#6 Move on 🌹

Don't leave me ; Chaelisa 🌹

After Lisa got home she took a long shower. She was thinking if she should call Chae or meet her in person. Her mom was probably shopping, cause her car wasn't in driveway and her shopping bag was gone. Lisa made a decision. She wore denim shorts, black graphic t-shirt, a visionair cap and nizza sneakers. After she dressed herself she took her phone and went to Chae's house.

Lisa knocked on the front door a few times and waited. Rosé immediately opened, her eyes widening. The brunet wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck tightly. Lisa was surprised, but hugged back. After a while Chae broke the hug and stared at Lisa with furrowed eyebrows.

"Lalisa Manoban! Where were you yesterday?! Do you even know how much I was worried?! You were with someone you don't know and somewhere you don't know!"

Lisa knew it would come. Angry Chae is a scary Chae.

"Can I go inside?" Asked Lisa and grabbed Chae's hand as she pulled her into the house.

They went to Rosé's room and sat down on the bed. The brunet was looking at Lisa with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows.

"So, you should explain!"

Lisa sighed before she spoke. "Okay, I wasn't in good mood yesterday and didn't know what to do. I just went somewhere and found the club. I met a new friend there. Her name is Momo and we had a fun. I slept in her house after the party, she was taking care of me."

Chaeyoung's expression softened a bit, bud she asked another question.

"And what did you mean by 'It was because of you?' I'm sorry if I did something wrong."

Lisa looked in Rosé's eyes and took her hand in her own.

"You didn't do anything wrong Rosie, It's all me. Don't worry Chae, I just have to move on. I will be fine." Lisa needed to know only one thing. She took in a deep breath and asked an important question for her. "Chaeyoung, do you like Jungkook?"

Rosé was taken aback, she nodded though. The brunet looked guilty, cause she felt like that.

"I knew it." Said Lisa with sad smile on her lips. "I just hope, that he will treat you right. If he does something to you, just tell me. I will be always here for you. I want you to promise me and remember that."

Tears fell down Chae's cheeks. She hugged Lisa so tight that the blonde couldn't even breathe.

"I love you so much Lalisa, but I'm sorry. What did I do to deserve you? I hope that you will find someone better than me, because you deserve it!"

They sat there for a while chatting with each other until Jisoo called Lisa.

"Hey Limario, do you have time?"

Lisa looked at Chae and the brunet nodded.

"Ehm, sure. What's up?" answered Lisa.

"I need you to ask you about something. Meet me in my house." After she said that, Jisoo hang up.

Rosé pulled Lisa up from her bed and accompanied her to the front door.

"I should go, I'm curious of Jisoo's question." Said Lisa with an interested look on her face. Then her face reddened a bit and she looked nervous as she played with her fingers.

"Rosie?" She asked, eyes looking on the ground.

"Yes Lisa?"

"Can I have one wish please?"

"Of course, what do you want?"

"I-I wanna k-kiss you for the last time..." Said the blonde and looked into the latter's eyes.

Rosé blushed with dark shade of red, but she eventually nodded. Lisa leaned in, so their faces were inches apart. Chae closed the gap between them though. Her lips moving softly against Lisa's. Lisa wrapped her arms around the brunet's waist, pulling her closer. When the oxygen became a problem they pulled apart, breathing heavily. Both of them blushing.

"Thank you, it means a lot for me. I will try move on now. Bye Chae, see you at school." Announced Lisa before she opened the door and left. Rosé was still stunned, she didn't dislike it though.

When Chae was preparing some food for herself, her phone vibrated. It was Jungkook. She smiled a little and answered.


"Hey Chaeyoung. It's me, Jungkook. I was thinking if you have some time today."

Rosé's inner self was screaming with happiness, but she answered calmly.

"Yeah, what time should I be ready?"

"I will pick you up in 6 p.m. Just text me your address. Bye now, I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too, Bye." She said as he hang up.

"Yeees!" Screamed Rosé. "! What should I wear?!"

Meanwhile Lisa arrived to Jisoo's house and rang a bell. Jisoo opened the door and invited the latter inside.

"You wanna something to drink?" Asked the older girl as Lisa sat down on a couch.

"Nah, I'm okay. So, what did you wanna ask?" Asked Lisa, looking at Jisoo questionably.

"You know, I like someone and I need your help." Answered Jisoo, blushing a bit.

"Okay. I don't know if I will be much help, but I will try." Smiled Lisa, holding the latter's hand.

"I don't know how to confess to her or if she likes me back." Whispered Jisoo, not even sure if she should tell Lisa who she likes.

"I think you should just tell her. You have to find the right moment and just confess." Answered the blonde.

"But what if she doesn't like me back?" Pouted Jisoo, looking a little scared.

"You have to be brave. Either she will  end up liking you back or not"

Jisoo only nodded, smile forming on her lips again. "You are right, I have to do something or she will end up with someone else. And I would feel bad, cause I wouldn't even try."

"Will you tell me who you like?" Asked the blonde, tilting her head to the side a little.

"Not now, but thank you Lisa. It wasn't so bad an advice. I was expecting much worse."

"Hey unnie! You are so mean! I'm pretty smart you know!" Yelled Lisa as she punched Jisoo's shoulder little.

"Jisoo unnie? I should tell you something. I like Chaeyoung." Confessed Lisa.

"I know. You were pretty obvious."

"I confessed to her, but..."


"B-but she does not return my feeling. She likes someone else." Lisa's voice cracked at the last word. Her smile was gone, eyes watering again.

"Sorry Lisa, but what are you planning to do?" Asked Jisoo, rubbing Lisa's back as she hugged her.

"I'm gonna move on. I think she will be happy and so should be I as well."

"I don't know what to say, but I hope you will be happy too. With Chaeyoung, or without her." Said the dark haired girl, still hugging Lisa.

Lisa was in Jisoo's house until evening. They were watching movies and playing computer games together. Lisa eventually went back home and helped her mom to cook dinner.

Meanwhile Rosé was with Jungkook in some fancy restaurant. Enjoying his company as they ate. After dinner, they went in a cinema. Jungkook chose a horror movie. Rosé didn't like watching scary movies, but she wanted to look brave. She was screaming and covering her eyes anyway. Jungkook held her hand for her to calm down. When the movie was over Jungkook drove her home.

"It was a nice date." He said, blushing slightly.

"It was. I really enjoyed it. Thank you." Rosé answered, blushing as well.

They stayed there for a while, looking at each other, not moving an inch.

"I should probably go now. Thank you for going with me. I will call you!" Said Jungkook, pecking Rosé's cheek before he left. Chae was stunned. She stood there about ten minutes until she was back in reality. Maybe he likes her as well...

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blackpink818 #1
Chapter 16: <3
Chapter 11: Cutie JenSoo~
Ah, but ChaeLisa is making me wanna yell but I guess that's how slowburn works and I'm going to have to sit through this ordeal TT

Bobby seems like a nice guy. Lowkey feel like he might be interested in Lisa but who knows? He could just find Lisa as a really cool gal friend.
Jungkook is also aight. Idk, why but I swear I'm not looking for a reason to dislike either of the boys.

Chaeyoung doesn't seem to know how she feels around Lisa, and it doesn't seem like she's really thinking about it. Time will tell :0