the news


jeon jungkook.

for some reason the name stuck in taehyung's head. he wasn't sure why.

something about the boy's twinkling eyes and flirtatious smile left him flustered everytime he thought about him. 

he slowly walked towards his house which was one of the very few decent looking houses. 

it wasn't anywhere near as lavish as the houses he had just seen but a simple two storey house but atleast it had a door and windows unlike many other houses in his area. 

'taehyung, it took you so long', he heard the sweet but tired voice of his mother greet at him as soon as he step foot inside the house.

'yes mom, i ran into an old friend, sorry', he lied. 

it wasn't often that he lied to his mother but if there were a few things his mother had strictly told him to avoid, meeting and talking to a divesar was one of them. 

he never understood why would she want to keep him away from them when he will end up working for one of them anyways.

it was a rule. a very lousy one but still a rule,
the first born male in any commoner house is given up too the divesars once he turns 23.

according to his mother, it was a rule that has been written thousands of years ago. apparently the divesars had blessed the commoners by existing. 

though taehyung could not understand why they had too follow a rule written by a bunch of old people who probably made the awful rule while they were high on weed.

also he didn't get that exactly how had the devis blessed them by existing when all they did was dry all the privileges. 

yet, it was a topic that was avoided in their home. but taehyung had turned 23 last month and now they were waiting for whatever bad news awaited them. 

'oh okay, i need to talk to you tae', his mother sighed walking towards an old worn out couch. the couch was an ugly green colour but the homely feeling it had could never be found even in sofas custom made by gucci. 

taehyung's stomach did an uncomfortable flip at her words. she looked like she had been crying and he couldn't help but anticipate the worse. 

he followed her to the couch and sat down, the couch creaked a bit.

'i have good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first taehyung-ah?', his mother asked with a soft smile taking his hand in hers. 

'i don't know, depends on how bad the news is'

'well lets just say its not exactly good'

'mom. that is why its called bad news. its not supposed to be good', taehyung smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes. 

'well yes. okay so the good news is that you are not getting employed by a divesar family', his mother said giving his hand a light squeeze. 

'really? that is really good news mom! i mean i wasn't looking forward at all to be stuck with rich snobby s for they next few years or so. that means i get to stay here? or do i have to go and work in the mines? or at the cement factory? maybe i can take after fathe-'

taehyung stopped rambling when he saw that his mother remained unresponsive and he started to sense a 'but' in her sentence. 

'mom what is the bad news?'

'taehyung-ah you dont have to work for a divesar but you have to work in between them'


taehyung was lying in his bed staring up at the ceiling with an intense look as if he desired too burn a hole through the ceiling. 

his mother had explained to him that sometimes when the commoner had an extraordinary school record they were allowed to continue their studies instead of serving a single divesar family. 

however, they were given jobs in between the divesars. jobs that the rich s thought were too low for him. 

he didn't know what was worse, living and bearing one family or having to bear several of them everyday. 

both of the ideas weren't exactly appealing but atleast taehyung was being allowed to continue going to university. not to brag or anything but he was a straight A+ student. 

taehyung sighed as he picked up a formal looking letter from his sidetable. 

on the outside was a very imposing looking seal. inside were a few important looking documents. he skimmed through the documents until he reached the thing that concerned him. 

he was supposed to look after a coffee shop in the basement of an apartment building, because apparently making and serving coffees is too low of a profession to be taken over by the high and mighty devis. 

also he would be given a room inside the coffee shop where he could live. the room would consist of a bedroom, bathroom and he could use the coffee shop's kitchen for himself. 

one thing taehyung was grateful about was that his university was not too far away from the devi's area so it would be easy for him to walk to and fro. 

he sighed as he got up and brushed his hair out of his eyes. 

he needed to get up and greet his father. 


taehyung had been quietly sitting in the kitchen for the past 20 minutes while he waited for his mother to heat up their dinner. 

every once in a while he would glance at his father who was purposely avoiding his eyes and staring intently at the patterned cloth covering the dinner table. 

he was starting to get frustrated. okay, he understood that talking about having your only son leave you for god knows how many years wasn't the most ideal dinner table conversation but atleast he could give some indication that he would miss him. 

'dad are we seriously not going to talk about this?', he finally asked in a bitter voice. 

'talk about what?'

taehyung groaned, 'i dont know? maybe about the weather because that is definitely the most important thing happening right now.'

'dont you get smart with me mister. remember you still haven't moved out', his father snapped. 

'oh atleast you acknowledged it'

'i dont want to talk about it', his father said with an air of finality. 

but taehyung wasn't having any of it. he was tired of his parents being like this, 'dad every family goes through this. stop feeling sorry for yourself. its me who have to go not you anyways'

'but not every family has to be afraid o--', he trailed off tiredly rubbing his forehead. 

'afraid of what?', he asked trying to rile his father up. 

all his life he had felt like his parents were keeping a big secret from him. hushed conversations which stopped when he entered the room, weird rules and curfews, places he was not allowed to go, cupboards he was not allowed to open. 

he had always dismissed it as overprotectivness. but if there was really some secret he wanted too know it. 

'afraid of what dad? why do you care? it doesn't effect yo-'

'taehyung! ', he startled at his mother's displeased voice, 'go to your room. this instant', she ordered in an irritated voice. 

taehyung huffed in annoyance though inside he felt guilty looking at his father's closed off face, he knew he had gone too far. 

back in his room, he fell on his bed and screamed in his pillow to vent out his frustration. he knew he shouldn't have talked to his father like that, he didn't know what had come over him.

he just hoped his parents weren't too angry with him.

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SophieTheOtaku #1
I love it sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: This is really good! I hope you continue this
Chapter 1: This seems like it could be an interesting fic, I really like the concept of elements and things in stories, and Taehyung seems innocent and sweet in a sense :3 I'm looking forward to having time to catch up to the latest update :3
Chapter 6: Awwww its so sweet !!
LoriMar #5
This is so good ..... Love it ??