Chapter 9: Decoy

Undercover Boss


Jessica rushed her way back to the company but was interrupted. A mysterious man wearing a sophisticated suit stopped in front of Jessica with his white Mercedes. Jessica swiftly opened the door and entered the car without even making time for her driver to do so for her.

“The boss has requested to see you Ms.Jung “

“I know. Can you hurry?”

“Of course”

The two have been in the car for somewhat hours, they were now in the outskirts of South Korea. The place they were headed to was deserted in the middle of nowhere. Civilization did not exist in these out skirts.

Jessica was uncomfortable with the silence and decided to spark a conversation with the handsome driver.

“Why do you still work for him when he treats you like a slave?” Jessica asks the driver nonchalantly.

“He’s the boss; I have to follow his orders”

“What’d he promise you?”

“The honor of my brother”

Jessica scoffs.



The Mercedes stopped in an old, dried grassy field. The grass was dead; it was slightly windy, the sun shined brightly on the desert with its excruciating heat.

Jessica stepped out of the car and was immediately attacked by heat, literally. The young brunette had her hair in a sophisticated bun, with her hands in her skinny jean pockets; she was now leaning on the white Mercedes waiting for further orders.

The driver was delivering a call inside of the car.

“We’re here, boss”

“Is Jessica with you?”

“Of course”

“Okay bring her here”

The driver, Kim Jonghyun, stepped out of the car and signaled Jessica to follow him.

They were now walking towards what seemed like an abandoned old wooden cabin.

The walk was treacherous; the heat wasn’t making the situation any better. Jessica was walking in an inhumane environment with perfidious trails in heels.

Sweat beats were now slowly dripping from the brunette’s flawless, pale forehead. The abandoned house was farther then it seemed.

“Why the hell is it so far?” Jessica says breathlessly

“The boss loves obstacles”

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Aren’t you hot? You’re in that ridiculous suit”

“Yes, but I don’t complain like you”

Jessica scoffs.


Jonghyun smirks.

After what seemed like eternity the two arrived in front of the cabin. Jonghyun opened the old, unsteady door for Jessica to enter while he stood outside guarding the exit, but left minutes after Jessica entered.

Jessica stepped into the cabin looking around, there were subliminal messages within the cabin, weapons hanging on timeworn and rusty nails, dust was everywhere; it is seen floating in the air where the sun shined through the broken windows and in the middle of the cabin was a couch that was flipped over, look liked it took a beating with bullet holes, rips and scratches. Jessica shuddered; a musty smell lingered in the room.

The old wooden door screeched open, revealing an old man no older than seventy.

The man walked into the room steadily with an old sturdy crane gripped in his right hand.

Jessica eyed the man carefully, piercing him with her ice cold stare.

The old man smiled genuinely at Jessica.

“Halapoji” Jessica says while bowing a 90 degrees bow.


The two were now intensely staring at one another; Jessica’s warm brown eyes never left the old man’s tired crimson brown eyes.

“Are you ready, Jessica?”

“Of course” Jessica replies sternly still not dropping her stare.

The old man led Jessica out of the cabin into the ridicule heat of the outside world.

“Grandpa, where are we going?”

“Somewhere more secure, they’re following us”

Jessica looked around clueless, she didn’t see anything suspicious.

“Jessica stop looking around” her grandpa said sternly

Jessica adjusted her stare towards the dry, dead ground; she took note that a fire had started here once.

“Hurry Sica” her grandpa whispered diligently to her. Jessica increased her pace behind her grandfather.

They now arrived to a road leading them back into civilization. Jessica stared incredulously at the road and looked behind her; the wooden cabin was nowhere to be seen. Grandpa had led Jessica through a concealed and consistent pattern through the desert to delay their followers.

The white Mercedes pulled up once again with Jonghyun as the driver. Grandpa entered hastily in the back seat where Jessica followed him.

The car was now racing on the empty road topping speeds of 130 mph.

The desert landscape raced through Jessica’s vision like a movie.

Before Jessica knew it, they were now arriving back to the city of Graceful Seoul.


Jonghyun stopped the car in front of an abandoned apartment complex. Jonghyun opened the door graciously for Grandpa and Jessica. Grandpa whispered something incoherent to Jessica into Jonghyun’s left ear.

Jonghyun raced back into the Mercedes and drove off.

Grandpa led Jessica into the apartment complex. The walls inside were rusty, the dirty white paint was peeling off the walls, the furniture in the complex all took a drastic beating, they were worn down, dried blood splattered everywhere, holes made from bullets and rips made from knives.

Jessica eyed everything carefully; noticing every little thing from the dirty old coin in the corner of the room, to the words “Success is the best revenge” written with red paint that seemed like blood on the walls.

Grandpa led Jessica up countless flights of stairs, with her heels clacking against the rusty old wooden stairs.

Grandpa stopped on the 9th flight, turning his head left and right checking his surroundings cautiously. He turned left and started walking down the worn-down hallway with his cane thumping a constant tempo against the old rugged walkway, Jessica carefully trailed behind him.

He stopped in front of a dirty stained white door that read the room number 1602; he turned the dirty golden nob slowly revealing a trashed, disgusting room. The room had papers everywhere, to Jessica they seemed like documents, wooden chairs were broken, the windows were cracked, the walls had dents and holes, and a dried red liquid like blood was splattered throughout the whole perimeter of the room.

Grandpa stopped in a bedroom and pulled out two folded metal chairs from the shabby closet.  He unfolded the chairs and placed them so that they were facing one another. Jessica was standing by the frame of door outside of the room; she is carefully observing her grandpa’s every move and action trying to identify a specific meaning for each one.

Her grandpa sat gracefully on of the metal chairs with his legs crossed, looking out of the shattered window that revealed the rural side of Seoul. He then turned his attention toward his granddaughter signaling her to sit in the chair before him. Jessica cautiously walked inside the room, towards the chair and sat down slowly.

Jessica had her legs crossed elegantly with her arms gently folded across her chest; an undecipherable emotion was plastered on her goddess-like face.

Grandpa chuckled at his princess-like granddaughter.

“They raised you well, Jessica”

Jessica scoffs.

“Of course they did”

“You’re exactly like me”

“Yea right”

“Jessica I’m serious, can you help me?

“Help you with what?”

“My revenge”

“Revenge for what?”

“Our company”

“What happened to our company?”

“A drastic plot was planned against us, causing our company to crash”

“Who was involved and when did this happen?”

 “There were five men involved on the crash of our company back in ‘84”

“Do you have any idea who they were?”

“No, Jessica. That’s why I need you”

Jessica carefully listened to her grandfather’s information about the incident.

“Your father failed me Jessica, will you do the same?”

“I’ll try not too”

“Jessica don’t ever say the word ‘try’” Grandpa says seriously

Jessica looked at her Grandpa confused.


“People only use the word ‘try’ because they failed”

“I understand”

Jessica says while nodding.

“It was back in 1984 when Jung Corporation was the leading company of entrepreneurs in all of Asia, we peaked #1 in all possible categories relating to the success of business. Other companies despised us, detested us, and were envious of us.  But that was our breaking point; in 1984 the unpredictable happened to our company, we had a debt accumulating over 100 trillion won (89 billion USD). We were on the verge of bankruptcy.”

Jessica was shocked. Her company, the prestigious company had a debt of 100 trillion won.

“How was that possible?”

“It wasn’t. We didn’t need to borrow money from the bank- but five companies plotted against us”


“They tried to acquire as much stock of our company as much as possible. And they’re at it again, Jessica. Have you noticed the decrease of our income and the increase of stock shareholders?”

Jessica thought back and nodded in agreement.

“You’re correct Grandpa. Do you think those five companies are at it again?”

“They were always at it Jessica, the more stock they possess; the more control they have over our company”

“But how?”

“They have their families and employees buying large amounts of stock of our company, and then they acquire loans from the bank under our company name, putting us liable for all charges”

“Let me guess, they take the loans out anonymously and put our company as the name”


Jessica rubs her chin.

“So how do I help with this?”

“Since you being the CEO is anonymous. Only 5 people know you’re the actual CEO; Director Kim, Director Kang, Director Im, Director Seo and Kwon Yuri- and don’t you let anyone else find out”

Jessica nodded.

“What else do I have to do?”

“We’ll go over everything you need within a time span of a month, starting today”


Jessica was required to re-dye her hair blonde again.

Every day for 4 weeks, Jessica would live in a hotel under the name ‘Jung SooYeon’, she would meet with her grandfather at 10 AM to begin their sessions and Jessica would leave at 6 PM. Jessica got food and clothes secretly from Jonghyun who dropped off her necessities every morning.

In the first week of their training, Grandpa swiftly went through the basics of business with Jessica; things she already knew, but to Jessica it was a bliss to relearn everything her grandfather experienced. Grandpa taught Jessica the secret schemes of fraud, manipulation, determination, and trust.  Fraud is the mechanism of deception for Jessica’s personal gain. Manipulation is the devious influence for Jessica’s advantage. Determination is the drive of adrenaline to accomplish her family’s revenge. Lastly, trust, the barrier between Jessica and others, something of Jessica’s that should be treasured deeply.


The second week Jessica learned the tricks of secrecy, success, vengeance, and greed. Secrecy, is for Jessica to do everything she does discreetly, once she’s caught she’s done. The meaning of success to Jessica is the sweetest revenge of all, when she becomes invincible to the point not even God can take her down. Vengeance is the drive that keeps Jessica motivated, to retaliate on those who betrayed her. Greed is the downfall of all great successors, and Jessica is determined to not let greed engrave into her bitter soul.


The third week was the review of her skills; 9th degree in Judo, ranked #1 of women’s boxing anonymously, Jessica was also trained in firearms; she had the accuracy of a hawk.  She was trained by no other, Jung Kwan Min; her grandfather. Her grandfather trained her since she was little in secret, the moment her father failed him was the moment he chose Jessica as his successor. No older than a year old, Jessica was watched over silently by her grandfather, who was waiting patiently for her growth. When Jessica was 7 years old, it was the year Jessica transformed to a strong, independent, arrogant child; Kwan Min anticipated this coming of time for over 10 years. Every single day after school for 11 years, Kwan Min had Jessica picked up from school and driven her to his undisclosed location of his home.  Kwan Min trained Jessica for 4 hours every weekday, weekends of 7 hours of training were treacherous for the younger girl, but she learned to adapt and endure. No one knew of this except for Jessica and Kwan Min.

 Jessica’s mindset was to let one suffer than to die. Deep down Jessica wishes to never have to take someone’s life away, that everything she was doing was for the greater good of society.


The fourth week was the last week for Jessica. The young woman learned the important aspects of reading and deciphering others’ emotions, to carefully watch and learn from others, to process every possible outcome of any situation in a matter of seconds. Jessica learned how to focus her five senses accurately and attentively.   The whole week was dedicated to the psychology of humans; the specific principles she needs to follow precisely.

“Jessica, I really hope everything I educated you with will be for the right reasons”

“Of course”

Grandpa nodded at Jessica.

“You’re going to be under our Corporation, no one will really know who you are, nor find out because your birth was kept in secrecy to the outside world”

“What?” Jessica asked shocked.

“Your birth was kept a secret from the public, only the Jungs know and the five people in our company. But not even all of the Jungs know that I passed the company down to you and not your father. Your father is a decoy, Jessica”

“A decoy?”

“He never wanted the whole corporation, he only wanted a company”


“He couldn’t handle the work”

“That’s ridiculous Grandpa, even I could handle the work”

“He could’ve but he fell in love with your mother. After I specifically told him not to fall in love, he failed me, Jessica”

Jessica didn’t know how to respond. Her father failed because he fell in love with her mother. Would Jessica fail as well, if she fell in love? They say love is uncontrollable; it’s a monster, a sickness that could not be cured or avoided. The worst fear of all is love itself.

Grandpa noticed Jessica in deep thought after the word ‘love’ was mentioned.


Jessica looked up to meet her Grandfather’s stare.


“Don’t fall in love, because when you fall in love that person starts to become an obstacle to your success, they will get hurt because of you, they will fall because of you, they will die because of you”

“Because of me…” Jessica mumbled to herself

Jessica closed her eyes and inhaled.

Don’t fall in love.

Don’t think about love.

Don’t talk about love.

Love to you, is nothing.

Jessica exhaled and opened her eyes.

“I understand”

“ Starting tomorrow, you will enter the corporation as Jessica Jung”

“Jung? Wouldn’t that give everything away?”

“Do you know how many Jungs reside in Korea?”

Jessica kept mum.

“You’re going to be from Los Angeles, California; a graduate from Stanford with a master’s degree in Business Finance and Design”

Jessica nodded.

“What if they track my records and find out I really-“

Grandpa cut Jessica off, “Don’t worry about that, I have all of the paper work finished and ready, they won’t suspect a thing”

Jessica nodded again.


The past month was a magnificent time for Tiffany. The hardworking girl was finally being recognized from her hard work. Tiffany was promoted from being a simple MyJ worker to the assistant designer of MyJ. Tiffany finally acquired her bachelor’s degree in Fashion & Design; she had incredible scores, and achievements. Her designs were finally acknowledged by the prestige fashion company.

But during these four weeks, Tiffany’s thoughts were slowly revolving around a certain brunette. After that day Jessica requested to have a private conversation with Gyuri, Jessica had disappeared from thin air. The brunette was not mentioned in the store about her whereabouts, and what worried Tiffany the most was the thought of Jessica being terribly hurt.

Tiffany’s salary had also increased drastically, from a simple monthly income of 150,000 (~1,255k USD) won to 750,000 (~6,500K USD). To Tiffany having a monthly income of such made her life somewhat easier, she could finally pay off her father’s hospital bill.

Tiffany’s father is in a coma after 10 years due to an accident from a drunk driver, but because there were no witnesses around, her father was put to blame for the accident; the accident also killed her mother. Tiffany wishes one day, she’ll find the destroyer of her family and set her revenge. Tiffany could never kill someone, let alone a bug, but the thought of killing the despicable being never crossed her mind, because Tiffany was a kindhearted girl, she understood how it felt to lose someone and wouldn’t want the murder’s family to suffer as much as she did.

Throughout the 10 years of the hardships, Tiffany had something or someone who would comfort her every day. Tiffany had a pen pal, who she called ‘ Life saver Unnie’ , this mysterious person had been writing comforting and supporting letters to Tiffany for 10 years. Although the two have never met in person, the mysterious girl knew and watched over Tiffany like a guardian angel. Tiffany felt thankful to her ‘unnie’ because the mysterious girl talked the younger girl out of suicide, taught her how to move on and not to dread on the past, to look forward to nothing but happiness in the future. This ‘unnie’ changed Tiffany’s life; Tiffany also kept every letter that was written in between the two.


Teaser for next chapter:

“Will we see each other often?”


“Oh my god”

“She’s too y to be our boss”

A/N: Did you guys see that one coming?!
Yea honestly, I was tired of all the cliche JeTi fics, not that I don't like them! Just tired of them. 
This was probably the LONGEST chapter ever, I had to split it into two different chapters. :X

If this was confusing, please do feel free to PM me any questions. 

Thank you for reading and commenting :).

I miss JeTi :(

Do you guys have a tumblr? =o If you do, follow me! :P 






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I miss reading this. I hope someday you'll be able to update this.
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 10: I hope u can still update this story...i can't wait for their encounter....yeah yeah
RCSTae #3
Chapter 10: Oh, I really enjoyed this .-. Can you come back please:)
otnine0922 #4
Chapter 10: Plss come back..... T_T
Chapter 10: There is no worse feeling than finding a good story too late (which is the case here, sadly) I really enjoyed it so far and I’ve always loved these kinds of classic plots, the last chapter did seem like a time skip or some sort? Idk but I couldn’t stop reading as I began and I’m sure you might not get back to this, but hey, we can hope? Lol either way I loved the chapters so far and think you’ve done a well job with Jeti! Thanks for writing this^^
V1n4k1 #6
Chapter 4: Okay she is jealous (maybe ?)
V1n4k1 #7
Chapter 2: Yeah it's ironic :")
Chapter 10: Love this story! The plot is awesome! Would love to know what happens next :D
hahaxixihehe #9
please please please update this story author...
This story is really interesting....
update this, please?;;;