask okay, or else. I'm gonna kiss you to make you shut up" Eunbi gulped as she heard Sakura's words and she could hear her own heartbeat. The fact that she hasn't been this close to someone before and the fact of kissing this girl in front of her makes her feel things she mustn't feel. She looked at Sakura's lips but she was stopped when Sakura made her sit comfortably. Like they are some just friends who are having a picnic. 


"I also thought that ghosts aren't supposed to pass through people and things, but I was surprised that we can control how we exist if we can be untouchable or not. Also, I learned that we can also become visible to people who we want to see us. And the other things you need to know is that you are my mission and I'm Miyawaki Sakura'' Sakura then extended her hands to Eunbi and Eunbi accepted it. 


"I'm Eunbi, Kwon Eunbi. And you always say that I am your mission, what do you mean by that?" Eunbi asked but her eyes widened as she felt soft lips on hers, it lingered for a while, but it left hers. 


"I told you I won't entertain questions anymore," Sakura said while looking at anything except Eunbi. 


"It was an important question for you to answer, why didn't you let it pass!" Eunbi scolded and wiped her lips with her hand. "And you even stole my first kiss!" 


Sakura laughed after hearing Eunbi's words.


"Your first kiss was from a ghost! Hahahahaha" Sakura said while laughing hysterically. 


"I thought someone finally came to make me feel better. To make me realize that living isn't that bad and there are things that I need to love," Eunbi said and tears started to fall from her eyes again, she stood up and said a few more words before running away from Sakura "But I was wrong. It's like you are just here to make fun of me" Eunbi then starts to run after picking her things up. Sakura wanted to chase Eunbi and stop her but she doesn’t know how. By wrapping her arms around Eunbi like back hugging her? She can’t do that, that’s what lovers do, they're not even friends yet and she will do that? But they just hugged, right? What is the difference in that?


When Eunbi had left, Sakura had thought that she had messed up, big time.


Sakura was back at being invisible again, after offending Eunbi. Sakura realized that Eunbi was the sensitive type, or maybe that’s how she is now because she is dealing with so many things right now. So she had just watched Eunbi cry again on the bus, but she didn’t say anything. She just sat beside Eunbi and hugged her in her spirit form, hoping that Eunbi could feel that she was there to comfort her, that she was sorry, and that everything would be alright. 


It was 3 days since Sakura offended Eunbi, so all the time Sakura was just watching Eunbi and subtly taking care of her, like getting her chocolates and candies, and sometimes milk tea, but recently she had been giving her green tea since she found out that Eunbi enjoys them. Sakura had never thought that she’ll be stealing things to get Eunbi some treats, but she was happy that Eunbi was now eating. But those 3 days had also made Sakura realize something. Whenever she was in the Kwon’s household, she could feel that Eunbi had been treating her dad coldly, she could see and feel it. And she was sad to see that Eunbi was not really that amicable, she was not calling anyone and she was just in her room, playing her guitar and well… crying. And by witnessing that, she wanted to be Eunbi’s friend. Because being alone in situations like this is not really helping. 


Eunbi was still sticking to her words when she said she will live her life is someone saves her from that moment, she was eating, although it’s not that many still she still manages to, she can’t help but feel depressed whenever the thought had come back on her mind—how fast 3 people had disappeared. 


“Eunbi-yah! Come and help me make kimchi!” Eunbi’s mom had called downstairs. 


“Coming Mom!” Eunbi said and stood up from her bed, placed her guitar on the stand, and left the room to help her mom. 


After Sakura saw her leave the room, she tried to be visible, she missed seeing her own skin in flesh, not just a spirit. She walked through Eunbi’s bed and picked up the notebook that Eunbi was working with along her guitar, it was then she knew that Eunbi likes to write songs. She was fascinated by this fact, and she wanted to hear Eunbi’s song, and she hoped that she'd get to hear it before she went to the next life. 


She placed it back to Eunbi’s bed and she walked to Eunbi’s bookshelf, where she saw a notebook which was decorated with stationaries. She grabbed it and opened it from its very first page. Sakura’s eyes went wide as she read what was written on it. It’s not a diary, but rather, a list of things that Eunbi enjoys to do and some things that she wants to try for the first time. It was designed like a collage, and every listed thing that she enjoys is designed with photos. 


Sakura finds Eunbi cute as she saw how she neatly decorated each page, each was designed so perfectly that she can even feel how much joy Eunbi felt during these activities. Then, like a blink of an eye, an idea had entered Sakura’s mind as she continues to flip each page until she reaches the empty pages where the title had only been written, probably waiting for it to fill with photos and memories she will have. 


Sakura heard footsteps getting louder and she quickly returned the notebook and made herself invisible. Eunbi entered the room and jumped to her bed—allowing her to fall through it. She stared at the wall and closed her eyes. 


Eunbi was thinking about that incident again, not that she meant to, but it just crossed her mind. And guilt rushed all over her mind again. 


“Hello!” Eunbi heard a voice in front of her face and she opened her eyes by surprise. Her eyes widen as she saw the very same girl three days ago. The same girl who saved her from the wild dogs and the same girl who stopped her from ending everything. Eunbi frowned and pushed the girl away from her which didn’t surprise Sakura, considering that she offended Eunbi the last time she saw her. 


“What are you doing here?! A-are you here since that day? A-are you watching me since then?” Eunbi asked as an idea had entered her mind.


Sakura then sat at Eunbi’s study table and faced her. She nodded her head to answer the question earlier.


After Eunbi saw that and crossed her arms through her body—covering it.


“You ert!” Eunbi said with a fake crying face.


Sakura then waved her hands in front of her once she understood what she had just gotten into. First, she kissed Eunbi, and now, Eunbi had the wrong idea of her real motive of being here. Sakura gulped and her eyes diverted to Eunbi’s chest. Even though it was covered by her hands, she could still see that Eunbi’s size was that great. She shook her head as she realized what she was imagining just now. This is not like her, Sakura was never like this. But she just can’t understand how she became like this? ‘Does dying change your spirit form?’ She thought. 


“N-no! I’m not a ert. I never peeked at you whenever I sense that you will change your clothes” Sakura defended herself as she waved her hand in front of her. Even though Sakura had looked at Eunbi’s chest earlier, she was telling the truth. Whenever Eunbi was changing her clothes, she would look away. But she doesn’t know what came to her mind earlier that she had actually looked at Eunbi’s chest. 


Eunbi doesn't know whether to believe Sakura or not, but she doesn’t want to argue over things like this. She’s just… tired. She’s tired of everything that is happening right now. She rolled her eyes as she ignored Sakura and walked back to her bed, she grabbed her guitar and opened her notebook to polish the lyrics and chord at whatever she is writing. 


Sakura pouts as she sees Eunbi and her eyes. Sakura can feel that Eunbi was not in her happy bubble, she noticed that Eunbi was tired. She then quickly used her power and made herself invisible and ran to their house. It was a little far away but still, she doesn’t want to fail her mission, and she doesn’t want to see Eunbi being down anymore. She went to her room and went to get her piggy bank. She cracked it open and picked up every single penny that was inside. It was her savings on for her preparation for her med school. But the accident happened and she can no longer use them, so she will just use her savings to accomplish her mission. But as she walked out of her room, she suddenly thought that why did she steal back then when she could just get her penny. She wondered, but it’s not like she regretted it. It was actually her first time and she did it because of Eunbi. All because she wanted to help Eunbi. 


It was getting dark when Eunbi was awoken by the same voice she had heard earlier. She was getting her nap when she heard the same “hello” from the same person—or spirit rather. 


“What do you want now?” Eunbi asked as she sat from her bed to face Sakura. 


Sakura just smiled widely and then grabbed Eunbi’s hand, and dragged her outside of their house. 


“Y-yah! What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Eunbi asked as she struggled to get off Sakura’s grip. Sakura’s hand is cold, but part of her was saying that she can let her hold her—that she will not let go of Eunbi. 


“Relax. We’re going somewhere you love” Sakura said and smiled as she dragged Eunbi to the bus stop. Luckily, the bus had arrived and they took their late-night trip. Eunbi left her phone and she got worried that her mom migh

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Sakura1207 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Now its midnight and im crying because of this🥲🥲🥲its so impressing… but i am happy again since i found its he😇😇😇 i love it so much and thank u authornim
Reader46 #2
Chapter 36: I enjoyed this so much that i dont have words to say. I mean I'm out of words, i cant think that well now but i like this. A lot. My brain is full of it.
Youre good and this is good and its just a whole 9k words of fun. I'm glad a friend told me to read it because then i wouldnt get to experience this. Thank you for this amazing os.
violentsushi #3
Chapter 35: is the reason love for eunbi keeping zombie kkura hostage? i kinda have a feeling like it might be something darker than that, maybe an obsession. this was painful, i'm not sure what i expected reading a zombie fic. i feel like those rarely ever have a happy ending.
violentsushi #4
Chapter 36: ahhh, i love this one. thank you for writing this authornim, i'm very surprise you wrote a kkubi. although knowing you were the one who wrote this, i have a suspicion you wrote this while thinking of sakukaeun. 😛 while this was very good, i wish i had a longer slow burn.
violentsushi #5
Chapter 37: reading the final version, it a lot more polished than the draft. the beginning was less confusing, and we get to know more about eunbi. and the confrontation between kkura with the chief of the kempeitai is understandable this time, i still remember asking who mizawaki was. i mention it before but i really like this os, so thank you very much for writing this. that ending still make me cry again. and i know it took a lot of your time to write it, but some people in the comments are asking for a sequel so... 😁
Chapter 9: it's eunbi....
Chapter 19: oh my ;~; if only their parents told her in the beginning... they could met between the last decade ;~;
Chapter 5: luckily eunbi didnt mind with mint-choco lol
1767 streak #9
Chapter 38: congratulations!!!! and great job to all the authornims!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: maru-chan number 1! xD