Douches and psychics

One Night Stand!?

"Since you paid, you get to pick the first ride. What do you want to go on first?"You asked him.

"Aishh, I can't let you pay, I'm the guy! You pick!" You rolled your eyes.*I don't feel like arguing about this for the zillionth time~*


"Fine! Lets go on the Viking first!" You said as you yanked him to said ride. The Viking is the ship that swings back and forth, and well, every time you’ve been here you always ride it first.  Zico smiled and looked at you funny.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” You said touching your nose. “Or are you just being your regular y self?”

“Hm, neither.”

“Then what?”


“Tell me.”


“Why? Just tell me.”

“Hmmm, no.” He said as he gave you a playful smile.

“Ew that was greasy~ Just tell me!” You said trying not to giggle. He scratched the back of his head and said. “It’s pretty lame and embarrassing though. It’s more lame than embarrassing.”

“An even better reason to tell me!” You said as the line progressed forward. As the two of you sat down at the very front he replied with, “Nah you’re going to laugh and call me lame.”

You faked shock and replied with, “Laugh? Me? At You? Never!” He just looked at you and you laughed and shrugged, “Ha, well I tried.”

The ride started and you laughed and screamed with glee, “Woo-Hoo!” Zico looked at you for a bit, admiring your joy and joined you. “WOO!”

When the ride ended, the two of you got off and walked aimlessly.

“What do you want to do next?”

“I’m thirsty. Let’s get lemonade or something.” You said as you felt like you were being followed. You looked back. You saw a guy run and hide behind a lady.

“Alright. Is something wrong?”

“Uh, I’m fine. Let’s go!” You said as you quickened your pace towards the lemonade stand.

While you guys waited in line, you noticed that Zico was glaring at a bush.

“What did the bush do to you?” you said as you waved your hand in front of his face.

“Huh? Oh. Nothing. What are you talking about?” You looked at him weird and proceeded to order.

When the two of you got your lemonades and pretzels, you saw a familiar face pop out of the same bush Zico was staring at.

“Hey isn’t that your maknae?”

“P.O! Over here!” you said as you waved him over.

“______-noona!”  P.O said as he ran only to be held back by and arm popping out of the bush.

Zico sighed. “Come out guys. “ Slowly but surely, six boys popped out of the bush and from behind random places.

“Join us!” You said trying to ease the tension stemming from Zico’s intense glare at them.

“Noona, Hyung’s scary!” P.O said as he hid behind you. You laughed at his cuteness.

“Aw come on P.O, this douche could never be scary. He may be scary looking though.” You earned jeers and laughter from the rest of the boys and Zico’s glare eased up.

“Yahh! I think you mean ‘its scary how good looking I am.”  

“Nahh I think she just meant scary looking.” Jaehyo added earning him a push from Zico. You laughed and helped him up.

“Waa~ ____’s so nice~” Jaehyo said as he took a closer look at you.

“Whoa, whoa guys, hands off my future wife!” Kyung said as he pushed Jaehyo back and put his arm around your waist. Zico quickly pulled you away from him.

“I’m not an object, so stop grabbing me and pulling me!” you said breaking free of Zico’s grasp and stood between Taeil and B-Bomb.

“Hi Taeil, Hi B-Bomb.” You said as  they greeted you. And Zico and Kyung came rushing towards you.

“Sorry ___-ah” You laughed. “ I’m not mad. “

 “You’re not?”

 “Nope. Let’s get on a ride though, it kinda defeats the purpose of being at Lotte World and just standing around.” They all smiled at you.

“Let’s go!” You said yanking Taeil along, the rest of the boys trailing after you.

“Ahh sorry if I surprisd you Taeil.” He just smiled and said, “It’s okay.”

The rest of the day went off without a hitch. It had been a long time since you had this much fun and Block B were really happy and funny. You really enjoyed spending time with them. You learned that you were the same age as Zico, U-kwon, and Kyung. Taeil was quiet but really sweet, once you got Jaehyo started on something he wouldn’t shut up, , Kyung was greasy, and really funny, B-Bomb seemed quiet but he was a derp like the rest of them, P.O was cute and funny , and U-kwon was really nice and you got along with him the best. Most importantly, you learned that Zico had no intention of cutting ties with you because you returned his jacket and you had your ring. Although you protested it made you feel relieved.

As you and the boys made your way home yours and PO’s stomachs growled.

“I’m hungry.” You said. “Me too.” PO said rubbing his belly.

“Aish we have to feed these kids.” Zico said as he put PO in a headlock and noogied him. *Aw he’s a good hyung.* you thought as you smiled at him without realizing it.

U-kwon nudged you as if reading your mind and said, “He’s a good leader and person, once you get past the ‘douchey-ness’” he air quoted douchey-ness.

You smiled and nodded. “Are you psychic?”

“Maybe I am.” The both of you laughed. Zico sauntered over in between you and put his arm around your shoulders.

“What’re you guys talking about?”

“Douches and psychics.” You replied in a unamused tone. U-kwon laughed.

“Hope you’re saying good things about me!” Zico said nuzzling your head.

“You are not the only douche on this planet!” you said slipping out of his grasp/

“Yahh!” He said as he ran after you and picked you up and spun you around. You laughed.  “Put me down!”

“No!” he said still spinning you.”B-bomb! Save me!” and with that he put you down in an instant.

You laughed and PO pulled you and said, “Noona lets go get kimchi pancakes!”


I would like to thank all of you for your support by your lovely comments and subscriptions.

I'm very grateful. I will not abandon this story! I will see it to the end!

I'm currently thinking about writing a Teen Top fic after this;D So there's no way I could quit!

I didn't edit this so I'm sorry if it has aany grammar or spelling errors.

Did you guys hear about the BBC world camp? ;___;

Anyways, see you guys later!

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Chapter 21: Ahh i hope you update soon ♡♡
blockb2012 #2
Chapter 21: Woooh u havent update in years D: i was really missing this story hbsshsbsueisgusio pls update soon <///3
Chapter 20: Aww. I really like this story.
Chapter 20: omg I love this fanfic! pls update! *u made me fall in love with Zico even more <3
Chapter 20: OMG. Long update, please continue with the long ones! :))) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) PLEASE UPDATE SOOON! I love this.
Chapter 19: omg !
that was sweet zico !!! ><
izzy1993 #7
Chapter 19: this story is my favorite for sure ^^
Chapter 19: KYAAA! Finally an update. But I wish you made it longer. >< LONG UPDATE SOON PLEASE. Thank you.
Chapter 18: aww ><
they're so cute !
just be real already !
Chapter 18: YAYYY! Zico! You naughty boy. :))) HAHA. Please update soon! :)