
I really just wanted ice cream

I had been in South Korea about a year, I think. Maybe. No I am pretty sure it's been at least twelve months. Some days it feels longer than that. While other days it feels like I had just stepped off the plane. 

To be honest I am not sure what got into me to instigate the move that took me half way around the world and a million miles out of my comfort zone but here I am. Back home in Indiana I had been working in an insurance office at their call center and going to college during the day. It had taken me a long time but I had finally gotten my degree in education. I liked kids and people in general and I had always had a patient nature so I thought, why not teach? So there I was with a brand new degree and the over-enthuisthism of moulding lives. Needless to say I was not finding much.  I continued at the call center while looking high and low for that life changing event and one day it came.

Mr. Kim was one of the daytime supervisors whom everyone liked. I had just clocked out for the day when I ran into him in the break room. He knew that I had graduated a few months prior and that I was looking for my first teaching gig and he wanted to share an idea.  "Lauren, have you ever thought about teaching English as a second language in another country?" he asked.

"I have never really thought about it Mr. Kim." 

"My cousin has a languages school in Seoul and he is looking for teachers to help with English. He told me that the enrollment has increased greatly and he cannot find enough instructors for all the demand. Now I know that this might not be what you were hoping for but it could turn into quite an opportunity. I would be happy to get you more information if you are interested."

I did not know why but I found my mouth sputtering out the words, "Yes. Please get me whatever you can from your cousin Mr. Kim. I would appreciate that." Two weeks later and three phone calls I had accepted a two year contract at Kim Language Acedemy in Seoul, South Korea. My new boss, also Mr. Kim had lined up a small apartment for me as well as the start of all the paperwork to get me going on this new adventure. 

My family thought I was crazy and they were right. I did not know a bit of the language but I had this overwhelming urge to go try something new. My mantra was I Can Do This and I repeated that every day. Six weeks after I agreed to the position I had a brand new passport, new luggage which was packed and enough motion sickness pills to get me across the ocean. I had a going away party with my family where I got a ton of hugs, kisses and looks that read to me that I was crazier than normal. My six year niece gave me a teddy bear and a hand drawn card telling me I was her favorite aunt. I almost called it off but then her older brother told me I was the coolest aunt ever. How could I let the kid down? So I strengthened my nerve and got on the plane. 

Mind you this was only the third time I had flown and definitely the longest. I had brought two books which I had hoped would put me to sleep along with whatever alcohol they would be willing to serve. More than half a day was over when we touched down in my new home city for the next two years. I was nervous and excited, not the best combination but I prayed I would get through the next few hours. I looked like a train wreck but I made it through customs, found all my luggage and even a waiting cab. The driver even spoke a little English so I gave him the print out with directions to the apartment and off we went. 

I remember at the time thinking that my new home was small but cozy and very clean. The whole complex was clean and filled with either older couples or younger families. There were two other teachers from the academy staying there and maybe 3 or 4 single people, me being one and my neighbor being another. I had met Lee Jinki two days after I had moved in. My first impression was that he was one of the nicest and friendliest men I had met. His smile was brilliant. I had just gotten into the elevator to take me back to my apartment after my first day of exploring and as the doors were closing Jinki got on. 

"Oh! Are you English?" The man asked. 

"Hi. I am from the U.S. I just moved here to teach English. My name is Lauren Wren." I held out my hand and plastered a big smile on my face. He stared at my outstretched hand just long enough for me to question if I had offended him and my smile began to falter. Just as I started to lower my hand he grabbed it and said, "My name is Lee Jinki. Jinki is my first name. Are you teaching at Kim's? If so you are my neighbor." His smile came back with force and I think I was blinded. I felt like things were going in slow motion. I had always been a er for a nice smile. 

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Woah, a chapter. Not proof read, probably low quality. Meh 😲


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Chapter 5: Key is such a tease, but sassy at the same time. Where he goes, there is fun. Now I want ramen, hahah. But Ramen is one of the best foods. Now Lauren has a date with Jinki, hopefully it will be well
Chapter 4: Shopping with Key is fun, they got so many cute things. Key knows what to do in such situations when clothes get stuck. And they didn’t ruin the dress.
Chapter 3: Aww, she made Jinki blush. Now she will be noona to him. And her friendship with Key is so cute, she better prepare for shopping, Key won’t let her buy anything ugly and it will be a long shopping spree but she is still going to slay.
Chapter 2: Her friendship with Key is amazing. Key is someone who can befriend anyone and he values the friendship deeply. They spent some fun time together with Key’s sense of humour and he can give her some tips in fashion.

The last line made me laugh. But it is true, she needs will to date Korean man. After all , she is in Korea, she should make the best of her experience.
Chapter 1: Her first meeting with Jinki was special, she felt drawn to him by his smile which I admit is very beautiful and can cheer up everyone.

Working as a teacher in a country where you don’t know the language well might be challenging but she is strong, ready for a new chapter in her life.

And she is the coolest aunt ever because she is not afraid of hardships or challenges.
710 streak #6
Chapter 6: Omo!! She got hurt! :O Hopefully, she will recover soon!

A very cute story and I can't wait to see what happens between the characters!
Thank you and keep it up! <3
710 streak #7
Chapter 5: Key is a nice person and easy to get along with, but when he asked for her ity that surprised me a bit, but it was cute when he started to explain that he wants to protect her :D xD Made me chuckle, thankfully the embarrassment was gone! Yay!
710 streak #8
Chapter 4: Cute chapter. I love the relationship between Key and Jinki.
"I'll get your little chick back safely" - Key is hilarious and calling him pushy? He's not pushy, or maybe he is? ;) haha
And the scene when she got stuck in the dress and Key helped her, and of course, the comment at the end. Naughty Key! ;)
710 streak #9
Chapter 3: Yeah, at times it can be confusing when it comes to 'noona', 'oppa', and other similar words they use, but I am curious to see what will happen when she goes shopping hehe
710 streak #10
Chapter 2: I loved the Dorothy part, it's like the best movie and one can never get tired of it, right? :D
I can imagine it would be hard to get used to the surroundings, after all, a different country, language, customs, etc. But she somehow is getting the hang of it, which is good.
Also, the people being friendly towards her is a big plus, and the last part made me chuckle. He had no more reason to use blush. Well, I can't blame her hehe
New wardrobe? Shots of Soju? And the will to date? No wonder she also spit her soda out xD who wouldn't?

Thank you for this chapter! <3