Nicer Than I Thought...

It's War
"Yah, you~"

you slowly opened her eyes, and saw Tiffany holding a bowl of porridge. "Hungry? C'mon~ Eating time!" As the older twin, it was Tiffany's responsibility to take care of you while their parents were in Japan for work. "Say Ahh~" you opened as her sister slid a spoonful of porridge in .

"Thankyou, Unni" you stood up and kissed her sister on the cheek. "I'll be going now."

"Already? Aww..." she pouted. "Alright then... See you~" Tiffany smiled as she watched her sister walk out of the house.


"Yah, you Ah!"

you turned around to face the person calling for her. "Hyuna Unni~" Hyuna was a beautiful and cute girl, but she was short. Hers curled brown hair goes down to her thin, skinny waist. "Have you seen Yoona?" you shook her head. "Not today..."

Hyuna pouted.

The bell rang soon and everyone rushed to the hall to finalize which classes they were in. "Hyuna Unni , Hyuna Unni, Hyuna Unni, Hyuna Unni~ please be in my class..." you prayed. "Please , Please, Please...." you wanted Hyuna in her class not only because they were best friends, but also because all the guys were scared of her. ALL OF THEM. Even Lee Ki Kwang! "Kim Hyuna is in class... D7."

*NO!* you shouted in her head. *Why can't she be in my class?!*

"Lee Ki Kwang in class B2"


"And Im Yoona in class A4"

*NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!* she shouted again.

"Please head to your classes now" the teacher instructed. "NOW"

All the students rushed to their class, hoping not to be late. you took her seat at the back, beside a tall girl with brown, straight hair. The girl turned to her straight away. "Hi, I'm Choi Sooyoung... Please be my friend?" you smiled back. "Okay~ I'm Lee you... Nice to meet you."

When you turned the other way, she realized that ... THAT LEE KI KWANG WAS SITTING RIGHT BESIDE HER!!! "Uuhm..."

"Do you have anything to say?" he asked.


"Urhh, how rude..." he says as he leans back into his chair. "See me at the gym this afternoon, okay? I need to tell you something..."

She slowly nods, and turns her attention to the front.


you made her way to the gym. Her phone received a new message and she read it. 'Hey you Ah... Please come home early... Jaejoong is coming to our house~ Lucky, aye?! From Tiffany Unni'

you recieves another text message...

'Hi. It's Jaejoong... I'll be over at your house, okay? So please come home early... Hoy, and call me OPPA okay?? Bye, From Jaejoong~ Saranghae!'

She slid her phone in her pocket as she heard footsteps heading her way. *Ki Kwang?* She was wrong...

"Yah" it was a group of guys who despised Yoona... "You're Im Yoona's friend, aye?" you nodded. "What do you want?" Before she knew it, they started beating her up. "Yah!" she yelped in pain. "P-Please stop!" she cried, and they continued.

"Yah! What the hell do you think you're doing to her?!" Ki Kwang rushed into the hall and helped her up. "Are you okay?" you pulled away from Ki Kwang. "You planned this, didn't you?" she said angrily. "I hate you"

She walked away, and headed home.


"you~ You're home! OMG WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

Jaejoong rushed forward after what Tiffany said. "OMO, what happened, you? Who did this?" "Aniya." she answered. "I... Bumped into a pole..."

"OMO" Tiffany said between sobs. "Jae Shii, what can you do? Please help my baby sister..."

Jaejoong nodded. "you" he started.

"Be my Girlfriend"


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Chapter 1: nice story
Thank you for praising me ! Kamsa ! Kamsa !
jaejoong ftw~~~~
I will update soon, i promise :)
Awww plz update soon... Unnie I'm waiting for the u
aww~ thanks so much, eternallybeloved~!
and i LOVE the mv for MBLAQ Its War

And to the rest of u guys, thanks for reading and commenting~
I have already updated^ ^
ChoiRaeSoo #7
update very soon.. wanna see what will happen next,,the story sounds exciting..can't wait for the next.. but i'll be patiently waiting.. :)
I was damn startled to see my username here!
I want Jaejoong oppa....