Save me

It's War
A/N: I'm so sorry about not updating for a while, because I made new fanfics (stupid me!) and totally forgot about this one! So, I promise you now. I will update as much as I can. At least 5 times a week. Or even more. So we must keep on writing and reading. Kamasamindaa!


you felt as she was thrown onto something hard. Like a table or the floor.

The sack was taken off her, as the kidnapper was revealed. "Lee Taemin!"

"Hmm, you are as beautiful as your sister described... Even much more beautiful than herself..." he said as he caressed her cheeks.

"Yah," you started as she threw his hands off her. "My sister trusted you! Why would you do this to her?!"

"Well... My parents get paid to kill people like your family." Taemin said as he leaned closer to her. "To kill all of you one by one."

He grabbed her shoulders , and pushed her against the walls.

He smiled an indecent smile. "You're so beautiful."

He pressed his lips against hers as she squealed.

He finally broke the kiss and laughed. "You didn't tell me this was your first kiss.."

"Yah, get away from me!" you yelled, but Taemin was too strong for her.

He leaned in again, and her lips asking for an entrance. opened in shock, as his tongue entered .

She kept trying to push Taemin away, but he was still much stronger than her.

He still didn't break the kiss - and it has already been 3 minutes.

"Yah!" a loud voice came from the door. "Open the door now, Taemin!"

Taemin FINALLY broke the kiss and went up to the door.

"Don't tell me you're here to save her , Dongsaeng. Because you is now mine!"

The knocking on the door went louder. "Hyung, let me in!"

*Ki Kwang Oppa!*

Suddenly, it sounded as if a key was inserted into the door.

The door opened, as Ki Kwang came in. He rushed to his brother and started holding him back. "you, go! Just run!"

you nodded, and ran for her life.

"LET ME GO!" was what she heard as she ran.

The last sound she heard was a scream. Ki Kwang's scream.

you was about to run back. *If I run back alone...*

Her conscience told her to run back to help Ki Kwang, and she did.

She found Ki Kwang on the floor, with his face bleeding. He was still slightly screaming with his hand over his eye.

you ran to Ki Kwang's side. "Oppa! Oppa?!"

taemin quickly ran away.

She searched through her pocket for her phone. She dialed the ambulance.

"you..." Ki Kwang said. "Don't worry about me... I'll take care of myself."

"Yah, Oppa! Can't you see? You're face is bleeding!"

Suddenly, he yelled. "JUST GO AWAY!"

you felt the urge of crying.

"fine." she got up and left. As she exited the room, the ambulance arrived.

They rushed in and took Ki Kwang onto the van, and left.

*Pabo.* she said as the van drove away. *I was helping you*


(When you arrived home..)

"Dongsaeng!!" Tiffany said while running to her. "Are you alright?! Did he do anything indecent to you?!"

"Tiffany Unnie, I'm alright... Um..."

Jaejoong appeared from behind Tiffany.


"Jaejoong Oppa... Aren't you suppose to be back to work?"

"Y-Yeah, but Tiffany told me everything... Shouldn't I be worried about you?"

Tiffany smiled,"Aww~ Isn't he sweet~!? Oh. And you haven't answered my question yet. Did he do anything indecent to you?!"

"Um. Unnie, he stole my first kiss..."

"EH?!" they both exclaimed.

"Your first kiss?! Your first kiss is suppose to be with Jaejoong Ah!!"

"Was that a kiss on the lips?!"

you closed her eyes and sighed. "And inside."

Tiffany screamed. "EW EW EW!!!"

She pushed Jaejoong forward, and he slipped. His lips crashed into you's.


Thanks so much for reading^ ^

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Chapter 1: nice story
Thank you for praising me ! Kamsa ! Kamsa !
jaejoong ftw~~~~
I will update soon, i promise :)
Awww plz update soon... Unnie I'm waiting for the u
aww~ thanks so much, eternallybeloved~!
and i LOVE the mv for MBLAQ Its War

And to the rest of u guys, thanks for reading and commenting~
I have already updated^ ^
ChoiRaeSoo #7
update very soon.. wanna see what will happen next,,the story sounds exciting..can't wait for the next.. but i'll be patiently waiting.. :)
I was damn startled to see my username here!
I want Jaejoong oppa....