Out of Hell then Back to someplace worse.

Lightning Rod

Ryeowook’s POV

The whole month went by fast. But I still loved it.

During the month I ate better, didn’t get hurt much except for a slap on my cheek occasionally, I got closer to Kyuhyun and we became lovers, I got to hang out with Onew and the gang more often, and I got to ignore the rules the whole time. I felt free for the first time since Heechul and Key left.

But after we said good bye to Joon as he drove off to the airport. Something, even I didn’t expect to happen occurred.

When I walked into my room to go to sleep my door was slammed shut. I was about to turn around but then a strong arm wrapped itself around my waist, while a piece of cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. Instinctively I inhaled it while I weakly struggled in the person’s strong hold.

After a few moments of my futile struggling I out from the chemical on the cloth.

I woke up a few hours later, to find my hands handcuffed together above my head and on the headboard of my bed. My legs were tied together to the baseboard of the bed with rope, I was except for my boxers, and I had a gag in my mouth. So my first instinct was to struggle.

Bad idea.

As I was struggling in my bonds I heard the door open to reveal my father and step-mother with very angry auras surrounding them.

I cringed when my father walked over to me. Then he immediately took out a knife and he cut my arm. Making me scream through the gag.

“YOU TOLD JOON DIDN’T YOU?” my step-mother yelled.

I turned away at that, I mean I knew that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone anything, yet I did it anyway. And I told her son about this. He had no idea that I was being beaten by his mother and my father.


I still didn’t say anything, but what they said to me next wanted to make me freaking kill these people.

“And you can say goodbye to that demon boyfriend of yours. Cause after we Joon gets back, I am going to kill him, along with your little group of friends.” My step-mother calmly said with a smirk.

I instantly started to struggle in my bonds. And I screamed in my gag to try to ask them to leave them out of this. But they just ignored it and walked out of the room while laughing.

After a few hours of me struggling I gave up, and I started sobbing, wishing that I could have undone what I did. So that my friends wouldn’t get hurt.

*****A month later*****

Kyuhyun’s POV

Where is Wookie?

I tried calling him over a million time for the past month but no response.

He hasn’t come to school, he hasn’t answered the phone, or replied to my text, he hasn’t met with me in or old meeting place when we were kids, and Onew and the others haven’t seen him around either.

In the end I decided to just drop by his house today after school, to check up on him. And I am glad I did.

As I walked up to the door of his house, I heard someone sobbing, but it sounded more muffled then it should through a door. Enough that you couldn’t hear it unless you were a demon like me. I instantly got worried and I banged my body against the locked door a few times. Trying to break it open.

When I got it open I saw a familiar man sitting on the sofa in their living room watching TV. And when his eyes met mine, they widened before his expression turned into a happy one.

“Well, well, well, ‘Prince’ Kyuhyun. Here to save your pet.” He said expecting me to answer calmly with a snarky remark, like what I had done to him many times that we have met.

But I startled him when I ran over and slammed him against the wall, with my hand on his throat. Clenching it tightly slowly chocking him. I think he knew that he was in deep with me. Deeper than ever before.

“Where is he Ray? Where the is My Wookie?” I growled through clenched teeth. Lightning was shooting out all around my body.

“H-He’s up stairs… through the door… at the other end of the hallway.” He said trying to breathe through my grip.

I immediately dropped him, and instantly ran up the stairs to a long hallway with doors on both sides and one at the end.

I ran down the hall to the door where I could hear muffled sobs clearly. I slowly opened the door and peered in. Afraid at what I was about to see.

I gasped at the sight before me, and widened my eyes.

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FictionLoverA #1
i can't wait for the continuation
MujaELFClouds #2
I love this and can't wait for the sequels =]
AriChan #3
LOOOL just found that you already postet something looool *happy desu*
AriChan #4
Okay I just found your fic 2 days ago and read it now and GOSH I love it. I really liked it a lot and now I am waiting for the sequel to read more about them <3<3<3

Really a great, great story!!!! Please update something of the sequel soon please!!
superELF96 #5
Faster n update
Faster k!!!!!!
Can't wait!!!
kyulovewook #7
This is really good, great writing I must say!
There's no other pairing for me you already had my pair up --->
Go KyuWook! Go KyuWook! LOL!
I'll be waiting once again for your sequel! :D
this is rly good :) can't wait to continue reading ^^
It's a nice story :) The plot is interesting!
MujaELFClouds #10
I love it xD
update soon, ok? I like Kui Xian Hahahahaha