Eli Realizes the truth

Lightning Rod

Kevin’s POV

Knew it Eli had no idea that he was forced to do it by that woman, while I knew all along. Nobody knows this but I happen to have a certain power to look into people’s subconscious and see their memories, dreams, nightmares, and I can interfere with them to but only for a little while. And like with Ryeowook’s abilities, I got mine from my mom. Our families got this ability when our ancestors helped the first demon king, so they were a reward. And as far as I know there are at least 2 other families with abilities like ours.

I watched amused that Eli was going to be in trouble for this, unless he helps fix it.

“He had to make a choice Eli, help that woman kill your family or risk losing us his BROTHERS.” I heard Key and Heechul yell at Eli.

Again very stupid of him to assume anything, from appearances alone. I mean he controls ing SHADOWS. Which means he can create very powerful illusions, and he can see through other peoples illusions.

“So I lost my whole family he would only lose you guys.” He yelled back.

I had expected Heechul or Key to say something about his abuse but what caught me off guard was who said it instead. I mean I knew about his abuse but I didn’t think he knew about Ryeowook’s abuse, not to mention he never spoke out like that to anyone.

“Eli he is ing abused by his own ing FATHER. While you had a whole loving and caring family. So he only had Heechul and Key to love him. Not to mention Demon hunters helped his father kill his mother, and that step mom abuses him even worse. So you try and live through that.” Jaejoong yelled. And Yunho had to pull him into a hug to get him to calm down.

Eli just stared for a minute at all of us and then he ran off. And I knew exactly where he was going, not to mention what he was doing.

As soon as he disappeared Hangeng looked at me with suspicion. I should have known he would have seen my mask fall.

“What did you know about this? Better question how?” he asked me and course everybody looked at me.

“I am human, but I have the ability to see people memories, dreams, and nightmares. And as a bonus I can interfere with them for certain amount of time. So I saw exactly what happened that day by chance when Ryeowook fainted yesterday.” I said before standing up to find Eli.

“Oh and Eli doesn’t know about this power either so, that’s why he was so surprised when you told him.” I said as I walked in the direction Eli went.

Eli’s POV

“h-how come he didn’t tell me any of this.” I whispered to myself.

I have been sitting here, in a big clearing on the outskirts of town, just looking at the ball of shadow I created. Watching Ryeowook’s nightmare from last night.

Really why didn’t he say anything in the first place. I could have helped him get out of there, with his brothers and killed that woman to. Even if I was only 11 years old I could have taken her.

“gah how could I have been so stupid.” I yelled dispersing the ball of shadow, flopping down on to the grass. Closing my eyes and thinking about the past.

I mean how could I have missed it in the first place. The bruises weren’t from falling, the smiles were mostly fake, he was pale a lot, he was too skinny, and the question about my family. He didn’t ask that to distract me, he asked to know what it’s like to have a REAL loving and caring family. One that he didn’t have.

My thoughts were interrupted when a familier voice teasingly called out to  me.

“Eli. Just go and talk to him.”

I peeked one eye open to see Kevin sitting down next to me. I sat up and breathed heavily.

“What am I supposed to say? And what about Kyuhyun? He was pissed off at me when the meeting started. Not to mention, I knew nothing about him cutting.” I complained.

I mean the worst one out of those is Kyuhyun he probably won’t let me near Ryeowook, and if I do go near him then I just might be considered a cooked raven.

“Kyuhyun let me talk to him. But as to what you are supposed to say think of it yourself. And if he still cares about you as a friend then he will understand. Just give it some time. And with the cutting, yeah nobody knew about that and it had started after your family was killed.” He said smiling at me.

I looked up at the sky and thought for a moment.

I mean he is right, just try and talk to him, I still care about him, I just had been angry for to long that I didn’t know the whole story.

“alright I’ll try, the least I can do is tell him that I forgive him, I also have to ask him about why he didn’t tell me about the abuse in the first place.” I said.

Kevin gave me his usual childish smile.

Hello 180 again.

“great lets go, the hyungs should be almost finish. You also need to talk with Kyuhyun before you go to Ryeowook.” He said.

“wait me talk to kyuhyun. You said you would do that.”

“I lied.” He said than we ran off back to the mansion.

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FictionLoverA #1
i can't wait for the continuation
MujaELFClouds #2
I love this and can't wait for the sequels =]
AriChan #3
LOOOL just found that you already postet something looool *happy desu*
AriChan #4
Okay I just found your fic 2 days ago and read it now and GOSH I love it. I really liked it a lot and now I am waiting for the sequel to read more about them <3<3<3

Really a great, great story!!!! Please update something of the sequel soon please!!
superELF96 #5
Faster n update
Faster k!!!!!!
Can't wait!!!
kyulovewook #7
This is really good, great writing I must say!
There's no other pairing for me you already had my pair up --->
Go KyuWook! Go KyuWook! LOL!
I'll be waiting once again for your sequel! :D
this is rly good :) can't wait to continue reading ^^
It's a nice story :) The plot is interesting!
MujaELFClouds #10
I love it xD
update soon, ok? I like Kui Xian Hahahahaha