처음부터 끝까지 (First one to fall)

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Irene was at a loss for words. She found herself completely tongue-tied. If anyone else had said what Seulgi just did, she'd likely dismiss it as a joke or insincere flattery. But Seulgi's words had an unexpected effect on her – they rendered her temporarily speechless. Her cheeks warmed, and she felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach.


A thought crossed her mind – Does Seulgi like girls, or is she just giving me a compliment? Irene's internal musings were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. The sound was a relief, providing a convenient escape from the potentially awkward moment.


As Irene moved to answer the door, Seulgi caught her wrist, stopping her gently. "Let me handle it," Seulgi offered. Irene nodded slowly, appreciating the gesture, and Seulgi went to the door.


Peering through the peephole, Seulgi's expression soured upon seeing who was on the other side. "Mr. Bae? Were you expecting Bogum to visit today?" she asked, her tone tinged with skepticism.


Irene shook her head in response, signaling that she hadn't been anticipating his arrival. Seulgi's brows furrowed as she contemplated the situation. "Maybe he's here to check up on you. Should I open the door?" she suggested, looking into Irene's eyes and sensing her hesitation.


Recognizing that Irene seemed uncomfortable with the idea, Seulgi made a decision. "Go to the living room. I'll talk to him," she urged, motioning for Irene to move away. Seulgi didn't want Irene to witness any potentially uncomfortable encounter.


Once Irene was out of sight, Seulgi opened the door to find a disappointed expression on Bogum's face. Although she wasn't concerned about his disappointment, her primary focus was on Irene's well-being.


"Where's Irene?" Bogum inquired, glancing around Seulgi to search for her.


"She's resting right now. Your timing couldn't be worse. It's probably best if you head home," Bogum's presence was met with a skeptical look from Seulgi, who didn't seem pleased to see him.


"Excuse me?" Bogum's tone had a hint of offense to it.


Seulgi didn't hold back her response. "You have ears, right? You heard clearly that she's resting."


"I just want to see her!"


Seulgi sighed, feeling a sense of fatigue wash over her. She simply wanted to rest in her own bed and have some peace. "Just go home for now. Come back another time," she urged, attempting to keep her patience intact.


Bogum crossed his arms over his chest, his demeanor challenging. He stared at Seulgi with intensity, perhaps hoping to intimidate her. However, Seulgi wasn't one to be easily intimidated. Why should I be scared of him? she thought to herself.


"Why does it seem like you don't want me here?" Bogum questioned, genuinely curious about Seulgi's attitude.


Seulgi shrugged casually. "Maybe," she answered honestly, her tone straightforward.


Bogum's eyes widened in response to her frankness. Seulgi saw no reason to sugarcoat her feelings; she was just being honest.


"Oh, I knew it!" Bogum exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of satisfaction and irritation. He glared at Seulgi.


"What?" Seulgi met his glare evenly, refusing to back down. She had her reasons and wasn't afraid to stand her ground.


"You like her!" Seulgi stood still, her thoughts racing. "Like her?" The statement took her by surprise. Why would he say something like that? Irene was her boss, after all.


Suppressing her own surprise, Seulgi didn't want to reveal any vulnerability. It's never a good idea to let others see your weaknesses and exploit them. "Who said that?"


"No one. It's just based on what I've noticed."


"Well, your observations must be off then."


Bogum seemed offended by her dismissive response. "What did you just say?"


"You know what? Let's end this conversation. We're not getting anywhere. You're just wasting your time here."


Bogum closed his eyes briefly, attempting to calm himself. "I just want to see her," he admitted softly.


Seulgi sighed, taking in his demeanor. He seemed to be a bit of a romantic fool, especially when it came to matters of the heart. "Unfortunately, she's resting now. Come back tomorrow."


"Okay, but is she okay? Does she have any injuries?" Seulgi could tell that this guy genuinely cared for Irene. Despite that, hearing about his behavior from yesterday had tarnished her initial good impression of him.


Too much love, to the point of obsession, can definitely be problematic.


"I assure you she's okay now. You can go, as I have something to attend to," Seulgi informed Bogum.


Bogum managed a forced smile and let out a sigh. "Okay, that's what matters."


Seulgi nodded and waited for him to leave. Just before he turned away, he faced her again with an expressionless look. "Just know that Irene is mine," he stated.


Seulgi tilted her head to the right, her eyebrows furrowing. "She was never yours in the first place." With that, Seulgi shrugged and closed the door, not bothering to wait for his response.


Reflecting on it now, she realized she probably shouldn't have said that. But then again, why should she even care?


She entered the living room and saw Irene asleep on the couch. Crouching down in front of her, Seulgi observed her face. "How can someone be so beautiful even when they're sleeping?"


Seulgi continued to gaze at Irene, unable to look away, just as she'd told her earlier. Unconsciously, her hand reached out toward Irene's hair.


What the hell? She quickly pulled her hand back, stopping it from reaching Irene's hair.


Sighing, Seulgi thought, I don't know what's happening to me. I need some fresh air. Why is it taking so long for updates about the case? Should I head over there myself? I just need to get out of here. At least Irene is safe here.


As Seulgi was about to rise, Irene's grip caught her wrist, holding her in place. "Ms. Bae?"


"Stay," Irene softly requested, her words barely audible.




"Stay with me today. Please, don't leave."


Seulgi strained to hear Irene's words clearly. It looks like I'm stuck with you today, Ms. Bae.




"How am I supposed to know where you want to go if you don't tell me?" Yoona's frustration was palpable. Jennie's actions were giving her a headache.


They were driving aimlessly in the car. "I admit I was wrong. I even told them you were going to surprise me, but you didn't," Jennie's voice carried a tinge of disappointment and sadness.


Yoona shook her head and let out a sigh. "I'm new to Korea, and we've only known each other for a short while. Can you really expect me to know everything about your preferences?"


Yoona had a point. They had only met the previous night, and Jennie's expectations were quite high. She realized she needed to be patient and not let her ego get in the way if she wanted Yoona to truly like her.


When Jennie didn't respond, Yoona decided to navigate to a place she thought might be suitable.


Parking the car, Yoona turned her attention to Jennie, who had a childlike smile on her face.


"You never fail to surprise me," Jennie remarked. Yoona was observing her, wondering what Jennie meant. What does she mean I never fail to surprise her? I don't recall surprising her much. So, what does she mean?


Unbeknownst to Yoona, her actions had been consistently surprising Jennie. The way she made Jennie's heart race faster than usual, the way she made her feel like a teenager in love – these were the surprises that Jennie was talking about. The night they had met, when Yoona had taken her to a room and kissed her, that was a big surprise. Yoona had stolen a kiss from her, even though she had a boyfriend. This was Jennie's first time sharing a kiss, and she found herself wanting more of it.


"Come out now," Yoona instructed as she turned off the engine.


A playful grin formed on Jennie's face. "Aren't you going to be a gentleman and open the car door for me?"


"Can you stop that?" Yoona sighed in amusement.


"What? Stop what?" Jennie's innocent expression contrasted with her mischievous tone.


Yoona shook her head, then stepped out of the car and headed to the other side, waiting for Jennie to exit. But Jennie, true to her stubborn nature, remained seated inside. Yoona couldn't help but roll her eyes before giving in and opening the car door for her.


Their destination was the Lotte World Magic Island in Seoul. Jennie decided to take the lead, hoping to hide her racing heart. What's gotten into you, Jennie? Where did this sudden burst of confidence come from?


Yoona observed her as she walked ahead and shook her head playfully before breaking into a run to catch up. She wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist, startling the brunette.


"Remember, we're playing roles here. We don't want to attract any attention," Yoona whispered.


Jennie's mind started working overtime. Roleplay? Well, if that's the game we're playing, then I might as well make the most of it.


Summoning her courage, Jennie hugged Yoona around the waist, grinning like a lovesick fool. Yoona didn't resist; after all, they were in the world of their "roleplay" now. Alright, you want a roleplay? Let's do this.


As they headed towards the entrance, Yoona suddenly asked, "When was the last time you visited this place?"


Jennie pursed her lips at the question. "Hmm, I can barely remember. Maybe it was before my debut."


Yoona arched an eyebrow. "Doesn't your boyfriend bring you here?"


Jennie's eyes widened at the unexpected question. She looked at Yoona, her surprise evident. "What are you even talking about?"


Yoona shrugged. "Nevermind. Let's just enjoy our day, alright?" Despite her casual tone, there was something in Yoona's words that made Jennie wonder. She decided not to dwell on it for now, not wanting to spoil the mood.


Looking around, Yoona noticed the joy on people's faces as they immersed themselves in the amusement park's attractions. "So, where should we head to first?"


Jennie's eyes scanned the area, landing on something that piqued her interest. Grabbing Yoona's hand, she excitedly pulled her towards the spot, causing Yoona to react in disbelief.


You've got to be kidding me.




Irene woke up to find Seulgi staring at her. She sat up quickly, her cheeks turning a shade of red. "Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" Her words came out a bit stuttered.


Seulgi blinked, looking a bit surprised. "Was I?" She seemed genuinely puzzled.


"Yes," Irene replied, a little flustered.


Seulgi scratched her head and offered a smile. "Sorry, I guess I got lost in your beauty."


Irene's blush deepened, and she quickly averted her gaze. However, the moment was interrupted by Seulgi's stomach growling, making Irene chuckle softly.


Standing up, Irene headed to the kitchen. "I'm going to cook something for you."


Seulgi was about to stand up to head to the kitchen when she heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, she found herself faced with the three members, each of them wiggling their eyebrows playfully.


"Well, well. It looks like you must be really special to Irene Unnie," Joy chimed in, taking a seat on the couch with an air of mischief.


Seulgi looked at Joy with confusion, not entirely sure what she was implying.


"Yeah, Joy Unnie's right. Irene Unnie only makes seaweed soup for us on our birthdays," Yeri added, offering her own insight into the situation.


"It's quite obvious that this famous detective is now an important person in Irene Unnie's life, especially after Seulgi Unnie saved her not once, but twice," Wendy said knowingly.


Seulgi's gaze dropped as she was reminded of the events earlier. She felt a wave of guilt wash over her.


"Are you alright?" Wendy asked with concern.


"I'm sorry... It's my fault. She wouldn't have gone through that if I had stayed," Seulgi's voice was gentle, and she couldn't help but feel remorseful for what had happened.


The three members moved in closer, surrounding Seulgi with their support. She closed her eyes, resisting the urge to shed tears. She felt deeply responsible for the situation, yet she didn't want to show her vulnerability.


"It's okay. It's not your fault. The important thing is that Irene is safe now," Wendy reassured, giving Seulgi's back a comforting pat.


Their embrace offered Seulgi a sense of solace, and she appreciated their understanding. Just as she was beginning to regain her composure, Irene's voice suddenly broke the moment. "What are you guys doing?" Irene's voice caught them off guard, causing all four of them to nearly jump in surprise.


They stood up quickly, their smiles sheepish as they faced Irene. "Oh, nothing. We were just playing a game," Joy said, her fingers scratching her nape as she spoke.


Irene raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What kind of game?"


Yeri burst into laughter, "A whispered game."


Irene's brows furrowed in confusion. "That close?"


Chuckling, Yeri explained, "Yeah, that's how the game works. You lean in close to each other and whisper. It's all part of the mechanics."


Irene wasn't entirely convinced by their explanation. Deciding not to press further, she turned her attention to Seulgi.


"Come here, let's eat," Irene motioned to Seulgi, who obliged. Her three mischievous friends, however, quickly darted into the kitchen.


With a shake of her head, Irene appreciated her foresight in preparing enough food for six people.


"I know you're hungry, so you should eat now," Seulgi said gently as they sat down at the table.


Irene positioned herself across from Seulgi and subtly observed her. Seulgi, in turn, glanced at the soup inquisitively. She felt a rush of embarrassment. This was her first time eating with them, and the situation made her uncomfortable. Oh no, I hope I can survive this without making a complete fool of myself.


"Is there something wrong with the food?" Irene's question broke Seulgi's reverie.


Seulgi shook her head, her gaze now on Irene. "No, not at all. Actually, it's my first time eating this kind of food."


"Well, lucky for you, your wife cooked it for you. And I promise you, it's the best," Yeri chimed in, her words making both Irene and Seulgi widen their eyes.


"What are you talking about? What do you mean 'wife'?" Wendy and Joy burst into laughter at Yeri's statement.


"Relax, Unnie. I'm just kidding... unless you take it seriously, then it might just be true," Yeri teased, quickly standing up and playfully hiding behind Seulgi's back.


"Dad Seul, Mom Irene is scolding me," Yeri added with an exaggerated tone. Wendy and Joy nearly choked on their food from laughing so hard.


"What the heck, Yerimie?!" Joy scolded Yeri for making such bold statements.


Irene and Seulgi, however, blushed at Yeri's words. Irene even found herself fanning her face to cool down her embarrassment.


"Taste it and tell me what you think," Irene swiftly changed the topic, her eyes focused on Seulgi's reaction.


Seulgi took a small taste and tilted her head to the side, thinking. She took another bite as Irene watched expectantly.


"Is it bad?" Irene asked with a slight pout.


Seulgi looked up, grinning, and gave her a thumbs up. "It's delicious! You cook really well," she praised, before returning to enjoy the rest of her meal.


Irene's heart warmed at Seulgi's words, a secret smile forming as she felt content that Seulgi enjoyed the seaweed soup she had prepared.




Yoona sat on a bench, arms and legs crossed, observing Jennie engrossed in an arcade shooting game.


"Why did I even agree to come here with her?" Yoona shook her head at herself. "You're a fool, Yoona. Complete waste of time. But look at that tiny little person having a blast shooting those cans."


As Yoona watched Jennie, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Retrieving it, she checked her messages.


From Boss Jung: (4:05 pm)
"So? How was your date?" 😊


Yoona furrowed her brows and stared at the screen in confusion. "What is she even talking about?"


To Boss Jung: (4:10 pm)


From Boss Jung: (4:11 pm)
"I guess you're enjoying it, huh?"


Yoona sighed, exasperated. "Both of them are stressing me out. Seriously, my boss and Jennie."


She glanced at Jennie, who was jumping around like a child. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to her phone and was about to reply when she overheard a nearby conversation.


"Dude, she looks like Jennie Kim from Blackpink! Come on, it's your chance. Go and get her number," one guy said.


"But what if she's not really her?" another guy hesitated.


"Then still get her number. She's pretty hot, though. If you're going to act like a coward, I'll swoop in and get her number instead."


Yoona couldn't help but roll her eyes at the exchange.


"What?! No! I'm the one who noticed her first."


"Fine, then go."


Yoona watched the two guys confidently walk toward Jennie. Seriously, how did they even manage to suspect her? Jennie Ruby Jane Kim? Your voice... seriously, this is giving me a headache.


She stood up and made her way over to Jennie, who was still engrossed in shooting the cans.


Yoona positioned herself a bit away from Jennie. Jennie felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she turned around, she was met by two guys with shy smiles. Then it hit her: Did they recognize me?


Jennie raised an eyebrow, curious about their intentions. "H-hi! You caught my attention

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Latte908 #1
2023, I’m here to read this master piece again ><
Rereading this once more!
Latte908 #3
Chapter 40: Phewww
Not me coming back here and finish this again. I'm just craving for some yoonjen and this is the only oneeeeee~
I seriously need a sequel of this. DO you plan to make one author-nim? *puppy eyes*
Latte908 #4
Chapter 40: Coming back to re-read this. I need a sequel :/
Chapter 43: Kylie you have so many ideas :)) keep it up!
oungie87 #6
Chapter 43: Yeah, I knew it. You have so many ideas. Don't waste it XD
I hope u to will make the bodyguards part 2
Latte908 #8
Chapter 40: I love the ending as well as the story. Thank you for the awesome story <3
Latte908 #9
Chapter 32: That was so cute xD
Latte908 #10
Chapter 20: I live YoonJen moment more hmm