the song


taehyung was almost asleep when the door to his room creaked open.

he looked through his sleepy eyes to make out a feminine figure standing near his bed. 

his mother. 

he rubbed his eyes and sat up, just as he opened his mouth to speak she came forward and shushed him by putting her hand over his mouth. 

he looked at her confused, as she placed something cool and metallic in his hand.

it was a necklace, with a pendant of a sun hanging on the long chain. though the colour wasn't exactly red it was kind of that burned brick red colour that immediately reminded him of clay left too long in the scorching sun. 

'mom what is this?', the necklace looked really ancient and valuable. something he couldn't think would be in the possession of a mere commoner. 

'you are going to live in a different community soon. in that place its better to ask less questions sweetheart. this necklace is very important. whatever happens always wear it. no matter what anyone tells you. never take it off. do you understand what i am saying taehyung?', her mother said urgently glancing towards the door while he fastened the necklace around his neck. 

though he had alot of questions running through his mind something about the urgent tone in his mother's voice made him keep his thoughts to himself and he just dumbly nodded. 

his mother's slightly panicked expression relaxed into a smile, 'good. now go to sleep sweetheart. you have to start packing tomorrow'

taehyung nodded again. but when she made no move to get up from his bed and just kept looking at him expectantly he gave her a weird look before lying back down under the covers and closing his eyes. 

he felt her hands through his hair like she used to when he was younger and felt afraid of the monsters hidden in the darkness. 

how he wished he could go back to the time when monsters only hid in the dark and not in plain sight. 

taehyung could feel sleep overcoming his thoughts, with his mother's hand soothingly running through his hair.

he heard his mother singing a poem in her sweet voice, letting it lull him to sleep. 

the chain symbolises,
bringing two people together, 
red is for love, which can turn
even the most powerful ones beggars,
the light of dawn will rise
the everlasting darkness fades, 
for after every dark night, 
the sun emits flames, 
after every thunder comes a rainbow,
the greater the storm, the brighter it will glow


jeon jungkook groaned in frustration as he glared at the half-finished painting infront if him as if all the world hunger was the painting's fault. 

the spacious room was filled with canvases and other art supplies. the walls were full of paintings, from the drawing of a simple tree with every twig detailed in too complex painting of different sceneries 

never in his life had jungkook ever not being able to draw something perfectly. however kim taehyung was a different case. 

for the past few hours jungkook had been trying to capture the glow the unnaturally beautiful boy emitted but however much he tried he couldn't get the exact picture.

it had never been difficult for him to memorize things at first glance. he had, what people called, a photographic memory. 

when he had first seen taehyung, though he would not admit it, he had been mesmerized. with the talent of art came an artistic eye and the artist in him had immediately recognized the golden features.

he had wished at that moment that if only he had his sketch book with him. 

but still jungkook had managed to register taehyung's flawless angles and face cuts in his mind eye, the gentle slope of his nose, the rare double and mono eyelid, the slight frown that tugged his cherry lips downwards, the way his long eyelashes kissed his cheekbones like the gentle fluttering of a butterfly's wings when he blinked in confusion. every single thing that jungkook made a note of. it was a wonder that taehyung had not caught him analysing him.

he wasn't staring. just remembering. 

and yet for some reason jungkook felt something was missing in his paintings. 

he looked at the unfinished piece of art infront of him and gently caressed the tan skin he had painted as if he was touching the actual person,

'i hope it was not our first and last time meeting kim taehyung'

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SophieTheOtaku #1
I love it sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 7: This is really good! I hope you continue this
Chapter 1: This seems like it could be an interesting fic, I really like the concept of elements and things in stories, and Taehyung seems innocent and sweet in a sense :3 I'm looking forward to having time to catch up to the latest update :3
Chapter 6: Awwww its so sweet !!
LoriMar #5
This is so good ..... Love it ??