i live him


jungkook was lying on his stomach his face buried in the soft mattress of his bed while his fingers clutched at the satin sheets that were entangled around his legs, he breathed in the crisp smell of the freshly washed sheets and let out another loud sigh. 

a single strip of sunlight fell upon a boy residing on a beanbag chair as he looked intently at jungkook, the strip of sunlight showed half his face while the other half remained dark. 

"namjoon-ah this is not fair. what do i do", jungkook whined turning his body slighyly to face the boy sitting  a few meters away from him.

"is he that cute?", namjoon's voice dripped with amusement. in the 21 years namjoon had known jungkook he had never seen the younger so smitten for anyone, infact jungkook had always been the type to prefer one night stands than a serious relationship. 

"cute? hyung if you saw him you will be amazed. he is ethereal. his eyes, they shine brighter than the sun hyung i swear, his voice is so sweet. its not like honey but low. very low, and slightly scratchy, its masculine but with a melodic touch? either way it totally contrasts his soft features. he has this golden aura around him that makes me want to protect him from wandering eyes. his lips, oh god dont get me started on his lips, they are like rose petals, so soft and a shade darker than pink but not exactly red. i wonder what they would feel li-"

"okay. okay i get it. jeez no need to go into details", namjoon laughed as he stood up, his face finally coming to light, he had a mop of styled hair  coloured a vibrant purple, very few people could pull off such a daring colour and yet it looked extremely eye catching on him. his slightly tanned skin had few flaws and the full lips were stretched into a smile showing off a single pretty dimple on one cheek and his eyes crinkling at the corner. 

"its just.. he is so beautiful. i cant help but flirt with him", jungkook pouted sitting up as well his eyes following namjoon's figure as he moved to one side of the room which was like jungkook's personal library covered from top to bottom with a wall shelf filled with books, half of those jungkook had never even opened. 

"so is jungkookie in love?", namjoon asked a hint of delight in his voice as he took out a random book and flipped through its pages. 

"no, i live him"

"live?", namjoon asked curious looking up at the younger boy. 

"i mean its not exactly love. but a little more then just like"

namjoon registered this for a full second before giving a shout of laughter, "really kook? i have got to meet this boy who has finally succeeded in turning you into a total crackhead"

"i will ignore that my bestfriend just called me a crackhead and tell you that we can go tomorrow morning to the coffee shop, also ask yoongi hyung if he wants to come"

"yoongi will not miss a chance to go down there kook"

"more like not miss a chance to flirt with that florist", jungkook snorted

"yoongi will kill you if he finds out you said that"

"and who will tell him, if you do hyung i will throw you off this building"

"i really have no respect in this place", namjoon scowled throwing a random pillow which jungkook ducked grinning. 


a loud ting caused taehyung too look up from where he was looking at all the appliances, he plastered on a smile to greet the customer.. at 12 at night? 

it wasn't a 24 hour coffee shop but he nevertheless greeted the boy who walked in through the black tinted sliding door.

the boy was maybe his age but definitely shorter. his delicate inky black hair fell on his forehead, he had coral lips that could keep stares on him for hours, they were streched into an enthusiastic grin which caused his small eyes to nearly disappear, his skin pale enough to compare to a porcelain doll, his shirt was a few sizes to big on his small frame but even through the loose pants he wore his still looked perfectly shaped and taehyung almost felt envious of the way the boy moved, his hips swaying from side to side and the movements so light that he looked like he was gliding and not walking. 

"hello i am park jimin", the boy, jimin,  said in an over enthusiastic voice slightly bowing down his head, his voice was very sweet, like a treat to ears. 

"hi jimin, i am taehyung. kim taehyung", tae softly replied still sizing up the boy. 

"taehyung? can i call you tae? hi tae! i am the florist, i work in the shop next to you, you must be the new coffee shop worker everyone was talking about"

now that the boy was close taehyung could detect the smell of different flowers clinging to the boy's clothes, he had slightly rounded cheeks and soft looking small hands, definitely a florist. 

jimin ended up spending the night with taehyung for the sake of bonding.

taehyung told him about his life back home and found out jimin had come here a few weeks ago and knew no one. 

he also found out that jimin was exceptionally clingy and a great fan of skinship, holding taehyung's hand or pinching his cheeks or just cuddling. taehyung didnt mind either.


taehyung was at the counter early morning, jimin was still sleeping but there had been a few customers for their early morning coffee. 

he was wiping the counter when the door slid open with a sound and jungkook came in. with him were two other boys probably older than him. one had purple hair and was quite tall with an athletic build , the other had dirty blond hair stylishly messed up, piercing eyes and thin pink lips. 

all three of them were dressed in similar outfits with tight pants, tshirts and leather jackets.

"baby", jungkook's eyes lit up as soon as he saw taehyung behind the counter and bounded towards him. 

the other two males snickered at the nickname and taehyung turned red with embarrassment.

jungkook pointed his friends towards a three chaired round table close to the door leading to the back and went to where taehyung was standing, he leaned his elbows on the counter and placed his head on his hands.

"what would you like to have?", taehyung asked turning towards the coffee machine.

"you", jungkook smiled lazily. 

"i mean your coffee order jungkook", taehyung gave a you-are-testing-my-patience smile though his cheeks were flaming at the straightforwardness. 

"shouldn't you be calling me sir, taehyung?", jungkook smirked. 

"excuse me ? shouldn't you be calling me hyung, jungkook?", taehyung shot back. 

his two friends burst into laughter as jungkook huffed, "three cups of black coffee"

"coming right up"

jungkook went back to his friends glaring at them for laughing at him.

yoongi grinned, "i like him. he will keep your head on earth"

just then the backdoor near them swung open and taehyung looked up with a smile, "oh jiminie you are awake, wait let me just serve the customers and then i will make you some breakfast"

yoongi whipped his head so fast and almost did a 360 turn as he looked at the small boy bundled up in a large sweatshirt and lose pants waddle his way over to where taehyung stood. 

"g'moning", jimin mumbled incoherently as he sidehugged taehyung's arm.

taehyung looked up at jungkook who was looking at jimin with a raised eyebrow but what surprised him was the blonde boy's lips were pressed together in distaste. 

taehyung nudged jimin who was falling asleep on his shoulder, "sit down jimin i am making coffee"

jimin opened his eyes and looked towards the three boys sitting blinking rapidly to get sleep out of his eyes, once he was able to register the customers he pushed taehyung so fast that taehyung almost fell over and knocked his elbow on the counter letting out an ouch.

"oh my god i am so sorry tae are you alright?", jimin screeched quickly checking taehyung's elbow for any scratches. 

"you little why did you push me"

"i.. i-uh", jimin looked uncertainly towards the three boys one of whom was grinning while the other two sat extremely unamused. 

taehyung looked between the blonde boy who was looking with a piercing look and jimin who was fidgeting and his mind clicked, he was so stupid.

"jungkook this is jimin. i think you might know him. he spent the night because he felt scared alone", both jungkook and the blonde boy visibly relaxed at taehyung's explanation but still eyed them with a hint of annoyance. 

"jimine can you get me the cups from the backroom?", taehyung asked breaking the tension. 

jimin nodded and quickly scurried back to the door he came from. 

the second the door swung close yoongi stood up and followed jimin inside. 

taehyung glanced up slightly scared for his new friend's life the way yoongi had stormed inside angrily. 

"don't worry, he wont kill him, he just gets jealous easily", taehyung turned back to jungkook who had come to the counter again. 


"oh they are not in a relationship. yoongi hyung likes him. jimin probably does too but i don't know what to call the thing thats going on between them"

"oh okay"


jimin was looking through the shelf for cups when the door opened and closed with a slam. 

jimin turned around to face a stormy yoongi who was right in his face. 

he was trapped with yoongi infront of him and the wall shelf behind him

"you don't have time to pick my calls or answer my messages but you have time to have sleepovers with a person who has come here a day ago?", yoongi spat out his voice bitter.

"excuse me he is my friend. do you see me complaining when you come in smelling like someone else?", jimin fired back. 

a flash of hurt passed through yoongi's eyes before he spoke again his voice still bitter, "then say it. ing say it. tell me you feel hurt. for 's sake jimin show me you care even a little for once"

"no yoongi. i won't. because i am not your boyfriend. neither are we dating for me too put restrictions on you"

"jimin you kno-"

"no. stop please"

yoongi sighed his hand reaching out to hold jimin's hand lacing their fingers together, "you were scared alone? then come to me. i literally live two floors away from you. come and stay the night with me if you dont want to be alone"

jimin stayed silent. 

yoongi leaned forward to brush their lips together and jimin melted under his touch. 

when jimin didn't pull away, he placed his hand on his neck and tilted jimin's head with his thumb to deepen the kiss, pressing his lips to jimin's with a certain ferocity but jimin pushed him away, "no yoongi i said don't please. not now", he pushed him away further gathering the first three cups within reach and went out leaving yoongi behind. 


"are you okay?", taehyung asked the shorter male who was sitting quietly on the counter. 

yoongi had come outside a few minutes after jimin the three friends were drinking their coffee and talking in hushed whispers.

"i am fine really"

"wanna talk about it?"

"later", he mumbled as the three friends approached the counter. jimin had picked up that the purple haired one was namjoon. 

they paid the bill and yoongi kept his eyes on jimin the whole time who skillfully avoided them. 

"i will see you later baby okay?", jungkook said with a smile at which taehyung rolled his eyes. 

jungkook quickly leaned forward to peck his cheek, "don't miss me too much"

"i don't like you", taehyung said turning red. jungkook loved the way his blush started at his cheekbones and dipped down to his neck before disappearing under his shirt. 

"stop blushing and maybe i will believe you

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SophieTheOtaku #1
I love it sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: This is really good! I hope you continue this
Chapter 1: This seems like it could be an interesting fic, I really like the concept of elements and things in stories, and Taehyung seems innocent and sweet in a sense :3 I'm looking forward to having time to catch up to the latest update :3
Chapter 6: Awwww its so sweet !!
LoriMar #5
This is so good ..... Love it ??