Noble Demon Family

Lightning Rod

Kyuhyun’s POV

“You worried about him Kyu?” Siwon hyung asked me.

I was sitting down in the living room of our mansion, playing Starcraft and talking to my hyung on the phone, before I would go to bed and start life at my new school.

But as usual my mind was somewhere else. This town we were in was the last place that I saw him. We had to move from here to escape the hunters.

Yes me and my ‘family’ are demons. I am originally a part of the royal family. But Siwon got all the abilities that the king should have, while I got the ability to control lighting. And Minho got the ability to heal people. Seung- hyun got the ability of fire. Seung-hyun, Minho, and I all agreed that Siwon would be the better king. Cause he is more leader like, and we are all too lazy to do anything. So we all left.

I haven’t talked to Minho or Seung-hyun since then, and that was 11 years ago.

While I moved into this noble clan of demons, lead by the idiot raccoon Kangin, and his partner Leeteuk. On my 5th birthday, about a year of being with the family, Jongyhun and I went shopping for a new video game of my choosing. I met a human boy and his brothers. I immediately fell in love. We met for many years after that, in a clearing in the woods close to his house. We had confessed to each other at age 9, but also on that day he met my worst nightmare.

A crazy noble demon named Seoyhun.

She has a massive crush on me, and when she met him after the confession. She tried to convince him that both me and her were fiancés, but luckily for her he trusted me. He even knew that she was a demon. She ended up attacking him when he said she was ugly. That was when he first met my more childish and evil personality, Kui Xian. For some reason he wasn’t scared of him like most humans were when they first met him.

The fight ended with Seohyun getting a big wound on her arm. After she had fled saying that I would regret this, Kui Xian talked to him about a lot of things. Both me and Kui Xian made a promise to my love that we would always protect him.

When I was 10 she had returned with her father, captured my love, and erased his memories of me and Kui Xian, while I watched. Not to mention that her father put Kui Xian in a seal because he hurt Seoyhun. But before she could make it permanent her brother Changmin, who is a good friend of mine, got him away from her. And before she could attack him. Sungmin my most trusted guard got both me and him out of there. The last memory that I have of him was when he was being carried off by Changmin back to his hell of a family.

“Of course. Hyung I haven’t seen him since what happened 7 years ago. I promised him that I would protect him.” I said with a little of depression on the last sentence.

“I know Kyu. I know. And you can’t mention anything about the past to him. Just take it slow, he will remember everything very slowly. Has the seal on Kui Xian weakened any?”

“No. it hasn’t. did dad find out anything about it?”

“No and neither have I. its strange that it wouldn’t have weakened after all of these years. What are you going to do when he remembers you and him? I mean You can’t partner with him, unless dad takes care of the seal on Kui Xian.”

 “I know hyung. I was thinking about having him stay here at the mansion. Even if Eli doesn’t agree with him. I will partner with him after he meets dad, and Kui Xian is free of the seal. By the way, How is Kibum doing?” I ask.

Kibum is Siwon’s partner. He is human, but he is very quiet. Not to mention he is better than Siwon at healing wounds and sending messages through telepathy. While Siwon is good at combat and defensive magic.

“He’s doing alright. I’m going to have to go Kyu. Combat training with dad starts in 10 minutes. Remember call me if you need me.”

“I know bye hyung. Say hi to dad for me.” I said then I hung up the phone and continued with my game.

About an hour passes by of me playing my game, and owning every enemy that crosses my path. I decided that it was time for me to go to sleep so that I could get through school and start looking for him.

True I can’t approach him on purpose. But that doesn’t mean I can’t meet him by accident, or that I couldn’t spy on him. Right?

The next day.

“I’m going Teukie hyung.” I yelled as I walked out the door.

“Alright bye Kyu.” He yelled back.

I walked all the way to the Academy. As I walked through the front gate I noticed a boy with amber red hair walking toward the school. His face looked sad even if he had a fake smile on. But what caught my eye was the ring on his finger. I knew instantly who he was, but because of Seoyhun. I couldn’t go up to him immediately. So I just played it cool and walked passed him.

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FictionLoverA #1
i can't wait for the continuation
MujaELFClouds #2
I love this and can't wait for the sequels =]
AriChan #3
LOOOL just found that you already postet something looool *happy desu*
AriChan #4
Okay I just found your fic 2 days ago and read it now and GOSH I love it. I really liked it a lot and now I am waiting for the sequel to read more about them <3<3<3

Really a great, great story!!!! Please update something of the sequel soon please!!
superELF96 #5
Faster n update
Faster k!!!!!!
Can't wait!!!
kyulovewook #7
This is really good, great writing I must say!
There's no other pairing for me you already had my pair up --->
Go KyuWook! Go KyuWook! LOL!
I'll be waiting once again for your sequel! :D
this is rly good :) can't wait to continue reading ^^
It's a nice story :) The plot is interesting!
MujaELFClouds #10
I love it xD
update soon, ok? I like Kui Xian Hahahahaha