moving day


sunshine flitted inside taehyung's room through the half open curtains bringing with it the fresh morning breeze and the smell of perfumed roses that grew right beneath the window. 

he looked around his room with a frown. it was supposed to look empty because he was packing but somehow his room still looked the same minus the one suitcase that was set on his neatly made bed that he had filled with his books and other knick knacks. 

taehyun groaned as he threw himself upon the bed barely managing to avoid the half open suitcase. 

he was starting to hate packing with a passion he hated maths. 

just then his mother peeked inside the room, 'sweetheart are you finished packing?'

taehyung looked around the room that still held his every belonging in place, 'uh yes just a bit more left'

his mother shook his head smiling at his laziness, 'you know the car that will drop you to your new home will be here in a hour and a half so chop chop', she said brightly before going back to wherever she had came from. 

taehyung let out a high pitched whine and kicked the air like a child. he just wanted to sleep. was that too much too ask for? 


'mom dont cry. i promise i wont die', taehyung said causing his mother to just let out another sob. 

he didn't know how he managed to get into this situation with his mother clinging to him as if her life depended on it, the driver supposed to drop him off looking anywhere but at them and his father holding back tears. 

as much as he loved his mother he really didn't want to embaress himself by crying infront of a total stranger and her mother's tears were making it really difficult for him

he finally managed to somehow get out of his mother's death grip and hugged his father tightly. he couldn't put into words about how sorry he was for provoking him but he poured his emotions in that hug. 


the first thing that taehyung noticed when he sat in the car were the seats. real leather seats. working odd jobs here and there had given him a good sense of what was real and what was fake. 

the car was really lavish. the passenger seats even had foot rest for relaxation. and the center console looked like a whole personal bar. he looked around in awe at the dimmed purple lighting of the car. 

not even 5 minutes later the car stopped infront of a large building. 

taehyung got out of the car frowning at the familiar place. 

then it clicked. it was the place where he had met jungkook. right outside the massive structure he was now standing infront of. 

'this is where you will have your shop. on the ground floor. the upper floors are the apartments. i will take your bags to the shop', the driver said before hauling of the suitcases and marching inside without a single glance backwards. 

taehyung shrugged and followed inside. 

the double doors led him directly to a large lobby, he looked around the spacious lobby with his mouth open. 

the floors were made of golden and black tiles arranged in jagged patterns, the walls were made of the kind of glass through which you could look outside but not inside, a frosted glass partitioned the lobby from what was probably a private office. stone pedestals held statues potraying the symbols of the four elements. 

everything about the room screamed lavishness and taehyung was both awed and envious.

he slowly made his way towards the reception to ask where he was supposed to go. 

'where do you think you are going?', a gruff voice called out. 

taehyung turned around to find a large and stout guard glowering down at him, his neatly trimmed mustache made him look ridiculous and taehyung without thinking let out a giggle. 

'who do you think you are laughing at you little ', the guard said his face turning red with anger and a vein throbbing in his forehead, 'don't you know that people like you are not allowed here?'

'people like me?'

the guard gave a disgusted look and pointed towards his clothes, 'your clothes show quite well that you are a commoner'

'but aren't you a commoner working here too?', taehyung asked looking down at his simple denim jeans and a baggy halfsleeved black shirt over a full sleeved white shirt, he couldn't see anything wrong with his outfit. 

'are you trying to be cheeky with me you little bastard get out of here before i throw you in prison', the guard shouted at him spit flying out of his mouth. taehyung winced. 

'but i am supposed to work here and-'

'didn't you hear what i said?! get out. you wont get out like this will you?, the guard came forward to grab taehyung by his forearm but stopped suddenly looking at something behind taehyung. 

'oh sir wh-'

'who do you think you are talking to like that?'

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SophieTheOtaku #1
I love it sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: This is really good! I hope you continue this
Chapter 1: This seems like it could be an interesting fic, I really like the concept of elements and things in stories, and Taehyung seems innocent and sweet in a sense :3 I'm looking forward to having time to catch up to the latest update :3
Chapter 6: Awwww its so sweet !!
LoriMar #5
This is so good ..... Love it ??