Refreshing Morning... Or Not?

Drawings From The Heart



I didn't reviewed yet... Sorry for any typos. I'll fix it later~~



~*Hyo Rin's POV*~

I squeezed the blanket in my body and nuzzled in my soft pillow. I don’t remember the dream I had but I know it was a good one, because I’m feeling strangely glad today. I was with my eyes still closed but it until I felt my pillow moving by itself. I shot my eyes open and sat quickly, looking around.

I’m in my living room… Why I slept here? I can’t even remember taking a blanket and falling asleep. The last thing I remember is that I was here last night, watching movies with- I turned to my side only to be greeted by a sleeping Hyunseung.

-Oh my Gosh! He… He slept here… With me! I-It’s alright… Right? And, Oh my Gosh! I was lying in his thigh!

I started to panic with my mind running wildly but he caught my eyes again.

-But looking carefully, he’s really handsome while sleeping…

Unconsciously I hovered above him, sitting in his lap. Tracing each one of his features I could finally see how perfect and symmetric they were. Long eyelashes, small nose, reddish lips, defined collarbone…

-Sleep with someone so beautiful sitting in your lap and watching you so closely is a little tempting, you know?

Only turning to his face again I saw how dangerously closer our faces were. I could feel his hot breathe in my skin. My heart was beating like crazy and my eyes widened. I gulped and jumped out of him.

-I-I… I-I’m sorry…

I lowered my head, feeling the heat in my cheeks. I’m so ashamed. What was I thinking?

-So… I’m so handsome that you couldn’t resist?

-Oh my Gosh, you heard that?

-Every single word.

He said teasingly earning a glare from me. He chuckled and leaned forward to plant a soft kiss in my forehead.

-Go get ready, I’ll make the breakfast.

And with this, he left a blushed me dumbfounded in the couch.

I headed to the shower and stayed there, letting the hot water hit my skin while thinking in what happened yesterday and this morning. Hyunseung’s actions let me wonder how it feels to do this kind of things with the one you love. How it feels to do this kind of things with Junhyung. He is the type that cooks too? The food he does is good? He would spend his time watching movies with me? Would sleep with me in the couch? He would embrace me tightly and make me feel safe in his arms? He’ll do these things to Chae Young? Unconsciously my tears poured down my cheeks again. I wiped them roughly and got out of the shower. It’s not time to think in these things.


~*Hyunseung’s POV*~

Why I did this? Why I slept here? Just to make my situation worst, of course… Aish… How I’m going to take her out of my mind now? Her sleeping face is so priceless… And this morning… She sitting in my lap and her face so close… Gosh! I thought I wouldn’t control myself! Suddenly a sweet voice got me back from my thoughts.

-The smell is nice!

-Oh, you’re here? Well, it’s all ready. I’m going now.

-Eh? But… Aren’t you going to eat with me? I mean… You did all these…

I smiled and approached her, patting her head gently.

-It’s okay. I made it for you. Besides, I still have to go home and grab my things to go to college.

-Is there something important you need for today? I can lend some things for you.

-Thank you, but I’m going home. I have to pick some clothes too. Take care, okay?

I give another kiss in her forehead and got out. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I eyed the small house. I really wanted to stay with her to eat and go to college together, but… I can’t do it. Not yet, when she’s thinking in someone else. It hurts me.


Great! The only person I didn’t want to see this early.

-Hey Junhyung…

-What are you doing here this early? And where are your things?

-I’m going to grab them.

-You didn’t sleep in home?


-Hyunseung-ah! You forgot your jacket-

I ly to see Hyo Rin frozen in her spot with her eyes widen. ! I know what is going in the heads of these two. I have to think in something quickly.

-A-Ah, Hyo Rin-ah… Thank you! And thank you for helping me with my project yesterday. I’m sorry that I had falling sleep in your couch. Thank you again.

She looked at me confused, but I motioned slightly to Junhyung and she understood.

-A-Ah, yes… It’s okay. If you need any help again, you can call me.

-Sorry ask about this, but… How Hyo Rin-ah could help you with your project if our majorities are completely different?

-I was having trouble in imagine the girl’s movements, so Hyo Rin-ah helped me by drawing them so I could get a better image of them.

He seemed hesitant at first, but accepted the excuse. Hyo Rin also relaxed. He started a random conversation with us and the bright smile in Hyo Rin’s face was beautiful. She was so happy that her eyes were sparkling. She never showed me that kind of expression. I couldn’t stand that anymore and walked back home, letting the two alone. I know he’ll go with her to the college. I know they’ll talk happily all the way there. And I know she’ll fall deep for him… Life is really unfair, isn’t it?


~*Hyo Rin’s POV*~

We walked together to the college, talking happily about everything that came in our minds. As we entered the gates, everyone started to greet him and I even earned some glares from the girls. He’s really popular, eh? He excused himself to go with his friends and I walked to my spot under the tree, feeling my heart beating faster than ever.

Sitting here I’m able to see Junhyung with Doojoon-ssi and Yoseob-ssi, playing and laughing. I never thought I would be this close with him and even knew his friends. This is so surreal for me. I know that I’m not supposed to continue to like him because of Chae Young, but I can’t help it. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I took my draw book from my bag and started to draw him again. I was so concentrated that I didn’t notice the person who sat beside me.

-You know… We’re going to be late for our classes if you continue now. Even he is already gone.

-Oh my gosh, Hyunseung! You’ll kill me someday if you continue to appear from nowhere!

-I didn’t appear from nowhere, I already here for twenty minutes.

-Twenty minutes?

-Thank you for remind me at how insignificant my presence is.

-I’m not saying this!

I nudged him and started to grab my things. We are indeed late. After we separated our paths, I kept wondering why he came to stay with me instead of his friends. Maybe he was worried because of this morning? I really can’t understand him…


~*Chae Young’s POV*~

My mind was filled with thoughts of Hyo Rin. I still can’t understand why she acted like that yesterday. But they are vanished away when I entered the classroom and was greeted by a bright smile of Junhyung.

-Chae Young! Good morning.

-Good morning, Junhyung.

I sat next to him and he turned all his attention to me while we were talking. I feel so happy! I always wanted to talk to him and be closer, but I never had the chance. I surely have to thank the teacher in the future.

We stayed together, enjoying the others company all the class. I could feel Hyunseung’s eyes on us every now and then. He’s really strange. I wonder how Hyo Rin can feel so comfortable with him. His eyes are piercing, his face is emotionless and his really mysterious. I can’t ever know what he’s thinking.

As if he knew I was thinking about him, he approached us.

-Sorry to interrupt you two, but… Chae Young-ssi, can I make a question to you?

I was taken aback but Junhyung’s innocent eyes on me made me nod.

-O-Of course, Hyunseung-ssi. What is this?

-If you and a close friend of yours like… Hyo Rin-ssi! If you two liked the same person, what would you do? Would you fight or back off?


What kind of question is this? If me and Hyo Rin- Wait. He knows something about her behavior yesterday? She… She can’t be liking Junhyung, right?

-What do you mean, Hyunseung-ssi? There’s something with Hyo Rin?

-Oh, no. I just used her as an example, since I don’t know any other of your closer friends.

-Ah, I see…

So it’s only things of my head… What a relief.


-Oh… I would fight for the person I love.


~*Hyunseung’s POV*~

-Maybe the person was meant to be with me and if I wouldn’t fight for him, we could be losing a really special chance to be happy.

-Even if this friend is closer like Hyo Rin-ssi? I mean, you aren’t supposed to prefer her happiness?

-Yes, because I know Hyo Rin well and I know that when she likes something, she do all she can to reach it. So, she would fight for him to.

You really don’t know her, eh? Do you call this a closer relationship, Chae Young-ssi? Even if I didn’t know about anything, I could easily see that she’s the person that treasures the others feelings more than her own feelings

-What with this question so suddenly, Seungie?

Junhyung… How can you be so clueless? You’re starting to piss me of, do you know? Well… At least I think this is a good point to me.

-Nothing… I just heard something about it this morning and I wanted to know if this is really how girls think about. Thank you for responding, Chae Young-ssi.

I grabbed my things and went out to walk through the campus. Hyo Rin-ah… I really don’t know what to do. Should I fight for you and make you mine, or help you to get the one you love and watch you from afar? What will make you the happiest? And why the hell I think is the second option? I really don’t want to give up on you. What should I do?





Hi guys~~ I'm soooo sorry for take like forever!! ç.ç

But I'm in the middle of my tests and works in college and I couldn't make it before...

And thank you for still support my fic and having so much patience with me and my slow updates!

I'll try to update more often now that the tests are ending.

New subs, welcome!! ^^

Please, comment~~ ^o^

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Yonghyunism #1
Please dont forget to update this....
Chapter 10: I mean in livejournal
Hii! I think I saw this fic in wordpress... Is that you ?
luvseungie4ever #4
Chapter 10: i like it..
really hope hyorin ends up wif hyunseung..
TailsOfLightning #5
Reread the story and waiting
I like it very much....Update soon~! :D
smiley95 #7
Omg!!!!!!!! I love love love your story!!!!!!!! Hope Hyo Rin start to fall for Hyunseung.
I really feel bad for Seungie......
NamHarang #9
Thank you so much for your comments guys!! They always make me smile :')
NyanKat #10

WAAAH~~~ kyeopta!!!

your story is absolutely AWESOME
please update more *puppy eyes*