Chapter 20

The Silver thread of Memories

Chapter 20

It was as if she was made to wear white.

The dress she wore shimmered slightly under the moonlight; the sleeves were pulled down, revealing her silky cream shoulders. The dress cascaded down to the knee length, while the back flap extended to her feet, fluttering lightly with the night breeze. Her black hair was tied into a messy bun, with loose strands falling by the sides of her peach-shaped face. A simple yet classy necklace donned her bare neck collar, completing the look.


Standing there, looking straight at him with the most stunning smile ever……he couldn’t utter a word.

He could feel his jaws dropped opened as he stared at the perfect goddess, wondering if the elegant beauty standing before him was an illusion.

But that illusion called out his name again.

His heart thumped hard at the sound of her voice.  She’s real.

“Y-yes?” His voice shook slightly.


Seo-Yun threw him an amused look and turned to speak to a black-golden masked man standing beside her. The man shook his head at her words but she smiled at him before she turned….and started walking towards him.

Each step closer sent his heart beating harder against his ribcage.

Taemin breathed deeply, trying to keep his fumbled thoughts together.

Mesmerized….would that be the correct word to describe his state now?


“What are you doing here?” She asked, swishing their hands and he looked down curiously.

He didn’t realize that unconsciously, his hand had reached out for her…and, he smiled upon realization, she accepted his hand naturally.

Remembering his mission, he looked up to her eyes. “I’m here to kidnap you.”


Taking in the sight of her widened orbs, he smirked, turned around and started running away, pulling along his beautiful captive before anyone could react.


They ran out of the garden and re-entered the grand ballroom, ignoring hundreds of surprised looks cast on them as they hurriedly made their way through the crowd. They reached the large oak doors that automatically swung open, revealing the long red-carpeted path that leads to the exit.

As they dashed down the hallway, Taemin took a glance back at her. She was running along with him, her free hand was pulling up her long dress. Excitement danced in her eyes as she met his glance and she laughed, filling the long passage with her sweet ringing laughter.

He grinned. He would never imagined such a story-tale scenario happening – him being a shining knight, rescuing his princess from a boring ball.

Somewhere deep in his heart, he wished that the exit never exist and they will continue down this never-ending hallway together….

But all too soon they exited the place and the sight of a large black van greeted them at the entrance. The van’s door slid opened, revealing his impatient SHINee hyungs.

“Hop on!” They almost said out the words in unison.


Both of them laughed at the sight before getting in.

The van door slid shut behind them and the vehicle drove away.

Taemin sighed loudly, letting out the nervous feeling he had pent up within him. Sneaking a peek at Seo-Yun’s excited look, he could feel a smirk growing on his face.

He exchanged knowing looks with his hyungs and leaned back to his seat.

Mission accomplished.




“What is going on?” I noticed all of the members were looking at me. My initial excitement had turned to bewilderment.

“Oppas, I have to go back.” I pointed out my situation.

“It’s fine Seo-Yun.” Kibum smiled. “Your Unnie said she will take care of everything.”

“My Unnie?” I repeated after him, still confused.

Then Unnie’s earlier words drifted to my thoughts.


Don’t worry! It will all work out fine.”


My eyes widened in surprised. “Wait…what? All of you are in this together?”

Minho’s head popped out from the back seat. “Since you can’t come over, we decided to get you ourselves!”


“No buts!” Kibum cuts me short as Jonghyun and Jinki started cheering. “It’s my birthday celebration so there’s no way you can escape!”

I looked to Taemin for some advice on his crazed hyungs, but to my amazement, he was sitting quietly with his eyes closed.

Is he asleep?


“Don’t worry about him, Seo-Yun ah…” Jonghyun stopped cheering with Jinki and answered me. “That poor kid has been the busiest out of the five of us. He just returned from a ballroom performance for a charity show. That’s why he’s wearing a black Tux now. And that’s why...” He exchanged a look with Jinki, “we told him to get you.”

I stared at Taemin and gently removed his black mask, his familiar sleeping face now revealed to my eyes. He shifted slightly, as if he was already in deep sleep and he sighed, a content smile now rested on his lips.


“Seo-Yun ah…” Kibum patted my shoulders and I turned to look at him. “Did that Lee kid harass you?”

I shook my head. “Kibum Oppa, I think we misunderstand him. Hwon is quite a nice guy...really!” I tried convincing the disbelieved man. “He even saved me from a troublesome guest while I was in there.”

“You called him Hwon?” Kibum pointed out. “Are you close with him?”

“C-close?” I stuttered; warmth rushed to my cheeks for unknown reason. “I-I think so.” I admitted truthfully. “We seem to know each other a long time ago.”

“Long time ago?” Kibum raise an eyebrow at my strange reply but he shrugged and leaned back to his seat. “Take a break, Seo-Yun. It’s going to be a long journey.”

I took a glance at my surrounding and saw that everyone had already fallen asleep.

“Oppa, where are we going?”

The blond-haired man opened one eye lazily to look at me. “A secret.” He smiled secretly. “Now go to sleep!”

He closed his eye instantly, ignoring the questioning look on my face. I turned my head around, but no one, except the unknown driver, was awake to answer me.

I sighed and rest against the seat.

With eyes closed, I slowly drift off to the other world....


I was staring up, my vision was filled by an infinite black canvas called night. The full moon perched on, a silver circle glowing brightly in the darkness.


“You can’t….”

A whispery voice shattered the silent scenery.


“Can’t what?”

I said as I looked around. For the first time, I realized I was standing in the middle of a dark puddle. My slight movements disrupted the watery stillness, creating circular ripples that expanded with no ends in sight.



The same whispery voice continued.


I kept turning around, but I was alone in this darkness.


I called out to the nothingness.


“Have to stop…”


Stop what?

I silently rebuked the words in my mind, feeling slightly frustrated by the voice that seemed to be warning me about something I do not wish to hear.

My eyes trailed to the puddle and my body froze upon the sight.


“Before it’s too late…”


The lips in the puddle’s reflection moved in accordance with each word.

I stared at my watery reflection in astonishment.

“My eyes” stared back at me with worry.

 “Before what? What will happen?” I finally questioned out loud, my eyes unable to pry off my reflection.


My reflection looked at me sadly.


Suddenly my legs gave away and my whole body plunged into the puddle that had turned into a deep pool.  Bubbles surrounded me as I sank rapidly. My hands and legs flailed wildly, desperately trying to kick myself to the surface.


My head tilted up, my eyes stared at the silvery glow of the full moon getting dimmer and dimmer…

as I sank deeper and deeper with a familiar warning ringing in my ears.

Don’t forgive…

Don’t forget….




“Seo-Yun?” A hand shook me gently. “Seo-Yun…wake up.”

My eyelids fluttered open. I blinked once or twice in confusion at the person before me.

“Taemin?” My eyes observed the now-empty car while I caught onto the sounds of cheering outside. “Where are we? Why are the rest?”

Taemin smiled. “We reached. Hyungs and the rest of them are setting up the place for the celebration. Now get up.”

He slid open the van’s door and the cool night breeze greeted me.  He got out of the van, turned around and took his hand out. I stared at the background behind him. It was all dark and wide outside.


I looked at him uncertainly, but took his hand anyway and stepped out.

What greeted me immediately was the sight of a big empty open field, with no buildings in sight.

“Where are we?”

“Miles away from civilization.” He simply replied and walked forward, lightly hopping in his steps.

I followed him but stumbled slightly in my first step.

“Whoa-“ My lips let out a yelp and Taemin turned around immediately. “What’s wrong?”

I stared at my pair of high heels, contemplating my situation.

“Sorry!” I looked up to see his apologetic expression. “Maybe…I can scour around and see if there’s anything….”

“No worries.” I cut short his worry by bending down to peel off my high-heels.

Dry, cool grass met my soles as I placed both feet firmly on the ground. I became a few centimeters shorter than the man before me now.


“There, problem solved.” I lifted the high heels and placed them in the van. “Now where are we going? Are we going to help out Oppas?” My eyes trailed to the far left, where groups of people were walking around, setting up some sort of benches, tables and lights. A big bonfire glowed in the middle of the area, shedding soft orange glow to the place while music from someone’s radio played loudly with the laughter of the crowds.


“Nope.” Taemin grinned and held his hand to me. I placed my hand on his and he started leading me to the other direction.

My other hand pulled up the long train of my dress as we continued walking. “Why not?”

“Because the hyungs said my help will only make things more troublesome.”

“Then I can help them….” I pointed out.


He turned around, his lips pouted. “If you help them, who will accompany me? I’ll be bored.”

I smiled at his childlike expression, feeling the thrill of excitement dancing within me, which soon turned to impatience.

“Where are you bringing me? Are we there yet?”


“Almost.” We walked for a couple more steps before he stopped at a spot where a large mat was spread out. “Let’s sit.”

With that, he plopped down casually, lying on the mat as if it was his own bed. I sat down as well and we stayed like this, silent for a few moments. The radio’s music could be heard quite clearly even though we were a few yards away from where it was.


‘So…” I was the first to break our silence. “why did Kibum Oppa choose this place? There’s nothing around here.”

 Though it was rather dark, there was enough light in the area to see the corner of his lips turned up.

“Look up.”

I did as he said and immediately gasped at the sight before me.


Across the wide black night sky, there was a large silver streak containing millions and millions of little stars, gleaming brightly in the dark.

I stared at the breath-taking scenery awestruck, unable to take my eyes off this beautiful nature that was in front of me.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” He whispered.

“Yeah….” I lay on the mat, all the while my eyes were glued to the Milky Way, hoping to carve this sight and moment into my mind like a photograph.

 We became silent once more, admiring the scenery while listening to the song played from the far-away radio.



Always under the exact same sky

Always the exact same day

Only thing that is different

Is that you are not here


“Lee Taemin. Why didn’t you message me back?” I kept my eyes up to the sky, for some reasons, I didn’t want to see his face.

“Sorry. I was busy.” He replied softly.

“I thought you were angry at me.” I murmured, more to myself than at him.


I just want to smile, want to forget everything

Just like absolutely nothing has happened, smiling to live my days


The song continued playing, but he made no reply to my statement. I lay still, wondering what to do to calm this thumping sensation going on in my heart.


Miss you, miss you so much,

Because I miss you so much

Every day, all by myself, calling and calling you


A light breath tickled my ear, singing softly to the lyrics of the song. I turned my face to a side and saw Taemin staring intently at me; his angelic face was only a few inches away from mine. His dark eyes mesmerized me.


Want to see you, because I want to see you so much

Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name

Even today….


The thumping sensation in my heart grew stronger.

He stood up suddenly and I sat up to stare at him. With a smile on his face and his hand stretched out to me, he said. “Since we are dressed for the occasion, do you want to dance?”




Somewhere deep in his heart, he was apologizing.

He was apologizing to God, for not appreciating His creation of this nature’s splendor, for ignoring the countless silvery white stars shining brightly in the night sky.


Because what drew his eyes was this quiet beauty lying beside him, the girl who was unaware of his intent gaze.

In the background, the next song started. It was a soft ballad song that he recognized.

How weird...Taemin thought, the lyrics seemed as if they were taken from the feelings in his heart.


“I thought you were angry at me.” She said softly.


Angry? Why would she think that way?

How could he answer her properly, about his feelings for these past few weeks?

Without thinking, his lips automatically parted to sing to the song chorus, the lyrics to his feelings.


She turned her head and looked at him in surprise.


Without a word, he stood up, waiting patiently as she sat up as well.

His hand reached out to the puzzled girl and he smiled. “Since we are dressed for the occasion, do you want to dance?”


He waited nervously, keeping his smile on to hide the anxiety churning within. He watched as the startled look in her eyes turned into warmth and wonder, swimming in her melting gaze.

She reached out her hand to his and he grabbed hold of it. Once again, he marveled over the feel of her small delicate hand in his as he pulled her up to her feet.

“Do you know how to dance?” She chuckled lightly. “I can’t.”


“Yes.” Taemin breathed out, hardly able to contain the thrill he felt.

Past few weeks of ballroom coaching has taught him to automatically place his other hand lightly over her waist while he guided her other hand to rest against his shoulder.

He looked up to see her shy, hesitated expression.  But her eyes were still strong, unwavering.

“Just follow my lead.” He whispered and she nodded.


The song continued on, following them as they danced under the starry sky.


Miss you, miss you so much,

Because I miss you so much

Every day, all by myself, calling and calling you


Want to see you, because I want to see you so much

Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name

Even today.


Only the sky and ground were the witnesses to this scene as their paces danced in sync, both of them swaying side to side, their minds and hearts submerged in this moment together.


The happiness he felt as he held her in his arms, how could it be so overwhelming?

But no...Taemin caught himself. He has to control this…this feeling.

He can’t allow it…he can’t.

He kept reminding over and over to his stubborn feelings.

He’s not an ordinary person.

He’s not an ordinary boy who can love someone openly.



That one word echoed in his thoughts.


Love you, love you, I love you

Without even being able to tell you these

I have to let you go like that


The lyrics continued acting as his heart’s mirror, singing out his feelings in such deadly accuracy.



Can’t allow…


Numerous mental protests surged, waging turmoil within him.


His eyes refocused back to the face before him.

The agonizing struggles raging in his mind suddenly calm down with just a glance on her smiling face.

Something even stronger was growing within, rising above his chains of restraint, rising above reason…


Just a glance into her eyes….

His lips started singing out the last line of the song.

The last line to his true feelings.


I love you.


The song ended.

He froze, now aware of his unconscious confession and her surprised expression.


Silence enveloped them.


Say something…

His mind urged him.

“I…I was just singing to the song!” He said out in panic.


Yes that’s right…

The reasoning side of him reemerged.

Stop the misunderstanding before it goes deeper….


He felt her hands settling down and he allowed it.

She took a step back, away from him. The sudden distance from her body sent emptiness and coldness to him, along with an aching desire of wanting to hold her in his arms again.



He controlled his feelings by clenching his fists and focused his eyes on his feet instead.


Taemin waited for her response, expecting her to laugh out loud, expecting her to gently punch his shoulder at their silly moment, expecting her words and actions to break his heart.

He closed his eyes to prepare for the pain.


But instead, what came out of her lips was a strained, weak voice.


“Lee Taemin. You’re so cruel.”


His eyes shot up to look at her face, tears trickling out of her eyes as if she couldn’t help it.

Without another word, she stepped forward, her shoulder brushed past his as she walked away from him….




Can’t allow…





Against every shred of reasoning screaming in his mind, his hand shot back, grabbing her wrist to stop her.

He turned around and looked at her straight in the eye.


“I love you.”



#Author's Note =D

*bold italics lyrics means that Taemin sung them xD

As promised, more Taemin, stars and a dance. Anyone raising an eyebrow over this weird scenario? The whole Milky Way thing was inspired by my friend who brought me to go star-gazing a month back and I was awestruck by the sights. So I thought it might be nice to put it in this story. Have any of you saw Milky Way before? I only saw it once in my entire life. It was so pretty that my head ached from titling up to stare at it for so looonnng. Too bad we can't see it because we live in urban areas. Bleh.

I had a harder time deciding a song for the dance because the one I originally wanted was an English song. But thinking back, I think it makes more sense to choose a Korean song. I ended up choosing Yonghwa's song because I felt that the lyrics reflected Taemin's feeling when he couldn't see Seo-Yun for a month (aww...)

I felt a bit touched when I was writing up this chapter. Hopefully you readers will be too! Kekekekekeke!

Love you all!<3

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Chapter 23: Will she die? I know this is an unexpected question but in her some of her dreams she gets stabbed or she drowns so will she die? Its wierd how my questions are always off topic XD but oh well...
ArieMay #2
Awwww! I love this story!!! >w<
BTW, Hwon is hot xD
I was (O_O) when I found out Seo Yun was Hwon's fiancee
Can't wait to see how it ends >:3
as much as Taemin is topping my bias list, I still ship Seo Yun with Hwon. I'm just really into 'second' guys (& Park Jiho), ya know >.<
MagicalColours #6
I missed the previous chapter :< I've been too busy with school stuff -.- Anyway writing these wishes was really cute ^^ And as for Hwon... I guess I expected that but now I'm totally curious what's gonna happen!
KISSmeBecca #7
Yes, my face went (O_O) at the end... OMG WHAT ABOUT TAEMINNIE!!!??? Dx
@wintersnow - That's more than alright! In fact, i'm just glad that you even keep up reading what I wrote (^_^) your comments are an added bonus with it. Kekekeke...I don't think Hwon is a bad guy either because i think he truly truly loves Seo-Yun ^^
Ahh sorry for not commenting for so long! Kept forgetting to sign in comment>< Taemin n seoyun are soooooo cute!! OMG my heart melts when I read about them <3 And Hwon doesnt seem like such a bad guy here
@KISSmeBecca - Ooo.. I have also take note of NU'EST recently (^_^) And they started reminding me how old I am...all-over-again (-.-)
@MagicalColours - Keke thanks for your well-wishes! Love you lots! (^____^) I actually had fun writing up SHINee's discussion part. Maybe it's influenced from all those SHINee variety and talks shows I've been watching recently! Kekeke...