eight (finale)

You are my euphoria

 'Well, what do you say?'
I had no idea what to say, could I do it? Why not? There was nothing here for me. why couldn't I leave with Jimin, I could have a whole new life.
'I say let's do it' I replied. Jimin looked so excited.
'You really mean it??'
'Of course I mean it, I'd do anything for you' he kissed me.
'I love you so much Taehyung, this is gonna be so awesome' he said 'you're so perfect'
'I love you too and I'm looking forawrd to spending the rest of my life with you'

JIMIN'S POV: I felt like I was on top of the world, everything was going my way. 
I had an amzing boyfriend and I was going to pursue what Iloved doing.
I was truly happy and nothing was going to spoil it.
Taehyung was the best thing to ever happen to me and i would do anything and everything in my power to keep him.
I was finally being given a chance in life and i would show everyone who ever doubted me that they were wrong to judge me.
I would make something of my life and with Taehyung by my side, anything was possible.
The whole world was our oyser, just watch this space.
I was so excited.



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TammyDavies #1
Chapter 8: Well apparantly my hearts show as question marks lol
TammyDavies #2
Chapter 8: ??????
TammyDavies #3
Chapter 5: Cliff hanger af!!!! I need moreeeeee... omg... agghhhhhh x