Before We Graduate

The Past is the Past

"Guys, we... are in a arraged marriage made by our parents." Nako explains and everyone was shocked. "So, you guys are saying that long before any of us met, you guys are already meant to marry each other?" Yena asked and Wonyoung nodded. "Our parents were childhood friends since my mom grew up in Japan before moving to Korea to study and then she met my dad. They went back to Japan and bumped into Nako-unnie's parents who were best friends and they planned to make their children a couple. They thought that one would be a son and the other would be a daughter but they both ended up with daughters but they still went through with the plan. Now we are here, waiting to get married after graduation." 

Chaeyeon suddenly remembered that she and Sakur awere also getting married after graduation so she suggested that they get married together but Yena has a brighter idea. "Since now we all know that each of us are engaged and 4 of us are getting married on the same day, why dont we all have the weddings on the same day, time, and place. Like we should have a 6 couple wedding!" They were surprised to hear something smart come from their idiot friend. "Yena... that's the smartest thing you have ever said ever!" Yuri said which made Yena pout and everyone cringed hard. "It's ok. I still love the idiot you more." Yuri then kissed Yena which made them cringe even more except for Chaewon and Hitomi who were busy flirting with each other, and Yujin took notice. 

"Oi love birds! Stop flirting and join us in cringing at Yena and Yuri kissing!" Yujin shouted but got ignored by the couple who were now making out at the couch. "Jesus guys, get a room!" Sakura said as a joke but Chaewon took seriously. Chaewon dragged Hii-chan onto the other room which is the lounge and locked the door. Everyone went silent as they were surprised at the very confident Chaewon. "Why do I feel like this happened before?" Chaeyeon asked Sakura who simply replied with "I feel the same too but I don't remember when." Hyewon then spoke up after eating  and went up to Sakura and Chaeyeon and whispered something that made the two and Eunbi red. "Remember when I was making out with Binnie and you guys told us to get a room and we actually did and had 'fun'?" Eunbi grabbed Hyewon by the arm and dragged her to the corner to punish her for her sins and Chaeyeon just avoided looking at their friends who were wearing devilish grins on their faces. 

A few days left before graduation and  finals were coming up so the friends didn't meet up much to focus on their studies, but there was one problem everyone faced; they were studying with their girlfriends. Eunbi was trying hard to study but Hyewon kept asking her for food which made Eunbi cranky and made Hyewon starve until she was finished studying. She noticed that Hyewon was gone and tried searching for her only to see her on their bed, messy hair, wrinkled clothes and in Eunbi's words, glowing red eyes that was fueled with hunger, but not for food. Eunbi tried to slowly and quietly escape the room but the door was locked so she had no other choice but to surrender to her hungry girl and then the lights went dark and Hyewon was full.

Chaeyeon and Sakura on the other hand, were pretty successful in studying for their finals. Sakura helped Chaeyeon in subjects she was struggling with and vice versa. They ended their studying by eating dinner at a nearby fast food place and then slept happily in each others arms, right before Yena and Yujin burst into their room asking for help in their studies and Yuri and Minjoo trying to stop them but ended up failing. Chaewon and Hitomi just studied peacefully and ate Ramyeon while watching some dramas on their tv. Wonyoung and Nako just slept since they were too lazy to study since they were already smart to begin with.

Finals came and everybody was nervous. Hyewon kept bugging Eunbi while she still replays the scene that happened a few nights ago. All of them finished their exams fairly well and when the results of the exams were released, everyon was shocked to see Chaeyeon topping the scoreboard followed by Yuri then Minjoo then Sakura then Yujin and Yena surprisingly. "Thanks to you two, we got high scores on our tests since you helped us study!!!" The four of them happily thanked the couple even though they were forced by Yena and Yujin to teach them every single topic and Yuri and Minju joined them as well. As for the remaining 6, Chaewon and HItomi ranked 7 and 8 while Wonyoung and Nako were tearing up since they didn't get the top spots as they only got 9 and 10 respectively. Eunbi just avoided Hyewon for the entirety of the day since she keeps remembering the reason why they ranked low on the scoreboard. That night, that frightful night. She should've just ate with Hyewon instead of studying more and then encountering Hyewon's alter ego who only shows up when she's very very hungry. 

They celebrated by eating in the restaurant of Hyewon's dad who gladly cooked their favorite Italian dishes for everyone since the finals were a success (even though his daughter ranked very low). They then went to a karaoke where they split into teams; Chaeyeon, Yujin and Hitomi were the first team while Yuri and Chaewon were the other team. The remaining members were cheering for their favorite team and in the end, team ChaeYuHii won. Team WonYu nearly beat them with their version of Western Sky which shocked the members since they saw a drunk Chaeyeon and Yujin doing high notes either to distract or help the enemy team. Chaewon was laughing at the two while Yuri kept singing, not minding the chaos behind them.

They kept enjoying themselves as they know that the next day was their graduation which made them talk about what they plan on doing after they graduate and get married. "Hyewon and I are starting a bakery since Hyewon was a culinary arts major and I'm  a business major so starting a food business was a smart choice for us." "I'm gonna join this big singing competition to see how much I have improved my skills and Yena will start a pc bang business with Sakura-unnie." "I'm starting a dance studio and 'm gonna give dance workshops or maybe post choreography videos on the internet along with Chaewon and Hii-chan." "Yujin. Nako, Wonyoung and I will inherit our parents' businesses so uhm, yeah."

They kept partying until they all passed out inside their dorm and every couple was cuddling with each other, awaiting the best but saddest day in their lives; Graduation.



Hello reader-nim! Sadly this is the legit second to the last chapter of this story. I know right T-T but I'm starting to write a new fic revolving around my fave ship Annyeongz though there is no chapters (yet) feel free to check it here. Thank you again for the support and please continue that support onto the next stories. Enjoy!

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That's it folks! Don't know if you guys will enjoy it or not but nevertheless, thank you for giving this story lots of support and I hope you guys will support my new story too! Check it out if you guys want too!


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1765 streak #1
Chapter 15: Hi Authornim! I never really comment for I'm a silent readers, but I decided to comment now. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your story and am looking forward to your next story ^.^
Chapter 15: Wow nice chapter ! This is a beautiful story ! Thanks authornim.
Tofu_Twice #3
Chapter 15: BEAUTIFUL
Chapter 11: the jinjoo crumbs I needed!
Chapter 12: Whoaaaa, is this gonna be a 6 couple wedding or something? Lmao