Chapter 3


Kyuhyun screwed his eyes tightly shut at Sungmin's final confession. Tears were freely flowing down his face, he shook his head and dropped the dagger behind him.

"I…I can't do this anymore" he fell to his knees and held his face in his hands. Sungmin rushed to comfort his friend, wrapping his arms tightly around him, there was no risk of hurting him anymore, which made Sungmin's hug stronger and even more comforting.

"Sungmin I'm so sorry, I can't hurt you, no matter how hard I try or how much Siwon wants me to. I love you and I can't hurt you!"

"Kyuhyun what are you doing" Siwon was furious at the young boy's refusal and picked up the dagger, holding it tightly in his hand.

"I'm sorry Siwon. Didn't you know? The bond between you and Kyuhyun doesn't exist it never has he was playing you." Sungmin smirked as he hugged Kyuhyun.

"Eh? But he drank my blood, I completed the process!" Sungmin laughed in response and stood up, taking a few steps towards Siwon.

"Nobody has ever told you have they? The bond cannot be formed if the person has given their heart to another. Kyuhyun's heart belongs to me, he was mine even before my poison entered his body."

Leeteuk and Henry arrived just seconds later to see Siwon take a step forward towards Sungmin, his hands were trembling, making the dagger shake. Kyuhyun looked up from his knees and instantly knew what Siwon was going to do. He was going to kill Sungmin. Siwon's grip tightened on the dagger before he made his move.
He rushed forward and drove the dagger into Sungmin's stomach, but when removed the dagger and looked up he realised it wasn't Sungmin but Kyuhyun, who had stepped in the way to save Sungmin's life. The dagger had pierced just below Kyuhyun's heart, he coughed and blood poured out of his mouth, he smiled, swaying slightly on the spot before collapsing to the floor.

"KYUHYUN" Sungmin cried as Leeteuk and Henry ran over. Siwon froze and dropped the dagger before  vanishing out of the room before anyone could stop him.
"This isn't over!" he whispered as he left.
Kyuhyun lay coughing up blood on the floor, clutching his stomach in pain, a silver blade was the only thing that could kill a vampire of royalty or magic, if what Siwon said was true, Kyuhyun was in trouble.

"Sungmin help me get him onto the bed" Leeteuk lifted the boy off the floor and gently laid him down on the bed. Sungmin just sat staring at the pool of blood on the floor.

"M...M…Minnie" Kyuhyun coughed as he clutched his stomach.
"I…Ill Always…Love…You" Sungmin was instantly at his lover's side clutching his hand tightly while his tears blurred his vision. Henry stepped up behind him and spoke softly.

"He needs blood but there's no time to wait, he's dying." He took a knife from his back pocket and ran it against his hand, drawing blood.

"Henry no, He could kill you!" Leeteuk growled. But the young boy ignored him and knelt next to Kyuhyun on the bed.

"He's family. I can't stand by and do nothing, not again." He held his hand over Kyuhyun's mouth.
"Kyuhyun-Hyung drink, take as much as you need" But he didn't respond. Henry shot a worried look to Leeteuk but even the older vampire didn't know what to do.

The young boy let his blood drip into Kyuhyun's mouth, he drank slowly but was too weak to raise his head, Henry ran the knife across his hand once more, increasing the flow of blood but Kyuhyun stopped drinking, his hand fell from Sungmin's and his eyes fluttered before closing.

"Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun wake up! Baby please open your eyes" Sungmin cried as his head fell onto Kyuhyun's chest his hand was over the dagger wound as he cried.
Henry stepped off the bed his face was frozen, the young boy was devastated, why hadn't his blood worked? Leeteuk shot over and wrapped his arms around the boy as the knife fell out of his hand onto the floor. Sungmin's hand started to glow and slowly the wound closed, his sorrow and frustration had once again released his strongest magic, but Kyuhyun continued to lay still.
He leaned down to meet his lover's blood stained lips, despite their skin being cold the kiss was warm, soft and comforting. As the older boys tears fell onto Kyuhyun's face there was a sudden flash.
Sungmin sat up to see Kyuhyun slowly open his eyes.

"Kyuhyun!" he yelled as he flung himself down onto the weak vampire. Much to Leeteuk and Henrys amazement, Kyuhyun slowly wrapped his arms around Sungmin and held him tightly.

"Thank you Sungmin-Hyung" he whispered with a smile

"What the hell just happened? You died, how are you back with us?" Leeteuk wiped the tears from his eyes before standing next to the bed.

"I don't know. I thought I was dead, but I wasn't. It's hard to explain. I could hear everything. I just couldn't move my body" he said weakly as he slowly sat up, holding Sungmin tightly as he continued to cry. Sungmin finally raised his head and wiped his tears with a smile.

"Baby what did Siwon do to you? You're eyes shouldn't be blue, you shouldn't have the power to cheat death like that."

"Nothing, he just gave me his blood. He said I have royal blood. I don't know what he meant by it, my parents were normal working people before they died. As for my eyes" he shrugged weakly.
"He said my eyes changed because of the mix of magic in your poison and my blood, it would kind of make sense, ever since I woke up I've been feeling…different, and then just now with the healing thing, being dead and then back here,  just like I knew what Siwon was thinking before he attacked you."

"Well I don't care how it happened, I think your eyes are beautiful, and your hair looks amazing. For a dead guy, you're perfect. I'm just glad you haven't left me" Sungmin giggled and cuddled up to Kyuhyun.

"It is unusual for magic to transfer through poison, but I suppose after today, anything could be possible. Come it's getting late, were all staying at Sungmin's tonight, it will be safer right now if we're all together, you to Henry. I'm not risking Siwon singling anybody out."
Leeteuk picked up the dagger and took Henrys hand before headed out of the door. Kyuhyun stood up slowly as Sungmin supported him he smiled and kissed the older boy on the cheek before the two slowly followed Leeteuk down the stairs into the street, where the four of them made their way to Sungmin's apartment.


Siwon was furious when he arrived home. Hyukjae was sat waiting for him.
He explained briefly something he remembered from his past before Hyukjae spoke.

"So where is Kyuhyun now? Is he behind you?" the blonde haired vampire asked, confused by his maker's behaviour.
"Are you alright?" he asked as Siwon paced the room, suddenly he snapped.
He grabbed Hyukjae by the throat and threw him against the wall, sending him crashing through into the room next door.

"Leave! I don't want you around me anymore! You are free to leave. Now go!" he roared. Hyukjae didn't question his maker he just got up and ran as fast as he could. He had never seen Siwon like this and it terrified him.
He ended up at the bar, it was early morning and the sun was low in the sky. He walked through the bar to Leeteuk's room upstairs, where he was last with Siwon and Kyuhyun. He was shocked when he opened the door to see a pool of blood on the floor and blood stained sheets on the bed, he smelt the blood instantly and knew it was Kyuhyun's but he also smelt Henrys.

"Siwon, what have you done?" he whispered to himself before leaving the bar and heading to Sungmin's. Even though everyone hated him for what he did to Kyuhyun, he had to make sure they were alright, after all Leeteuk took him in and believed in him when no-one else would. He at least owed them an apology.


Sungmin was still supporting Kyuhyun when the four of them arrived back at his apartment. One arm was around his boyfriend's waist, while the other was holding the hand that was round is shoulder. Kyuhyun could almost walk on his own now, but he loved the feeling he got when Sungmin moved his hand, it tickled slightly but also made his knees wobble.
Once they had entered Sungmin took Kyuhyun straight into the bedroom and helped him onto the bed, even though he was now a vampire the attack had left him weak and faint, he needed to rest. He fell asleep almost straight away, Sungmin pulled a blanket over him and whispered quietly in his ear.
"I can't lose you" He kissed him on the head and left the room.  
Leeteuk was in the kitchen preparing ramen for Henry when Sungmin returned. He threw himself down on the sofa and sighed.

"Well today was crappy I lost my boyfriend twice and Siwon still isn't dead." He stared out of the window as Leeteuk slapped his legs off the sofa to sit down, handing the bowl of hot ramen to Henry.

"The main thing is that Kyuhyun is back with us, he's safe now. We can talk things over later when everyone is feeling better." Leeteuk smiled as Sungmin rested his head on the older boys shoulder and yawned before falling asleep.

A few hours later there was a quiet knock at the door and Sungmin's head shot up.

"Stay here, I'll get it" Leeteuk stood up and headed to the door.
"Who is it?" he asked pressing an ear to the door. There was no reply, instead he heard someone crying. "Who's there?" he asked again. This time he got an answer. It was Hyukjae.

"Teukie Hyung… I need your help."

"My help? Why should I help you?" He opened the door to see the blonde haired vampire sat on the floor with his head in his knees. Leeteuk's heart broke at the sight, it's true he did hate the young vampire for everything he had done, but there was also a part of him that couldn't abandon Hyukjae.

"I know what Siwon is planning and I want to help, he told me about Kyuhyun, what he is. He hates me and told me I was free…I didn't know who else to turn to." He sobbed as Leeteuk knelt down next to him and his hair. He helped the young boy up and brought him inside.
Sungmin was in front of the bedroom door when he saw Hyukjae, He growled and bared his fangs, determined to protect Kyuhyun no matter what.

"Calm down brother, he's here to help. Siwon has abandoned him, I will not! I was close to breaking the bond before and now I can complete it." Leeteuk waved his hand at Sungmin, who lowered his guard and went to check on Kyuhyun.

Sungmin sat on the bed beside Kyuhyun, the younger boy's stomach where the dagger had been.
"That tickles" Kyuhyun giggled and opened his eyes, smiling at the boy sat beside him.

"Hey sleepy head how are you feeling?" Sungmin asked as he led down next to his boyfriend, his elbow on the pillow leaning his head on his hand, while his other hand was still on Kyuhyun's stomach.

"Better thanks to you" he smiled and linked his fingers between Sungmin's before sitting up and sliding off the bed. "Come on we can't stay in bed all day" he winked and dragged the older boy out of the bedroom.

His smile fell when he saw Hyukjae sat on the sofa next to Leeteuk, remembering the pain the blonde haired vampire put him through and how he ignored his screams. A low growl came from the back of Kyuhyun's throat.

"What the hell is he doing here?" he growled, holding Sungmin's hand tightly, resisting the urge to rip the boy's heart out. But it was different this time. This time Hyukjae was the one who was terrified.
He shot off the sofa to the end of the room, standing in the corner to get as far away Kyuhyun as he could.

"Leeteuk-Hyung what's wrong with him? I've never seen him like this. He almost seems genuinely scared." Sungmin asked has he and Kyuhyun sat on the sofa.

"That's because he is brother. I completed the process of exchanging Siwon's poison for mine, because Siwon had abandoned him there was no bond to resist my blood so it took minutes. He is scared of what Kyuhyun might do to him, after what happened at the bar." Leeteuk motioned for Hyukjae to sit down beside him, he nodded and sat down cautiously.

"He doesn't need to be scared, I'm over it, sure I still don't like him, but he can't change what happened. The past is the past for a reason, but if he tries to hurt me again, or sungmin, I'll kill him" He tilted his head and smiled innocently at the blonde haired vampire sat glaring at him.
Leeteuk nodded silently.

"I understand you feel the need to be wary but Hyukjae has promised me things will be different now, He is here to help with Siwon. And… explain about you Kyuhyun, Siwon knows, why are your eyes are different, why you seem to have magic in you. It's nothing to do with Sungmin's poison. Hyukjae why don't you explain" Leeteuk smiled at the blonde haired boy as he nodded and started to speak.

"He told me that he remembered a woman from his past, her name was Anya, and she too had blue eyes and skin like ice. She was a sorceress, but also a princess. They were in love and were supposed to marry, but her father didn't like that she was with a vampire and he exiled Siwon and forbid her to ever see him again."
Sungmin Interrupted.

"Wait when was this? When he changed me he never mentioned anyone by that name, not once in the ten years I was by his side"

"Anya is the reason Siwon is so bitter. He was madly in love with her and she obeyed her father and stayed away from him. Until around eighteen years ago. He found her again whilst travelling around Japan. The two rekindled their love and Anya fell pregnant, but she died giving birth to a son. A tiny but powerful prince"
This time Kyuhyun interrupted.

"I'm not sure I want to know where this is going." he covered his ears with his hands but Sungmin pulled them away.

"You need to hear this, we all do. Please continue Hyukjae." Sungmin smiled and Hyukjae nodded.

"Siwon couldn't cope after Anya's death, the baby was human and he couldn't look after him. So he left the boy on the doorstep of a couple who couldn't have children, they brought him up as their own and loved him unconditionally… until they died in a fire three years ago."
Kyuhyun's face froze and tears started to fall from his eyes. Hyukjae sighed.

"They named their son Kyuhyun…"

"NO! I refuse to accept that monster is my father!" Kyuhyun stood up was out of the door before anyone could speak.

"Leeteuk-Hyung we need to find him, before he realises he can track Siwon. If what Hyukjae says is true Kyuhyun has more power than he knows." Sungmin pulled on his jacket.

"I agree brother Hyukjae you can either wait here with Henry or come with us." Leeteuk opened his bag to find the Silver dagger had gone.

"I'll come if that's okay, I don't think Henry wants to be alone with me" he smiled at the young boy, who was still sat eating his ramen.

"Sungmin we have a problem. The dagger is gone. I swear it was here before Kyuhyun left."

"Aish Kyuhyun don't be stupid!" Sungmin slapped his hand to his forehead.
"He's going to try and kill Siwon, we need to find him fast, I can find him don't worry"
The three of them headed out, leaving Henry alone to eat his ramen.


Kyuhyun didn't know what he was feeling as he made his way to find Siwon. His head was filled with anger, sadness, hate and frustration. Was it true that Siwon was his father and his true mother was dead? Was he really a prince?

He reached the street where Siwon lived, it was quiet and calm, the one place he thought Siwon would hate. He tucked his hands into his pockets, pulled his hood over his head and walked slowly down the street, attempting to blend in with the few people that were out. He felt eyes on him as he passed people, he was walking with his head down when he bumped into three other boys.
He looked up to find Sungmin, Leeteuk and Hyukjae stood in front of him.

"Kyuhyun what are you thinking? You can't kill Siwon!" Sungmin said quietly, taking Kyuhyun's hand.

"I need answers Sungmin! Answers only he can give me."
They stopped outside a large house, all of the windows had blinds drawn and most of the lights were on.

"This is it" Hyukjae squeaked, he was scared of Siwon, now more than ever.

"I need to do this on my own. I'll be out soon" Kyuhyun let go of Sungmin's hand as the three nodded, understanding that some things are just better off done alone.
Without knocking he opened the door and let himself in, he heard a quiet cry from a room upstairs and was up them in a flash, he listened closely to figure out which room Siwon was in before entering a bedroom at the end of the hallway.
He was shocked when he poked his head through the door, there were bodies of two girls on the floor, and both had been totally drained of blood.

"Kyuhyun? I thought you were dead." Siwon's voice came from the corner of the room. He was crouched down wiping blood off his face and hands.

"I nearly was. I need to talk to you. Hyukjae told me what you remembered." He replied as he stepped over the bodies and closer to Siwon.

"I had the feeling he would go running back to Leeteuk. What exactly did he tell you?" he laughed. As if he didn't already know.

"He told me you had a child, with a princess, she was also a powerful sorceress. She died giving birth to your son. A son you gave up to a couple who couldn't have children." Kyuhyun watched as Siwon's expression changed as he repeated what Hyukjae had told him. His face had frozen and he was staring at the floor.

"Her name was Anya…" he pushed Siwon into showing his humanity. The older vampire had tears falling from his eyes before looking up at Kyuhyun and letting out a loud growl.

"So it's true? You are my father!" Kyuhyun's body froze, he had been lied to all his life about who he was and where he came from. The truth was, he was a prince and the son of a sorceress, and he couldn't help it if his father was a blood thirsty murderer.

"You think I wanted you Kyuhyun? After your mother died all you did was cry, I couldn't stand you! I thought after turning you I would get back a piece of her, but you love him! That waste of space I turned years ago!"  Siwon was furious but at the same time devastated, his only son loved his worst enemy.

"Don't you dare talk about Sungmin like that! You don't know him anymore" Kyuhyun pinned Siwon to the wall with so much force the bang could be heard from outside.

Sungmin and Leeteuk almost broke the door off its hinges, as they crashed through and raced upstairs. Kyuhyun still had his father pinned to the wall and Siwon was hopeless to do anything about it, Kyuhyun was stronger than he was the magic that flowed through his veins and the royalty in his blood made him stronger than most vampires, he was even stronger than Sungmin.

"You have no right to speak about my friends, I hate you. No one can ever change the way I feel about Sungmin! Not even you." To Sungmin and Leeteuk's relief he released Siwon and walked away.  Siwon rose from the floor with hatred in his eyes he took a few steps towards Kyuhyun before stopping.
Sungmin ran over and wrapped his arms rightly around Kyuhyun and whispered in his ear.

"I'm proud of you" he smiled before kissing him softly on the lips.

Siwon couldn't take it. His son hated him but loved another boy, a boy he just happened to create years before. He stepped forward growling as he closed in on the two boys.

"Tonight Lee Sungmin… You die!" he lunged forward, throwing himself in Sungmin's direction.
Leeteuk yelled for Sungmin to look out but it was too late, and Kyuhyun was ready.
He pushed Siwon back hard, sending him crashing into the wall, but the vampire kept coming, the way he saw it he had nothing left to live for. He flung himself forward once more, for a final time.

Kyuhyun pulled out the silver dagger hidden in his back pocket and drove it straight into Siwon's heart. He cried out in pain as Kyuhyun caught him and held the dagger in place.
Blood poured out of Siwon's mouth as he screamed, Silver didn't kill quickly, it was slow and painful, the way Kyuhyun saw it, it was everything the evil heatless bastard deserved.
An evil smirk was on Kyuhyun's face as he looked down at his dying father.

"I warned you father, No one will ever hurt Sungmin."
Leeteuk was stood over at the door with Sungmin safely in his arms they both looked on as Siwon lay dying.

"I…I'm…Sorry… Kyuhyun" he coughed but Kyuhyun ignored the apology.

"You're too late father. You tried to kill Sungmin, Twice. And that I can never forgive you for that. You abandoned me when I was a baby and then never had the guts to tell me when you changed me. You are nothing to me"

A tear rolled down Kyuhyun's cheek at the thought of what could have been his life, he was grateful for the life he had lived, he loved his parents, because even though they might not have been his true parents, they raised him, taught him right from wrong and took away the bad dreams.
No Choi Siwon meant nothing to him.

Siwon coughed for a final time and went still. He was dead.

Kyuhyun heard a sigh of relief from Sungmin, who hurried to his boyfriend's side. He took the younger boys hand and helped him up, forcing him to let go of the dagger that was firmly embedded in his father's chest.

"It's over, we can go home now" Kyuhyun sighed as he wrapped his arms tightly around Sungmin.

Hyukjae was sat on the grass out front when the three of them finally left the house, he shot up when he saw Sungmin and Kyuhyun walk out first, hand in hand, Kyuhyun was covered in his father's blood. Leeteuk walked out behind them and closed the door he nodded his head at the blonde haired vampire to let him know Siwon was dead, the boy nodded back with a smile before running and taking Leeteuk's hand.


They arrived back at Sungmin's apartment just before midnight, Henry was asleep on the sofa when the door opened, making him jump.

"You're back!" Henry Smiled as Leeteuk entered the room, his smile faded when Kyuhyun entered, he looked sad but relived.
Kyuhyun walked into the bedroom without saying a word to anyone, he took a shower to wash away the blood and climbed into bed.
Sungmin knew killing Siwon had affected Kyuhyun, it was the first time he had killed anyone, and he killed his own father. He entered the bedroom after Kyuhyun had gone to bed, everyone was already asleep and he was the only one up, or so he thought.
Kyuhyun was in bed but not asleep, his cheeks were wet from tears, Sungmin climbed into bed next to his boyfriend and held him tightly, he knew he was hurting because he felt the same when he killed someone for the first time.

"Not many people know this but the first person I killed was my mother. Siwon left me in my village after he turned me, with only my mother alive and my need for human blood I had no choice" He kissed Kyuhyun on the head as he looked up to meet the older boys eyes.  

"Tomorrow we shall have to get started on using your powers, it would be a waste for you not to use them…My Prince" he winked before pouting his lips out, making Kyuhyun laugh.

"Minnie you look like a duck!" he giggled as he snuggled into the older boys chest.

"And none of that Prince crap, even if I am one I don't want you to treat me any different" he ran his fingers up and down Sungmin's arm.

"Okay fine no problem that means you're cleaning the apartment tomorrow " Sungmin giggled and hugged Kyuhyun tightly.

"I love you Sungmin, forever and always" He yawned and drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too sweet prince" Sungmin whispered before closing his eyes and falling asleep, arm in arm with the boy he loved.

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Chaper 18 tomorrow! =D


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ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #1
Chapter 2: Sungmin really likes ripping peeps he hates hearts out...
Chapter 19: niceeeee xD
Chapter 19: i loved this story it really made me tear up
thankx authernim :)
Hyukkie_Lover098 #4
Umg. <3
I can't believe it's over... I've loved this story from day one... Ungh... I hate when fics I write/read finish. I feel so empty. :b
This story is amazing.
Oh. And, P.S.
At first I was like TWO YEARS?!? YAH, TEUKIE!
And then I remembered... you're writing a sequel. :D
Love you umma~
rizzorin #6
hahah i want something that will make sugmin angry at kyuhyun by the kiss kyuhyun and eeteuk did!!!~ ahahah!~ don't get me wrong, my bias is sungmin!~ hahhaahahah!~
Hyukkie_Lover098 #7

An update. <3
Glad to know Kyu's better. :D
Yah! Kangin! Don't eat Wookie! He's so small and cute! :P
Can't wait for the finale~