
So It Goes

So today is the first session of the basketball group, and I'm injured on the stomach and the hand. How sad.

But everything will be ok, since I know the leader anyway.


I want to attend that because I'm challenged to see the atmosphere; whether is it ok if I miss the next one, the other next one, the other other next one, or not.


My stomach is still slightly blue and painful, so I’m wearing a hoodie with a low-waisted sweatpants. I know I can’t and shouldn’t wear my beloved high-waisted pants.

“Hi everyone!”

How I love such godly entrance...

He’s basically only running from a certain door. But since he’s the Lin Yanjun, so everything looks godly. Don’t judge me.

Yanjun's displaying his very-bright smile to everyone.

He’s in a pair of basketball clothes which I've seen before, haha, thanks Xiao Gui. His skin and his hair look wet and y—he probably did few basketball tricks before we all came. I’m thankful for that.

Sometimes when you’re looking at sweaty guys, you’ll have this kind of disgusted feeling, because you’ll automatically think that they must smell really bad.

But that doesn’t apply to Lin Yanjun. I can guarantee that this guy has a certain "heartwarming" smell, despite he’s sweaty or not. I was there.

“So, today we’ll learn about three types of shooting. I'm sure you're familiar with the term—“ Whatever he’s saying, I’m going to enjoy the view of Lin Yanjun.

But my daydreaming is suddenly interrupted, because I feel like I'm seeing Xiao Gui talking instead of Yanjun.

I start blinking many times.

The face and the body are Xiao Gui's, but the voice is still Yanjun's. The ?

I shake my head, very intensely.

I turn to scan what’s happening around me—I'm probably looking for... distractions.


I can only see a bunch of girls here, and they're all cheering for Xiao Gui—I mean Yanjun.

Xiao Gui is clearly not here, douchebag.

Do these people mistake the basketball club as Lin Yanjun fangirl club? I still see some guys here, though. Poor them.

Although it's possible that some of them actually like the fact that there are plenty of girls here. It's like, they don’t see the girls as disturbances but “options". Good luck, then.

“Let’s begin the warm-up!“ He yells.

That's one of the parts that I resent—I do resent everything other than sitting.

“Everyone stand up line! We’ll run in circle for 7 times.”

I and others start standing up while fixing our clothes. But I walk to the most back side, instead. Because.... I just want to.

“Except you.”


People stare.

“Why are you here?” Xiao Gui’s suddenly standing right in front of me—no, he's actually Lin Yanjun. I'm having a dysfunctional vision and brains today.

“Duh.. I signed for this group?”

“But you can just not come, duh..”

God, did Xiao Gui just ing imitate me?—I mean Yanjun.

People stare.

“At least come when you’re fully recovered...” He grabs my shoulders and turns me away, so I'm now back-facing the others. “What is this?” He asks. He opens the bottom-front layer of my hoodie, only a little bit, to see my stomach.

“See? It’s still not qualified for basketball!”

I can only wet my lips. How am I supposed to tell you that I'm literally using this--and my relation to you--to escape your basketball sessions?

Suddenly, someone’s running to our way while panting. We can all hear his shoes colliding with the floor, because basically everyone is focused on Yanjun..... and me.

“Ge, I’m late for only—“

I snatch the layer of my hoodie back from his grab, then check on the people behind by turning to the left and right.

People are [still] ing staring. Including this late guy, who’s currently gasping at us.

“Hey, Xiao Gui, that’s cool of you!” He checks on his watch then smiles. “Only 15 minutes!” He wasn't being sarcastic with that. Interesting.

“Get in line!” He yells, then turns to me. “You sit there, or just go home, ok?”

I try to reply with a smile, but ends up with awkward grin and squint—I’m nervous with the staring.

As everyone's started running in circle around the field, I try doing my first attempt of walking to the main exit.

First of all, I have to walk through everybody. But people are running very tidily that there’s no ing gap for me to sneak out.

I decide to try waiting for a while.

It’s possible that they’ll stop being as this tidy once their energy depletes, right?

I was right.

They’ve just started loosening the gaps between each other, so I try walking through it.

“Sorry, excuse me.”


For a brief second, I forgot that this group was 90% occupied by Lin Yanjun fangirls.


Someone intentionally placed her foot in front of me.

I instantly fall forwards, on my right elbow and right thigh; since they’re trying to protect my body in reflex.

And, my ty blue stomach bends.

“Serve you right, !”

Some are actually burst in laughter.

"ing !"

"More like the ugly !"

"Cheap !"

"Who's your next sugar daddy?"

"What a stick !"

“WHAT THE—“ I press my eyes and place a hand on my chest. “No swearing.” I feel like life keeps on testing me to swear these days. But, why, life?

Someone gives a hand to linger around my shoulder and other hand to hold my arm. He’s trying to support me to stand up.

Lin Yanjun.

“OWW!” Not a cute ow because my bended stomach just hurt even more.

His hand on my arm moves to hold the part below my knees. But I grab it, instead. “No need, I’m going to walk, ok? By myself.”

He’s not willing to release his grab on my shoulder. So with my one hand on the ground and the help of his hand, I try to stand up.

I turn to the people behind, seeing that pretty much everyone have gathered there to witness us.

I also start seeing Xiao Gui, trying to see what’s happening from the very back of the crowd. He’s trying to push everyone that’s currently blocking his way, with his hands. But too bad, the fangirls of Yanjun are amazingly strong, and that all the guys here are literally twice the size of Xiao Gui.

It somehow gives me a little joy inside.

“Everyone,” Yanjun yells. “Today’s session ends here. Thank you!”

The Lin genes seem to love calling their sessions off once their member is injured.

“Come on, I’ll walk you out of here.”



“You know what, Yanjun, I can walk by myself from here.” I brush his hands off. “Thanks a lot, by the way.”

He grabs the front part of my hoodie again, and lifts it up.

This time he lifts it a bit higher.

He most likely can see the word Calvin Klein peeking on the top of my stomach. I don't actually own a Calvin Klein sport bra, but you get the point.

He even bends down to the ground, to get a better view of it—the wound, of course—and he squints to the sight.

“Didn’t this hurt when you fall?”

“Yeah... I’ll be lying if I say it didn’t.”

“Did the doctor give you anything to put on this?”

“Nope, not at—“

I see Xiao Gui coming to this way. The sight of him panting, distracts me.

“!!” That of course, came from Xiao Gui.

Imagine how “easy” he broke free from the crowd with that body.

I start giggling to the thought.

“OWW!” I yell.

It used to not hurt this much if I giggle.

I twitch my face to hold it in.

“W-what’s happening?” Yanjun asks, while holding my wrist with his other hand.

I brush his hand off of my shirt and pat the opened part so it goes back down. “No, no, I’m fine.” I release his grab on my wrist.

I think I hear snickers from Xiao Gui's side, so I turn to him. He crinkles his nose, saying, "Sorry that I ing ruined your moment." He looks like he's clenching his teeth

He looks away, mumbling, " you! Why are you this idiot?" He seems to be cursing me.... or Yanjun, or himself?

He runs away.

What was that for? Think myself, think.

If I was in his shoes, and I did what he did and saw what he saw—

Wait, was that a form of jealousy? But it's not even 1% possible. I'm ugly, right.

I let out a heavy sigh, because it seems like I'm already used to that insult disguised as a nickname.

Or else, he's not jealous with Yanjun but me.

I gasp, very widely, then immediately hurry to chase him, leaving Yanjun dumbfounded.

I think I can run. I only have to make sure that my stomach won't bend on the way. Safety first.


"Hey, Xiao Gui!" I stop and let myself to pant a bit, because he's now only a few meters away from me.

Ugh, by the way I just betrayed the word safety first by bending my body.

But he doesn't budge at all.

I press my eyes then runs as fast as I can to reach him. I'm trying to put the thought of my stomach aside for now.

I grab his shirt from the back, while trying to control my breath.

"Don't touch me."


I don't release my grab and put my other palm on a wall [beside me], instead. It's getting harder to support for my body.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Don't ever talk to me again."

"What kind of joke you're trying to pull off now? April mop? It's not even April yet." God, my logic.

He uses his hand to brush my hand off and turns to me. His face, his eyes, everything looks red, and he's short of breath. "Why did you come to me in that state? It's disgusting." His nose crinkles.

I furrow my eyebrows and gasps, in disbelief. "Are you serious with that?"

He presses his lips together then blurts, "Why me? Out of everyone?"

"Listen, you just ran away after cursing me, or Yanjun, or yourself, so I wanted to know what's up, and now you're saying that I'm disgusting." I take a deep breath before yelling, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

"You really can't stick with one person, are you?"

"Listen, just chill because Yanjun is still available, dude... and—" I flinch. He's clearly not talking about Yanjun. "What the !? So you're actually talking about me?"

He turns away, muttering, "You're just like what everybody said." He pauses. "A shameless ."

Then he leaves me behind.


Just how many kinds of am I.

I start losing my balance and falling on my , but slowly. I put my palms on the wall nearby—hoping that I can reduce the possibility of my stomach flexes too harshly.

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