Out of sight Out of mind

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This is my Secret Admirer gift to Sourytears as part of the

Valentine's Day Secret Admirer EXO Romantic Story Gift Exchange ❤


TaeEun and Sehun have known each other since they were both fifteen-year old, next door neighbors. They were not always the best of friends nor the worst of enemies, let's just say that high school was barely tolerable. Then college came along and a friendship bloomed bright as a spring jonquil and as warm as a summer afternoon.

However, a turn of events that neither could foresee had TaeTae, as her lovable brother liked to call her, turning her back on her home and Sehun for many seasons. 

Now, after many years of careful planning on her part all that hard work of little contact was ruined. All because Sehun Oh has yet again become a daily constant in her life. 



And in those moments

when you feel afraid to trust love,

remember that I have crossed

a great ocean of loneliness to find you.


Mine is not a fair-weather heart.

It was built to outlast storms.

         -Jonh Mark Green

A story of high school enemies to college sweethearts who go their separate ways after a tragic accident only to find themselves once again within each other's orbit.

Can they look beyond the past to re-build a broken relationship or is that too much to ask for.



My gift to my Valentine 2022. I hope your heart has all that it needs in this year 💖💖💖


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784 streak #1
Chapter 1: 💖💖💖Where do I start from, huh? First of all, thank you for another great story! 💖💖💖

It was surely an emotional rollercoaster and this one brought tears to my eyes. I loved the way you described the emotions of each character and how you put them together. They both have been through a lot and in a way, I can understand her, but I also understand him, and I was cheering that in the end, they would be together. It was a mix of everything including the hot scene (that you always nail hehe). I just love the plot, but the ending broke me. *sniffs*

BUT! Regardless of the ending, I LOVED THIS ONE!
I can't wait to see what happens next! 💖💖💖
Chapter 1: Girllllll.. that was so like woah I feel like am reading a life story of taehun just wow!! You did a good job in detailing their relationship throughout the stage of their life. Wow I feel like am watching a movie tho. Also I admire that sehun stayed beside her for a long time and was so patient with her and wait until she’s ready for intimate relationship. That’s so admirable and he even asked multiple times during that hot moment (their first time really hot!!) but pardon me am curious did sehun really feel disappointed with her because of their loss? I kinda suspected that he might be disappointed with himself tho instead of her. It was sad >__<. Their last day also sad >__<. But well they were grown apart and I think to separate temporary could be the a solution it just that I cant help to think that was a very bold move from tae. I hope tae’s adorable family (uri baekhyunee, dongsaeng eun woo and probably bora too) could help this crucial moment. I mean it was an accident and to have trauma after accident is very normal. I cant wait for the next chp..
njhjcw_lovejinam #3
Chapter 1: what a good story, I'm crying for this couple, after all they separated, the accident and the loss of the baby was not the fault of either of them, 😭😭 I'll be looking forward to the next chapter,thanks for updating, I love this story, please take care of yourself.
784 streak #4
I am so looking forward to this! 🔥💗