The Academy

Lightning Rod

Kui Xian’s POV

What are those guys doing here?

I thought the nobles meeting was still going on, they can’t have the meeting with out someone from the royal family there.

“Dad, Siwon what are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“we wanted to give you and zhoumi your invitations to the academy.” Siwon said.

“I also wanted to check on how Ryeowook is doing in the family so far.” My dad said.

I nodded and looked at my Li Xu. He looked so cute peeking out from Jjong’s side like curious child.

I walked over to him and hugged him.

“Okay lets go talk in the living room.” Li Xu said. I raised an eyebrow.

He sure knows how to do a 180 like Kevin does.

They nodded and we all went into the living room. I sat with Li Xu next to me, and Zhoumi and his partner sat next to us on the couch. While dad siwon and siwon’s partner sat on the couch infront of us.

“so how have you been doing Wookie?”

“I was depressed for a while but then I started feeling better after me and Eli made up.” He said truthfully.

Siwon just smiled.

“good I had heard that you were friends before and Eli is a stubborn bird so I was worried that something might have happened to you.” He said.

Li Xu smiled.

“now about the academy, you boys will be in the same classes along with Changmin and his friends, not to mention you guys will live in the same dorm. But there is something else I want to warn you about.” My dad said.

I frowned what could it be this time. I mean Eli was just a small mishap that was quick to heal.

“what is it?”

“Shin Seoyhun is attending the academy as well, although she is in a separate dorm, she also has a class with you two so be careful and be on guard around her. And Kui Xian you can’t come out around her.” He said.

Our eyes widened. Seoyhun is attending the academy at the same time as us. And we have a class with her.

Ryeowook’s POV

“so-so What do we do?” I asked terrified.

My first encounter with her was not one I want to remember.

“Like I said be on your guard around her and don’t mention Kui Xian being released from the seal. And Ryeowook you have to stay close to your friends at all times. She won’t attack you unless your alone.” He said.

I nodded.

I looked over to Kui Xian and saw that he had switched with Kyuhyun.

We all then started talking about the academy.

Like the classes we were taking, our teachers, the dorm house, when it starts, our schedule, and the extracurricular stuff that we could take.

I was excited about the whole thing, who wouldn’t want to be partnered with a demon and learn about the powers and stuff. But Kyuhyun just fell asleep halfway through.

When his dad and brother had finished explaining they had to leave, but not before giving me a silver ring and telling me to keep it with me.

As soon as they left Kyuhyun woke up but he was still half asleep. Sometimes I wonder if he is really a demon, he can be as lazy as a human when he wakes up.

“enjoy your nap.” I teased walking toward our room.

“Yeah.” He yawned walking right behind me.

We walked all the way to our room in scilence. Although I had a feeling that tonight would be the best one of my life.

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FictionLoverA #1
i can't wait for the continuation
MujaELFClouds #2
I love this and can't wait for the sequels =]
AriChan #3
LOOOL just found that you already postet something looool *happy desu*
AriChan #4
Okay I just found your fic 2 days ago and read it now and GOSH I love it. I really liked it a lot and now I am waiting for the sequel to read more about them <3<3<3

Really a great, great story!!!! Please update something of the sequel soon please!!
superELF96 #5
Faster n update
Faster k!!!!!!
Can't wait!!!
kyulovewook #7
This is really good, great writing I must say!
There's no other pairing for me you already had my pair up --->
Go KyuWook! Go KyuWook! LOL!
I'll be waiting once again for your sequel! :D
this is rly good :) can't wait to continue reading ^^
It's a nice story :) The plot is interesting!
MujaELFClouds #10
I love it xD
update soon, ok? I like Kui Xian Hahahahaha