What a night.

One Night Stand!?

"You SERIOUSLY don't remember what happened last night!?" Jihye exclaimed as I calmly took a sip from my coffee.

"Nope. Well I remember drinking, a LOT. Oh! And when that blonde guy bought me a drink."

"Ughh __________ you're so annoying! Do you seriously not know who that blonde guy is?"

"Nope." I said as I took a bite out of a cookie.

"Can't you stop eating for five seconds and listen? That is Woo Jiho, front man of the idol group Block B?"I blinked and chomped down on another cookie.

"Oh that hip hop group?"

"What do mean 'that hip hop group'?! Give me that!" She said as she snatched away my cookie.

"Hey!" I said pouting.

"You're going to get fat!" She said as she finished the cookie. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So what happened last night?"

"Well, you were drunk out of your mind but you were still your charming self. You rapped Little Wayne songs in English, and you were with Zico the entire night who wasn't as drunk as you were, but pretty close. I honestly only caught glimpse of you that night. The ones that would know would probably be Zico and the rest of Block B."

"I RAPPED?! Shoot me in the foot now please." I said as I put my head down on the table. Hiding its tomato redness from the world.

"Oh and there is one more thing." She said handing me back my cookie, which I refused due to utter embarrassment. "What is it? Nothing can be worse than me rapping."

"I saw you talking to HIM."


Gosh I don't really remember last night but all I know is that girl is something else. I'm going to have fun messing with her. ;)

"Hey guys!" I said with the biggest smile on my face as walked into the dorm.

"Chowwwww!" They all jeered.

"Looks like someone had a great night." Jaehyo said.

"__________ didn't hurt you did she?" Kyung chuckled.

"Don't worry about it." Zico said with a wink.

"Ooooooooh!" Everyone laughed. My phone received a text.

"Well that must be her!" I said as I made a run for my room before somebody snatched my phone. "Hey, um, can we meet up sometime?" ________'s even cute through text!


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Chapter 21: Ahh i hope you update soon ♡♡
blockb2012 #2
Chapter 21: Woooh u havent update in years D: i was really missing this story hbsshsbsueisgusio pls update soon <///3
Chapter 20: Aww. I really like this story.
Chapter 20: omg I love this fanfic! pls update! *u made me fall in love with Zico even more <3
Chapter 20: OMG. Long update, please continue with the long ones! :))) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) PLEASE UPDATE SOOON! I love this.
Chapter 19: omg !
that was sweet zico !!! ><
izzy1993 #7
Chapter 19: this story is my favorite for sure ^^
Chapter 19: KYAAA! Finally an update. But I wish you made it longer. >< LONG UPDATE SOON PLEASE. Thank you.
Chapter 18: aww ><
they're so cute !
just be real already !
Chapter 18: YAYYY! Zico! You naughty boy. :))) HAHA. Please update soon! :)