7:04 pm; Minseok, the Uber Driver

Grad Night

I park my dusty versa in Jongin's drive way, a perk of having a pair of doctor parents is my new car, a gift as soon as I got my license. Most kids in the school are barely moving along in their old 93' Carollas or their parents old station wagons from the eighties. 


In all honesty, I've always been a kid who quite frankly had it all. So long as I behaved and did well in school, which was never a problem. My parents trust me and I've learned to lie expertly. My gas and other irrelevant expenses are paid for in straight A's and a clean bedroom. 


Jongin's family is similar in that they don't worry too much about money, a lawyer father and a pediatrician for a mom. It calls for some late nights alone but Jongin always says he doesn't mind. Sometimes I even believe him. 


Mrs. Kim opens the door with a smile, greeting me in rapid fire Korean. I reply a bit slower and a lot less sure of myself. After a short greeting she switches to flawless English. "Jongin told me all about this adventure you two are going on and I'm trusting you to not let that fool get arrested" she smiles as she says this. 


Jongin's parents have always been on the more relaxed side of the parent spectrum, which has always made me a little envious. Like just imagine, a world where you don't have to lie to your folks to go do what you want! What a life. 


"You have my word, Mrs. Kim" I grin back at her


She chuckles and shuffles back to the living room where she and Mr. Kim are watching reruns of Family Feud, not the Steve Harvey one but the old one. "Hi Mr. Kim" I say as I pass 


He nods "Hello Sehun, congratulations on graduating" 


"Thank you" I call back, before I open the door to Jongin's room. 


"Do you think this looks okay?" Jongin immediately turns toward me when the door opens.  


"It's June, why are you wearing a leather jacket?" I scoff as I sit on the bed


"Good point, I'll take my bomber instead" he shrugs off the heavy jacket and slips into a lighter jacket, a rich Olive green, that contrasts nicely with his bronze skin. 


"Okay, you ready?" I ask, standing up and shaking my keys in the pocket of my black windbreaker. Despite the summer heat during the day, San Diego could get chilly at night. 


"Yeah hold on let me call an Uber" Jongin whips out his phone and rapidly starts typing away


"Why do we need an Uber? I drove here" I hold up my keys to emphasize the point. 


"Um I don't feel llike dying in a drunk driving accident tonight Sehun" 


"I was planning on bring DD" 


"No sir, this night is gonna be fun for both of us. And I don't want to drink with Casey all night" he adds with a shiver 


I roll my eyes "Alright, I'm gonna leave my keys here" 


"Go ahead, let's head out. He should be here in a minute" Jongin says as he pockets his wallet and keys. 


"What's our drivers name?" I ask "does he look creepy?"


"Nah his name's Minseok." He glances at his phone "He looks nice"




"Think so" Jongin says as we briskly walk outside "It's a silver car" he adds


"Wait doesn't Casey live in Carlsbad?" I ask, remembering her birthday party in the fourth grade


"Yeah" Jongin nods, swinging his arms wildly at the car coming around a corner. 


"Dude that's like an hour drive" I groan


"Pft thirty five minutes max" Jongin shrugs as he hops into the passengers side of the car. The driver is a petite young man dressed in jeans and a pink sweatshirt. 


"Hi, you must be Jongin. I'm Minseok" he smiles politely as he starts the route to Casey's house. 


"Yep" Jongin nods with a grin


"So, what are you guys up to tonight?" Minseok asks as he pulls away from the house. 


My initial instinct is to lie about a trip to grandmas which comes naturally to someone like me, who has to avoid capture by their parents. But Jongin easily tells the driver about our schemes. 


"We just graduated high school and some girl is throwing a party." 


Minseok nods with a smile "Grad parties are the best, I'm sure you guys will have a great night". He turns into a main road, traffic isn't too bad but there's a steady stream of cars coming from the city. 


Jongin And Minseok chat about parties and how Minseok drives with Uber to pay off student loans. I'm not as open as Jongin but, I enjoy the pleasant stream of conversation nonetheless.


We arrive in front of Casey's crowded driveway at seven forty three, Minseok tells us to be careful and have a good time. We say thanks and leave the car. 


For some reason my stomach lurches uncomfortably as I look at the pale orange house. I think my body is trying to warn me against whatever this night has in store for me. It's a bad omen, my senses are screaming "DANGER!! GO BACK! THIS IS A BAD IDEA!"


Jongin heads towards the front door, halfway there he turns around and smiles at me hands says "What are you waiting for?"


So with a deep breath, I follow my best friend into the house.

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Here’s the end of Sekai’s adventure! I really liked this plot and I love writing sekai bc they have a lot of good plot opportunities once Ive finished my other stories, I might write a sequel or a one shot with this plot in mind. If I do, I’ll be sure to link it here!


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lowkey_fangirl_xo #1
Chapter 15: awe so cute! Totally loved reading it!
stern270 #3
Chapter 15: I finished reading this and it was so cute!! I loved it<3<3
Chapter 10: Well . I hope their parents won't find out about this...
Chapter 14: should we expect them to die at the end of the morning
Chapter 14: Aawwweeeeee these twoooo
writingwiener #7
Uhhhhh maybe when people ask about it Jongdae just says they got food poisoning. They don’t get health inspections regularly?? Jongdae’s charm and wit get him out of sticky situations? Idk
Chapter 13: how has the place not been shut down yet
lowkey_fangirl_xo #10