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It's War




Seriously... This is getting creepy... Almost every single girl in the class cannot stop staring at me... The only girls who aren't are the girls who already have boyfriends. LOL. Which means, hardly of them except for Jung Jessica, Kim Tae Yeon, Lee Soon Kyu, Kwon Yuri, Choi Soo Young and Seo Joo Hyun. Aish, really, why do all the rest have to like Jaejoong so much?!! It's disturbing, too, because Jaejoong is my boyfriend!

Every now and then, I can see worried glances coming from Ki Kwang Oppa. Naww~ he worries about me... YAHHH! WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?!! I sound like I'm in love with him~! Oh GAWD, I think I'm suffering from an illness called, "YOU-ARE-TWO-TIMING-WHEN-YOU-DIDN'T-THINK-SO". LOL. How lame! How could I be relaxed and smiling right now?! I should figure out a lie to say to the female students in our school...

So what should I say? Any suggestions?? ...Urh. I'm talking to myself again... I don't like it when that happens... I sound like a loser. Maybe I am a loser... Why can't I stand up for myself?! Aish, such a loser...   I pick up a piece of paper on the side of my desk and start writing random stuff like, "HEYY BABE", "U-KISS-ME-I-KISS-U", "I LOVE AJ". I start giggling in my head to see how weird I am. I stare at my piece of paper and realise something. "AJ?!" I say out loud, and Ki Kwang Oppa turns to me.

"Yes?" OMGOMGG, HIS EYES ARE LIKE..SO BEAUTIFUL. I slap my hand under the table. "Ah, it's nothing, Oppa... Just can't stop thinking about you~." I say, and realise what I just said. OK, This is weird. I am becoming a FLIRT. A really cheesy one, too. ...NO, K DUN WANNA END UP LIKE HYOYEON! NOOOO~ Finally, the bell rang, and everyone walked out of the classroom. I swear, I didn't do anything wrong. I was just walking to my own locker as usual.

minding my own business while Ki Kwang Oppa is using the toilet, but then I feel a strong hand pull me to the side. "Wahh--!" I exclaim, and see who is pulling me.  "Hyo Yeon Ah," I said acting friendly, "where are you taking me?"  She continues taking me somewhere, but she would not let go of the tight grip. "Yah, Kim Hyo Yeon." I said toughening up a little bit. She finally came to a stop, where she pushes me out of the corridor, and into the balcony. "Yah, what was that for?!"

She smirked. "Really, don't play with me." she says closing the door behind her. "I hate girls like you. All you do is find a boyfriend and steal him away from the world."  This was quite upsetting to hear, because I know what it's like to be a fan of a boy with a girlfriend. It was my experience last year with No Min Woo, who is officially dating ________ (your choice .____.) I sighed. "Hyo Yeon Unnie, it doesn't have to be like this, you know... We can find something to agree on."

"Unnie?! Who are you calling Unnie?!" she grabs your arm, and pushes you back. "You're ruining my life! You're ruining Cassiopeia's life! Just look at them! They will cry all day until you break up with him!" Hyo Yeon roars at me. ...this is really sad. I peek into the corridor, and see HUNDREDS of girls, sitting on their knees with signs held above their heads. 'Congratulations, Jaejoong Oppa. Hwaiting...' or 'Mianhaeyo Oppa... Our love wasn't strong enough to hold you back...'

Aish... What should I do? They mustn't be doing this! Is this really how bad they love Jaejoong Oppa? ...Well. If they love him ths much.,,, I guess I can make a few sacrifices... Hm... Should I? I have something in my heart that's telling me to break up with him... But with what excuse? Should I use the help of Ki Kwang? ....Yes! I should! This way, Tiffany Unnie wouldn't feel as dsappointed! YAY(ish....) but... Jaejoong Oppa will be hurt,., he's been doing so much for me... 

Hyo Yeon walks back inside, shaking her head and wiping away her tears. I see Ki Kwang walk past. "Ki Kwang Oppa," I call for him, and I successfully succeed. He comes outside with me. "Ah, you ah." He smiles beautifully. I want to squeeze his cheeks so much! >_____<  "There's something I need to confess to you..." I whisper. Jaejoong's fan girls crowd around the door, waiting for a decent picture of us. "What is it?" Ki Kwang asks.

Haha. This is going to end well. The fan girls are here, Ki Kwang is here. I'm ready to play this game! I lean forward to kiss Ki Kwang with my arms around his neck. I think he enjoyed it, because he wrapped his arms around my waist. I can see some camera flashes. Success. You know, I can sacrifice things once in a while for other people... But, sometimes, I can really decide the worst decisions.

WARNING: FANFICTION ENDING SOON (maybe 1 chapter left?)

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Chapter 1: nice story
Thank you for praising me ! Kamsa ! Kamsa !
jaejoong ftw~~~~
I will update soon, i promise :)
Awww plz update soon... Unnie I'm waiting for the u
aww~ thanks so much, eternallybeloved~!
and i LOVE the mv for MBLAQ Its War

And to the rest of u guys, thanks for reading and commenting~
I have already updated^ ^
ChoiRaeSoo #7
update very soon.. wanna see what will happen next,,the story sounds exciting..can't wait for the next.. but i'll be patiently waiting.. :)
I was damn startled to see my username here!
I want Jaejoong oppa....