Sweet Acts

Drawings From The Heart


~*Hyunseung’s POV*~

I went home slowly under the heavy rain without any umbrella, but I couldn’t care less. I’m so angry… How can I deal with this situation? Damn it, Junhyung! I hate you!

Obviously I arrived soaked, so I went straight to the shower. As the hot water hit my bare skin, thoughts of that girl filled my mind again. Only by closing my eyes I’m able to see perfectly her beautiful face; her black bang falling slightly above her eyes, deep brown and small eyes, cute nose, chubby cheeks, plump lips, the most adorable eye smile. Gosh! What is happening to me?

I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling, while she didn’t leave my mind. I tried to think in other things, but all that came in my mind only made me even angrier. Suddenly I remembered our promise. She could be serious? I jumped out the bed and grabbed my things, rushing through the door.

Luckily had stopped raining. As I entered the cafe, I looked around but couldn’t find her. A disappointed sigh left my lips as I sat in a random table. A tall man came to take my order and that’s when I saw her, sitting in the far opposite corner. She had her head lowered and was writing something, I guess. I unconsciously smiled widely. The man followed my gaze and returned to me, with a big grin in his face.

-Just a minute, please.

I nodded but my gaze never left her. She looks beautiful when she’s concentrated. I wonder what she’s doing…

-Here! Her favorite is cappuccino.


-Just go.

He winked at me and went away, leaving me there, dumbfounded. I looked at the drinks and blinked several times while biting my lower lip and wondering if I should go or not.

After some minutes I grabbed the drinks and headed towards her. I sat in front of her, but she didn’t notice. She was drawing beautifully. It was a guy. He… Seems familiar… Well, maybe it’s only my impression.


~*Hyo Rin’s POV*~

I couldn’t stop thinking in what happened today… I couldn’t even work properly! My mind was wandering to him every five seconds! Junhyung… Even his name is beautiful… And he’s so gentle… He even helped a stranger like me by sending me home and getting all wet with that! And his face looking closely… Is even more perfect! Oh my God, my heart! It’s going to jump through my mouth!

I’m clumsy but today I’m the triple clumsy! Jeon Seok oppa almost didn’t ask me to do things and advanced my free time. I ran to pick my drawing set and sat in my table at the far corner. The image of his handsome face, with his bright smile under the rain didn’t leave my mind. I was able to draw him easily. Just when I was starting to fill the scribbles, a cup of coffee appeared in front of my eyes. I looked up to see a handsome boy smiling at me.

-Sorry for disturb you~~ I thought you would like a coffee.

I was surprised but couldn’t do anything but chuckled at his sweetness. I grabbed the cup and took a sip of it. It was cappuccino, my favorite.

-Thank you, but… How did you know?

-What? Your favorite, cappuccino?

I nodded and he approached his face from mine, putting his index finger in his lips.


I laughed and he smiled satisfied. Maybe his intention was it? We drank our coffees in silence, but a comfortable silence. He kept on looking at my drawing and after some minutes he finally spoke.

-You draw really well, you know? Who are you drawing?

-Who? Uhm… Nobody… Specific… And, thank you.

I adjusted nervously my glasses while he nodded and went silent again. I was observing him and could see him frowning at time to time. Something is bothering him again.

-Something happened?

He looked at me surprised and let out a weak laugh.

-I’m this transparent?

-Uhm… Let’s say that you are easy to read.

-Okay… I’ll tell you.

He kept passing the tip of his finger in the edge of the cup while telling me the whole story; about the project he have to do with a girl, about how the girl acts with him, how it bothers him and how he don’t want to do this.

-But you have to.

-But I don’t want to spend one single second with her…

He whined and pouted cutely. I don’t know what got into me, but I felt the urge to pinch his cheeks. And I did so.

-Aigoo… Don’t sulk~~ Look. If she does it, it’s because she thinks that she still has a chance with you. You only have to say it straight in her face.

-I already did that… I already did all I could think!

-So… Work alone.


-Create the choreography alone. Create one that don’t need any touch between you two nor you two to practice together, and give her a copy. That’s all.

He looked at me with wide eyes and mouth slightly open. After some blinks a wide smile appeared in her face and he threw himself above the table and wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I froze at his sudden action. Let’s say that I never had been this closely with a guy before.

-You’re really the best, Hyo Rin-ah!

His low voice in my ear, the way he said my name, his hot breath in my skin, the warm of his body invading mine, made my heart race. I could barely listen other things beyond my heartbeats. He pulled away a little and moved my bang to the side, leaning forward and placing his soft lips in my forehead.

-Thank you.

I lifted my hand and touched the place where his lips were and blushed madly. He only smiled sweetly, like he hadn’t done anything. As I was about to open my mouth, Jeon Seok oppa interrupted me.

-Here, two more cappuccinos for you and I think is better for you to go home. Is getting late.

-Oppa… Oh God! I forget to return to work! I’m going now and-

-You are going to home now.

-But isn’t the time yet…

-Today you were completely useless here, and I doubt you will do something different now. So my boy… I can count on you to send this stubborn and clumsy girl home?

-Of course! I was going to wait for her to finish anyway…

-Great! You, go change quickly and don’t make this gentle boy wait so much. Now go!

He pulled me out of the chair and grabbed my shoulders from behind, pushing me to the dressing room. I was completely confused with all of that but did what was told. I took a glance at the cafe and it was a busy evening like always, why he’s sending me home?

-I think he just want you to rest a little.

His sudden voice made me jump a little. With a hand above my chest, I turned to see the boy leaning in the wall beside the door. Oh, I don’t know his name…

-You startled me…

I pouted and he laughed, reaching his hand to ruffle my hair.

-Sorry~ You’re ready?


~*Hyunseung’s POV*~

She nodded and we exited the cafe, with her bidding goodbyes to her coworkers. As we stepped out, a cold wind hit us. The wind passed through her neck and blew her hair gently. It made me a little jealous. I want to be the only one to touch her skin, blew her hair out of the way, the one to embrace her body… Wait… What am I thinking? As I came back to reality I could see her shivering a little. Without thinking twice, I took out my leather jacket and placed it in her shoulders. She looked at me surprised and tried to take it off, but I held it in place.

-There’s no need, seriously…

-And you think I’m going to let you get a cold? Hell no!

-Thank you…

She whispered and embraced the jacket in her body. I smiled proudly to myself and stuck my hands in my pockets. There was silence for a moment before she broke it.

-How you know my name?

-I heard the girl call you yesterday.

-I still don’t know you name…

-Hyunseung. Jang Hyunseung.

She turned to me and showed that eye smile again.

-I like your name!

Damn you, Hyo Rin-ah… Your face now will be stuck in my mind for a really good time!

-So… Your major is dance?


-I have a friend there.

-Really? Who?

-Park Chae Rin.

-Oh, I know her… She’s in my class… Wait! This means you two have the same age?

-No… I’m a year younger than her.

-Oh… But this means… You are in college?

-Yes… Why?

-You look so young… I thought you were in school yet!

-Hahaha I think this is a compliment so, thank you Hyunseung-ssi.

-Yah… What is the formality?


-That’s better! So… I guess your major is drawing?


-In the same college?


-So how I never saw you around?

-Well… Only look at me. I’m a little invisible, you know?

-You’re not invisible!

-Yes, I am. I’m not beautiful, I’m not special… I’m just an ordinary girl. I can’t even make friends easily. Chae Young is my only friend, and now… You.

She smiled sadly at me but I couldn’t bear that. I stopped abruptly and looked at her a little irritated. How she can’t see her stunning beauty? Gosh! How can anyone see this? She looked at me confused as I approached her. I cupped her cheeks with both my hands and my thumbs gently while looking deep in her eyes. Her small eyes widened in surprise, but I ignored it.

-Hyo Rin-ah… You are beautiful. You really are! Never doubts of this. Okay?

She slowly nodded and I smiled at her, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss in her forehead.

I started to walk again but she stayed still. I laughed to myself.

-Hyo Rin-ah! I don’t know where your house is. You have to lead me, remember?

-Eh? Oh, yes!

She quickly ran to me and we walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. Although I didn’t want it to happen, we reached her house. After a little discussion about who would watch who go away first, I won. She returned my jacket and waved to me before closing her door.

I was really happy even if I had to walk all the way back to the cafe and a little more, since my house is the other way. But now I know where she lives. And… My jacket is with her delicious scent of coffee.




Here's the second update~

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Yonghyunism #1
Please dont forget to update this....
Chapter 10: I mean in livejournal
Hii! I think I saw this fic in wordpress... Is that you ?
luvseungie4ever #4
Chapter 10: i like it..
really hope hyorin ends up wif hyunseung..
TailsOfLightning #5
Reread the story and waiting
I like it very much....Update soon~! :D
smiley95 #7
Omg!!!!!!!! I love love love your story!!!!!!!! Hope Hyo Rin start to fall for Hyunseung.
I really feel bad for Seungie......
NamHarang #9
Thank you so much for your comments guys!! They always make me smile :')
NyanKat #10

WAAAH~~~ kyeopta!!!

your story is absolutely AWESOME
please update more *puppy eyes*