
One Night Stand!?

She went as white as a sheet. The look on her face spelled out a mixture of shock and concern.

"Okay. I understand. Thank you." 

"What's wrong?" I really hope she's alright.

"I have to go."

"Why? What happened? I'll go with you." She reluctantly agreed. 

She rushed us into a taxi. The ride to our destination was quiet, way too quiet considering my company. Her leg was jumping up and down and she looked really nervous. I decided against asking her questions because, well, I'm really awkward in situations like this. I'm also kinda of scared she might run away from me and I  can't let that happen.

So the natural choice is to put my hand on her shaking leg and give her a reassuring squeeze. Oh, that may sound really dirty. The one time I don't mean to be dirty. She looked at me and I said "It'll be okay." She just gave me a small, warm smile and replied with, "Thanks. I'm probably overreacting." The taxi halted to a stop. 

"Go. I'll pay." For once, she didn't fight me on that one and instead ran towards the tall building. I quickly paid the driver and ran after her. We're in a hospital. She's running down the white halls and halts in the emergency section. She took a deep breath and asked for a familiar name.

"Yes they're right down that way." She ran yet again through a doorway and caught up with an older ahjussi. 

"What happened?" She said in a strangely calm voice. 

"I think its best if they tell you themselves but they're fine." She blinked at him and he appeared to be kind of scared of the strangely calm girl. "They're right through there."

"Thanks!" She was about to open the door when she looked back at us. "Oh just wait here, I'll be right back okay?"

"Alright." She walked in. The man next to me took a seat, and he motioned for me to do the same. "It'd be best to sit down, she's probably going to take a while."

"Thanks." I took my seat next to him. "I'm Zico, so...what exactly happened? If you don't mind..."  

"Oh not at all! I'm Kang Suk Goo! BAP's manager!" He held out his hand and I took it. "Well what happened was..."


You walked into the room and found six very guilty looking boys and one very guilty looking girl. 

"So anyone care to explain why you guys are here?" 

"NOONA! I'm sorry! It wasn't our fault!" Zelo whined as he clung to you. You his hair. "I know it wasn't you Zelo. It's okay." You shot a look towards the only two who appeared to be injured in anyway. 

"Jihye..." She looked down. "Yongguk." He gulped.

"Oooh Hyung's gonna get it!" Yongjae chirped.

"Tell me what happened." The two culprits looked at each other and Jihye nodded.

"Well--- After I finished fixing you up for your date, I called Yongguk because I was bored and---well-...."



Its a short boring update I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to have something up.

In other news, Block B is going to realease a full album in October! I'm so excited! I cried lol. 

Thank you very much for reading and subbing! I love you! Comments are always read and welcomed. 





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Chapter 21: Ahh i hope you update soon ♡♡
blockb2012 #2
Chapter 21: Woooh u havent update in years D: i was really missing this story hbsshsbsueisgusio pls update soon <///3
Chapter 20: Aww. I really like this story.
Chapter 20: omg I love this fanfic! pls update! *u made me fall in love with Zico even more <3
Chapter 20: OMG. Long update, please continue with the long ones! :))) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) PLEASE UPDATE SOOON! I love this.
Chapter 19: omg !
that was sweet zico !!! ><
izzy1993 #7
Chapter 19: this story is my favorite for sure ^^
Chapter 19: KYAAA! Finally an update. But I wish you made it longer. >< LONG UPDATE SOON PLEASE. Thank you.
Chapter 18: aww ><
they're so cute !
just be real already !
Chapter 18: YAYYY! Zico! You naughty boy. :))) HAHA. Please update soon! :)