In Love by silentbunny11

Neverland Review Pick-Ups


Title of the Story  3/5
Your title wasn't too cliche, but the title is kinda boring. You can do better than that :)
Poster and Background 2/5
The poster wasn't really a poster, and I think you got it on some website or something. I suggest you make a poster or ask someone to make one for you.
Foreword 10/10
Your author notes, credits and copyrights were all there and placed correctly. 
Description 7/10
The desrciption short and nice, but maybe a little too short? Overall, it didn't reveal too much and making the story predictable. Well done! :)
Originality 9/10
I haven't read any story like this, but since I don't really read many Seokyu and supergeneration fanfics, I'm guessing that there might be some fanfics like this one but I'm not so sure. So I will give you 9 marks for this one :)
Plot, How your story goes 23/25
Your story was really nice and your readers enjoyed it. Your story isn't predictable, and you describe the person's feelings, and scenes very well :) This story is very nice for a one-shot, and I really liked it! 
Spelling, Grammar and Vocabulary 15/15
Your English is very good, and I didn't spot any grammer, spelling, or any punctuation errors. Good job! :) 
(Unless I was too into the story that I didn't find any mistakes)
Characterization 4/10
Since this is a one-shot and characterization might not be needed, although it would be nice if there were some characterization so readers can know some things about them like their personality?
Ending 9/10
I liked the ending. It was very cute and nice, although I thought something might've happen :) 
Total: 82/100
Your story is great! I hope you write more stories, and keep up the good work! ^^
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