Chapter 3

Find Love
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Even how many times that Irene experienced failure in finding her 'the one' ,she never gives up . So to her next destination, she hopes to finally get an outcome. 

Boarding out from the plane, Irene smiled to herself ,scenting a romantic vacation in Yeosu. 

She roamed all the tourist spots, and feed her eyes on how beautiful the place was.
The night in Yeosu is the most romantic part but Irene still feels so empty. Everyone has a company, a lover, a husband and wife, but her ,she's alone and still hoping to finally see someone that would perk her interest. 

After snapping some photos to add to her collections, Irene looked up to the sky solemnly. 

"Grandma, will I still be able to find him?will I be able to have a happy ending just like you and grandpa? Mom and Dad?.."

Irene woke up after hearing her phone alarm, she took it out under her pillow and shut it off but saw an important reminder on the screen. 

"Seung Wan's Concert D-Day"

"I need to go back to Seoul now"
Irene immediately went to the local airport but when she came, there's a big commotion at the waiting area. 

"We are sorry, but we need to cancel the flights at this hour, we promise to fix the problem as soon as possible.. "

"What? there's no flights going back to Seoul? " Irene immediately asked. 

"I'm sorry Miss, but yes we need to do a maintenance check to ensure all the passengers safety, but we promise that this will be fix within this day, we're just hoping for everyone's understanding.."

"No, I need to go back now, there's something important that I need to attend.."

"We're really sorry Miss, but we can't do anything about that, the maintenance will continue.. "

Irene's mind literally crumbled there, she promised Seung Wan that she will come and watch, she can't be stuck here and broke her promise. 

On the other hand, everyone is already preparing for the big event. There's a lot of fans lining up to watch the dashing band. 

"We finally reached this far, but don't ever get nervous ,treat this like any other nights that we play and perform.." Johnny speaks to his band mates. 

"Don't worry bro, we've been doing this a lot now, for sure everything will be fine " the boys looks at each other with contented smiles, but Seung Wan keeps on looking at the audience finding a certain someone. 

"Wen, you okay? " Vernon asked as the three went to her. 

"yes, I'm okay.. "

"Are you expecting her to be here? "

"she.. promised.. "

"then you should not worry, for sure she will watch, so come on let's get ready.. "

Loud cheers surrounded the whole arena as the MC finally calls the band.

"Let's give it up for Cinderella band! "

Screams and loud bass filled the whole place as the band finally took the stage. 

Irene was now running fast out of the airport but she accidentally stumbled to someone hurting her left arm in the process. She fell to the ground holding her injured arm. 

"Miss, are you okay? "

A soothing voice of a guy caught her attention and as she looked up, she was stunned by his great looks. But there's something more important for her right now that she can't take this opportunity to see if it was fated. 

"I'm okay, sorry it was my fault, but I need to go now.. "she tried to stand up but her left arm is hurting so the guy immediately give her a hand and help her up. 

"You're hurt, I think you need to go to the hospital first.. "

"No, I'm fine, I'm sorry but I really need to go.. "

"Are you going somewhere?, I'll just drive you there as an apology for bumping you and getting you hurt.. "

The guy genuinely offered. 

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85 streak #1
Chapter 5: Awww jealous bae is too cute
Ohyeah13 #2
Chapter 9: This is so beautiful authornim🩷💙
Chapter 9: I enjoy reading your story. I just found you write this one. It really good. I love they love story.
Chapter 9: Totally enjoyed this one ^^
1801 streak #5
Chapter 9: I thought you only write Blissful days (O x O!!!) Thank goodness I scroll down
Chapter 9: Wawwaww thats really beautiful story and hot for the epilog omg thank you so much author, author you really managed to make all the chapter I love how their journey from being friends to soul mates and lovers💙💝😍👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻🔥, hehehe but yahh once again thank you you hope can see a new story about them from you because it will definitely be very much awaited😄👋🏻✍🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🤗👐🏻🤝🏻💪🏻👋🏻👋🏻💝💙👍🏻
Chapter 9: Ok, now I found the multishot by the author. I thought you only wrote "hot" stories but this ff is as good as those hot ones 😆👍👍
I love it!
Thanks for the Wenrene stories 💙❤️
237 streak #8
Just found this~ subscribing to read for later in the office~ 😋
WluvsBaetokki #9
Chapter 9: Winner!!!!!
aRedBerry #10
Ooohhh interesting .....bookmark ko muna hihhh