Heart And Mind

Drawings From The Heart


~*Hyo Rin's POV*~

I’m in my break in the cafe, sitting in my table and looking outside the window, which is in the far opposite wall. I can’t even force myself to draw since the same thoughts are clouding my mind for awhile now. It’s being a few days since I last saw Hyunseung. I didn’t see him in university and he didn’t even come to the cafe either. I wonder what he’s doing…

-A nickel for your thoughts!

I jumped slightly in my seat as a husky voice pulled me from my daydream thinking. I looked up and immediately widened my eyes.


-What were you thinking about?

He tilted his head a little and waited for me to answer while giving me a gently smile. I blushed instantly. Avoiding his gaze to try to hide my red cheeks, I ended up stammering softly.

-Uhm… N-Nothing, just… You know, daydreaming.

-You seemed really immersed in your thoughts to be only a daydream. Is there something bothering you?

I looked at him again, feeling warm inside. I’m glad that he cares for me even if it’s only a little. I managed a small smile as I shook my head. How am I supposed to tell to the one I love that I’m worried about another man? Well, it doesn’t hurt if I change the topic, right?

-Do you… Came here for some reason?

-Yes! You.


I blinked repeatedly and pointed at myself as my mind was in mild confusion. He came here… For me?

-You know… Tomorrow will be the day we’ll present our dance projects, right? I’ll be really happy if you come to watch.

Junhyung… Is inviting me to watch him dance? HE is inviting ME? The corners of my lips started to lift up but it faded as soon as his next words came out from his mouth, crashing my world down.

-I know Chae Young will be very happy too!

Chae Young… I should have known… The excitement in your voice, the sparks in your eyes, the bright smile in your lips when you say her name… It really hurts, you know? Yeah, I’m not blind. I know that Junhyung likes her too. These little things are enough to show the whole world his feelings. I don’t think and I don’t want to think that he is this kind of person, but… I can’t help but guess that he approached me because of her.

-I’ll try.

I smiled weakly at him, trying not to show the sadness I’m feeling. My voice came out lowest that I wanted, but luckily he didn’t notice.

-Hyunseung hyung will be there too.


I don’t know why, but my heart skipped a beat hearing his name. I’ll be able to see him then?

-Yeah. I asked him to come with me to invite you, but he said that he had to practice and only told me the cafe address. Aish, that workaholic.

Junhyung chuckled and he shook his head. I felt a pang in my heart upon hearing his words. Why I feel like Hyunseung-ah is avoiding me? Maybe… I’m thinking too much?


~*Hyunseung’s POV*~

-Yah, Hyunseung-ah!

I stopped the music and turned to the door in search of the voice.

-Oh, Junhyung.

He narrowed his eyes at me and placed his hands in his waist while approaching me as I went to my backpack in the corner of the practice room, grabbing the water bottle and gulping down half of its contents.

-You workaholic! Aren’t you tired? You’re here since when? Three days ago? Do you even remember the way to your home?

-Shut up, okay? You nag too much! And I just want to make it perfect.

-And where is Hyo Jin-ah?

I shrugged and sat at the floor, leaning against the wall. I took the towel and wiped the sweat droplets from my forehead and neck before answering him.

-I don’t know. Practicing, I hope.

Junhyung looked confused at me before taking a seat too.

-Aren’t you two practicing together?

-No. I’ve made a choreography that we don’t touch each other, so there’s no need to be together at all.

-You’re really something, you know?

He stated amazed, raising his eyebrows.

-So, you’re going to tell me why you came to look for me or not?

-Oh, yes. I was thinking… Do you want to come with me to invite Hyo Rin-ah to watch our performances?

-Hyo Rin…?

My heart twisted in pain when her sweet name came from Junhyung’s mouth. Why is he thinking on her? Maybe… He’s starting to notice her?

-Yeah, well… She’s Chae Young’s best friend, so I thought that she will be happy if her friend come to see her.

Oh, that’s the reason… Chae Young. Hyorin will be disappointed when she find the truth. Thinking about her, I didn’t saw Hyo Rin for the past few days. I wonder how she’s doing… Yes, I’m avoiding her. I can’t come to a conclusion, if I should let her go and help her or if I should fight for her. My heart says for me to fight, but my mind says to let her be happy with Junhyung. Aish… What should I do?

-…seung-ah… Hyunseung-ah!

-Eh? What?

-Why are you daydreaming after hearing Hyo Rin’s name?

Junhyung gave me a lopsided smirk while raising an eyebrow. Stop teasing me when I’m losing her to you, bastard! I managed to put the better emotionless expression on my face while getting up and heading to the centre of the room.

-Stop thinking too much, Junhyung. I wasn’t thinking on her. And sorry, but I can’t go with you.

-Wait. Why?

-You don’t know where she works, right? Well, do you know Chinseon cafe?

-The one between our houses?

-She must be there now. She’ll be happy that you’ll talk to her.

-Are you sure that you don’t want to come-

-Junhyung… Go now, please. You’re disturbing me.

I put on the music and started the dance moves again, ignoring Junhyung’s existence behind me. He released a frustrated sigh and ruffled his hair before exiting the room. As the door closed with a small bang, I stopped the music and leaned my forehead against the mirror wall. I closed my eyes and bumped my clenched fist in the mirror, trying to release at least a little the awful pain in my heart. Why do I have to listen to my mind instead of my heart?


~*Junhyung’s POV*~

Hyo Rin-ah hesitated a little but after hearing about Hyunseung being there and a puppy face of mine, she agreed on going. Now I actually can’t believe that I’ve made such face. It’s the first and last time, really! I was so embarrassed! But Chae Young’s smile is worth it and she’ll be happy with Hyo Rin-ah there!

I smiled stupidly to myself and decided to get a prize for my succeeded action. I stopped in front of a vending machine and was about to put a coin to get my coke when a hand bumped in mine. I turned to my side only to have my eyes widened and my voice shaking.

-C-Chae Young-ssi?


I… Touched her hand! Heat reached my cheeks and I turned my gaze away while scratching my nose.

-W-What are you doing here alone at this late?

-Late? But Junhyung-ssi… It’s only 5PM.

-Eh? Oh, it’s true… Sorry.

I cursed myself mentally as I heard her chuckle. Great, Junhyung! You only embarrassed yourself in front of Chae Young! Chae Young! THE Chae Young!

-But what are you doing here, anyway?

-Ah, I live near here.

-Really? Hyo Rin works here too. In the cafe.

-Oh, I saw her there toda… These days!

You idiot! Almost spilled all to her! We took our cokes and started to walk slowly while talking about random things.

-So… Aren’t you nervous for tomorrow?



I took a deep breath to encourage myself and turned to her. She stopped walking and looked at me with those big and lovable eyes.

-Yes, because we practiced a lot to it and I know that you’ll be awesome there. And because I know that I’ll do everything right and beautifully because it’s you that will be there with me.

She blushed hard and turned away, but I could see the corner of her lips lifting. She’s smiling. My heart jumped in joy and somehow, I was proud of my bold action.

We started to walk again as I walked her home. Occasionally our hands brushed against each other’s until the moment I couldn’t control myself anymore and I slowly sneaked my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers and brushing my thumb in the back of her hand. She didn’t pulled away or even flinched with my touch, so I guess she accepted it, right? Maybe… She likes me too~



I know!! You can kill me for taking so long!! >_<

Sorry... T.T

I'll try not to do this anymore!! 


I've made a Yoseob's oneshot, did you guys saw that?? ^^

If not, go take a look~ Move On!! I hope you enjoy~


And Enjoy this chap too~ 

Thank you for still be with this awful author ;A;

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Yonghyunism #1
Please dont forget to update this....
Chapter 10: I mean in livejournal
Hii! I think I saw this fic in wordpress... Is that you ?
luvseungie4ever #4
Chapter 10: i like it..
really hope hyorin ends up wif hyunseung..
TailsOfLightning #5
Reread the story and waiting
I like it very much....Update soon~! :D
smiley95 #7
Omg!!!!!!!! I love love love your story!!!!!!!! Hope Hyo Rin start to fall for Hyunseung.
I really feel bad for Seungie......
NamHarang #9
Thank you so much for your comments guys!! They always make me smile :')
NyanKat #10

WAAAH~~~ kyeopta!!!

your story is absolutely AWESOME
please update more *puppy eyes*