
The Boy Who Noticed Me

Hello everyone, before we get into the story I just thought I've give you a little background about myself

- My name is (y/n) and I'm 20 years old and am currently attending (blank universtiy)

- I've never been in a relationship or even had my first official kiss

- It's not that I've never been asked out or hit on, but it's that I've never had feelings towards them and had to come up with an excuse to make them leave me alone

- I've had crushes here and there but nothing ever really ended up happening as usual since no one would ever notice me

- The idea of being in a relationship makes my heart flutter but at the same time I'm worried that my significant other might end up not being the type of person I would've expected them to be, and I keep thinking that I would have to change so much about myself for them

- Even though I try to deny it but because of my past relationships with even friends I developed a trust issue where I would just automatically judge people if they hurt me whether it was intentional or unintentional and usually give off a cold image to someone who tries to befriend me in the beginning as I will always end up feeling uncomfortable

- The real reason why Mark ends up being so important to me is because he was the first guy that not only noticed me but treated me right even though it took a long way for us to understand each other (which you will find out throughout the story and of how my insecurities got the best of me)

I know you all were expecting the first chapter but I thought it would be more helpful to provide info about your character beforehand to understand why you made the decisions you did within the story.


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Chapter 2: I have never read a fanfic about mark but this one starting off with cute beginning uwu.