

The nursery was a good distance away, even by car. Taemin was in the passenger seat, sweetly curled up, his hand still grasping mine as he dozed. Onew, who was sitting in the back seat, looking tense, kept shooting glances up at Taemin. It probably didn’t make sense to him how Taemin could still be so at ease with me. I understood it though. It was his mind’s defense. If he acted cute and lovey, then it was less likely that he would be hurt. If I knew anything, it was that I could never hurt him. Not intentionally.

By the time we pulled up to the nursery, he was completely passed out. I eased my hand out of his and put the car in park, then glanced over in time to see him stirring slightly, reaching for my hand. When he didn’t find it, his eyes opened slightly, and he stared at me tiredly, confusion on his face. It was so cute I couldn’t look away, and I felt guilty for having woken him up.

“You can stay in the car and sleep if you want.” I offered, my voice soft. “We’ll only be in there for a little while.”

“” He said, his eyes slightly wide, and his voice shaky. I felt my heart swelling slightly as I my lips and nodded.

“Alright then, you can come inside.” I said, reaching over and pressing the release on his seatbelt. He rubbed at his eyes as he got out of the car, looking exhausted. I held out my hand to him. “Taeminnie, come here.”

He stumbled slightly as he came to me, sliding under my arm and looking around with squinty eyes. I laughed softly and led both he and Onew into the nursery. We were there for about an hour, Onew picking and choosing which plants would best complement the land, but eventually Taemin’s sleepiness won out. I paid for the plants that had been chosen, letting the ‘workers’ load up my car as I buckled Taemin safely into the passenger seat.

He stared at me with heavy eyes, and I felt guilty for not insisting that he stay home. Onew got into the back seat with a tray of plants in his lap, staring blankly at the back of the seat in front of him. I chewed my lower lip gently, then made sure Taemin’s fingers and toes were all clear of the door before I closed it. A few minutes later, all the plants were in the car, and I slid into the driver’s seat.

Not a moment after I started the car and put it in drive did Taemin grab my hand again. I looked over at him and saw him fighting the urge to close his eyes. Why was he so tired today? He had slept just fine the night before. I shook my head, barely noticing when Taemin leaned across the seat, resting his head against my thigh and closing his eyes. I his hair absently, and he rubbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt against his nose.

“Didn’t you sleep last night?” I teased softly. He nodded, not opening his eyes. “Did you have bad dreams then?”

“No.” He said softly. “I’m just tired.”

“Are you feeling sick?” I asked. He shook his head, his expression looking a bit upset. I decided to drop the subject and let him sleep, but I could feel Onew staring at me from the back seat. My next question was aimed at him. “Is everything alright?”

“Y-yes, sir.” He stuttered, jumping in surprise. He looked away from me then, looking very much like a kid who had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do.

When we arrived at the house Onew went inside to get Minho to help him, and I coaxed Taemin into waking up once again so I could bring him inside to sleep. He looked miserable even as I led him into the bedroom. I helped him up on the bed, taking his shoes off, then tucking him under the blanket. When he was comfortably tucked in I backed away from the bed, planning to let him sleep on his own, but he rolled slightly to face me.

“Where are you going?” He asked me, his pout starting to take over his face. I stared at him for a long time, watching his features morph into something sadder and lonelier every second.

“I was going to let you sleep on your own.” I told him. He shook his head desperately, sliding a hand from beneath the heavy covers and reaching out for me. I moved closer to him and took his hand, before sitting on the bed.

“I want you to stay.” He said in a small voice. I nodded after a moment, slipping off my shoes and sliding into the bed with him. He snuggled right up to me a moment later, using my chest as his pillow. I wasn’t sure why, but I knew I would do just about anything to keep him happy.

He clung onto me, his eyes closing again as his breathing softened. He didn’t snore, exactly, but he often emitted small, breathy noises in his sleep that, lately, I found myself waiting for before I myself could sleep. As soon as I heard them I felt my eyes begin to droop. Why was I getting sleepy? I wasn’t even tired. It made no sense.

And yet, I couldn’t fight the yawn that stretched my mouth a moment later, and I opted to turn myself slightly, to get a better grip on Taemin as I felt my own eyes sliding closed. It was only a few moments later that I had fallen asleep, but even in my dreams, I was holding onto the delicate boy.


I apologize for the short chapter, but I had to end it there for the story to continue to flow the way I want it to. Yay for double updates? :D

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There will be no updates until July 27-30th depending on the move.


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 17: This is a very unique take on this genre. I really like all the dynamics in play. Hope there is an update soon!
exoticaplus #2
Chapter 17: Have u stopped writing this fic? its really good!
Chapter 17: The intensity and suspense is going to kill me until you update again! Such an interesting concept; communities where slavery is part of the lifestyle. I like it. :) I'm going to be waiting with bated breath until I know what's going to happen. Splendid job!
Chapter 15: Oooo, that's kind of a risky plan. >.< No doubt there have been others who tried to pull the wool over Mr. Kim's eyes. I wonder if he'll catch on?
This story is driving my curiosity; it's so awesome!! I'm not going to bed until I'm caught up. ^^
Chapter 14: Omg... omg... omg... omg...
Chapter 12: Goodness. Jjong's mood swings are giving me whiplash! I almost feel like I'm seeing the onset of Stockholm syndrome. :P
What lies in store for everyone...?
Chapter 11: Guh... the little world he tried to make is crumbling around him. T_T I understand why Jjong is doing what he's doing, but it still breaks my heart. I feel especially bad for Key, who is taking the brunt of the abuse. I hope things will resolve soon. ;~;
Chapter 9: *le gasp!*
Omo, JongKey brothers?!
Chapter 7: This is getting *very* interesting. The demeanor of Key, Minho and Onew is perplexing, as is the way they react to Taemin. It's almost like they all have some sort of mental link.
I felt Key's fear when Jjong lost his s.hit again. I was holding my breath, wondering what was going to happen. Afterward, the tenderness he had with Key was both sweet and heartbreaking.
Ohh, the things you keep doing to mah feelz!
Chapter 4: *fans self*
That was sweet and steamy! *blush* The guilt Jjong feels after only makes him more endearing, in my opinion. Just more proof of how... human he is. ^^