Chapter 12

The Silver thread of Memories





 The weather was great, the traffic was smooth and for once, the radio was playing pleasant music.  But my attention was focused on my driving Unnie.

“Can’t you help me pass it to him?” I threw her a pleading look.



“He loaned it to you.” She cuts me off gently. “It’s only polite for you to return the jacket personally.”

I blew away a loose strand of hair and leaned back to the car seat. “But I don’t know how to face him…” I mumbled, recalling what Unnie said the previous day.

“… wouldn’t seem to wake up no matter how I shake you. So Taemin-ssi offered to help me carry you back to the car…. Bridal style too…”


My Unnie laughed at my distress. “Is the princess shy?”

“I’m not a princess, Unnie.” I frowned slightly at her teasing. “And there’s no need for you to trouble yourself to fetch me to the building when you’re not even coming up with me.”

“I can’t possibly leave you alone, can’t I?” She grinned as she drove the car at the corner.

I was silent.

How many times have I heard such words? It seems that everyone around me is protective of me. Do I look that incapable?

The image of Woon holding my hand, as we dashed through the dark bamboo forest flashed in my mind. I sighed and stared out of the car window. Be it reality or dreams, I always seemed to be protected by someone. Is there something wrong with me?

The opaque reflection glinting off the glass seems to be taunting at me now.


“And we’re here!” Unnie beamed as the car pulled to a stop.

“Thanks Unnie.” I smiled and got out of the vehicle.

“Do you need me to pick you up once you’re done?”

I shook my head. “It’s fine Unnie. Anyway don’t you have another shoot to rush off to?” I pointed out.

Smiling, I watched her eyes widen in realization before she pulled up her driver clutch and sped the red car down the road.

Really…I’m always amazed at how cluttered-headed my Unnie can be.


Taking a deep breath, I turned around and faced the large building before me. Uncertainty was filling me with each step I took, questioning my next course of actions once I meet him.

How should I act towards the guy who had bridal-carried me to the car while I was asleep? Should I acknowledge or act nonchalant towards it?

As I stood before the entrance, weight-downed by my distress, something suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me along. Almost stumbling, my feet soon caught up and followed in steps with the directed force. Before I knew it, I was facing the back alley of the large building and staring at a grinning brunette man with sun-glasses.

The man continued grinning as he took off his sunglasses, revealing his smooth and pale complexion “We always take the back entrance, Seo-Yun.” He talked in a casual tone.

I relaxed my tensed shoulders upon the sight of this familiar face. “Kibum-ssi…how do you know I was coming?”

The beautiful man sulked. “Eun-Ah noona told us. And how many times do I have to remind you again, Seo-Yun ah? It’s Oppa. Oppa.”

I blushed and bit my lips at the mistake. “Oppa.”

His smile returned back to his features, turning up the curves of his feline eyes. “Let’s go, the other SHINee hyungs are looking forward to the snacks Eun-ah Noona promised us!”


“Seo-Yun!” The chorus of voices greeted me once I stepped into the SHINee’s dance room, located on the fifth floor of the building.

“Minho-ssi, Jinki-ssi….” I stopped short and corrected myself. “I mean Jinki-oppa, Jonghyun-oppa, Minho-oppa.”

The flower boy group beamed at me in acknowledgement and I started feeling a bit overwhelmed, being the focus of their attention and all.

“Unnie asked me to pass these boxes of sushi to all of you.” I took out the bento boxes from the paper bag and set them on the floor since there was no table in the room. “She said it’s a gift for all the hard work you have put through.”

The group rushed over and huddled close to me. “Help me thank your Unnie, Seo-Yun!” Jinki smiled before frowning. “Hey Minho, I’m taking that!”

“No hyung! I saw it first!” Minho held it high up before the older man.

“But I’m your senior!”

“But I’m your junior!”

“Guys…” Kibum slapped his hands over his face and shook his head in disbelief. “I’m sorry. They don’t grow up.”

I watched, amazed at the perfect idols acting so humanly, like ordinary men in their teens. It felt so surreal.

I turned my head around, trying to find a person whom I noticed, was missing in this picture.


“Looking for Taemin?” Jonghyun said in between his mouthful of sushi. “He’s not here. He caught a cold.”

“A cold?” I looked at him, puzzled. “But he was fine yesterday wasn’t he?”

Kibum shrugged. “We had an outside shoot last night and that idiot left his jacket somewhere…forgetful as always.”

It was easy to see the link and I blushed, knowing full well I was the cause.

I clutched the bag tighter. “I’m afraid it’s my fault.” I looked straight at their confused expressions.

“He loaned me the jacket last night. 

Their mouths formed at ‘O’ shape as they stared at me. Kibum coughed abruptly. “Well then Seo-Yun.” He smiled as he placed both hands on my shoulders. “Can you do me a favour?”

I nodded.

His smile got wider. “I’m worried about Taemin being alone at home.” His hand left my shoulder to shuffle in his pocket. “So can you…” His hand took out a pair of keys. “go visit our dorm and make sure he’s alright?”

I stared at him, dumb-founded by his request. “S-sure.”


When we left the dance room, Kibum guided me down the aisle to the elevator. A couple of feet in front of us were a couple, a pair of youthful teens not much older than we were. 


I couldn’t help staring at their direction, though they were too much in their little lover’s world to notice my stare. But it wasn’t their actions that caught my gaze. I stared because their faces were beautiful, just as beautiful as Kibum, who was walking beside me.  Standing near the elevator, with the lady giggling as the man whispered something in her ear, they looked like a perfect model couple poised in those fashion magazine. The lady was pale and lithe; her raven hair was silky, waving near her waistline. Her face was one that belonged in those oriental beauty categories. But against the man hugging her closely to his body, her beauty was a far cry from his. His hair was black and voluminous, the ends curled slightly against his neck line, further defining his sharp jaw line and pale skin tone.  Half of his fringe hangs loosely over his right features as he leaned in further and pressed his lips against the lady’s cheeks.


I looked away for a moment, embarrassed by their brazen display of affection in the public. Kibum mumbled something under his breath and coughed abruptly as we approached the elevator, or rather, them who were blocking the way to it.

The lady finally seemed to snap out of her daze and shifted her head away from her kissing lover. She pushed her body slightly and managed to shuffle both of them to a side. The man took no notice of us, merely snuggling his face against the lady’s neck with his eyes closed, as if he was drunken in her scent.

The situation was so awkward for me that Kibum had to gently guide me by the shoulders to walk past them. As we passed by them, the man’s head lifted slightly from his lover’s neck to catch a glimpse of us. I hurriedly looked away and walked faster, hoping to get into the elevator and escape this stifling atmosphere.

Once we entered the elevator, I turned around while Kibum pressed the button for the ground level. Then I saw a sight I had never expected.

The man had turned away from his lover, and was dashing madly towards us,

His hair flung backwards as he sprinted, revealing his perfect features etched in desperate sorrow. My vision of him was narrowing as the metal doors slid towards each other inch by inch, closing the gap.

Realization finally kicked in and my finger reached out for the open-door button only to find Kibum pressing the close-door button furiously. The metal door finally clicked to a close and the elevator started descending.

“That’ll teach them to smooch around in public!” Kibum exclaimed triumphantly.  

“That wasn’t very nice of you, Oppa.” I pointed out, with a frown on my face.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “You shouldn’t be so concerned with that guy I tell you.” He rests his arm around my shoulder protectively.

“They say that guy is a rich brat who just came back from his American studies. Ridiculously rich.” He rolled his eyes. “But that’s not the thing to be concerned about.”  He pulled me closer. “Everyone knows he’s an infamous playboy thanks to his wealth and looks. But he only seems to target fair skin girls with long black hair.” Kibum eyed me closely. “So you’ll better be careful around this playboy.”


Looking at his serious gaze, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Don’t worry Oppa, I’m sure he won’t be interested in a girl like me.”

“Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “What about a few seconds ago? He was chasing you when you’re in the elevator!”My eyes widened at the fact. “It was lucky I pressed the door shut.”

“Oh…” was all I could say when we reached the ground-floor.

Kibum kept his arm on my shoulder and guide me to an available taxi at the entrance. “Don’t worry!” It’s his turn to assure me. “I don’t think you will see him again! So off you go! Help me take good care of Taemin!” He threw me a wink, which I’m sure, would send several girls squealing.

Before I could reply, the taxi drove off and I turned my head back to see him waving goodbye. But someone else caught my eyes as well.

It was that man, rushing out from the building’s entrance and turning his head back and forth, as though he was looking for someone..... 


I quickly pushed the thought out of my mind. Why would he? We're strangers to each.


His view soon became a distant dot as the taxi continued driving.

Finally, I settled back to my seat properly and gazed at window’s scenery.

It was starting to drizzle.





If she was still alive….

That thought never ceased to enter his mind.

How would she look like?

Would she look like her?

He stared at the lady in his arms, her long black hair and smooth pale complexion.

Would she smell like her?

He pressed his face softly against her neckline, and took a whiff of her sweet musky scent.

He found himself chucking at his own questions.

The truth was, he really couldn’t tell. In his universe, his image of her….forever lies a sixteen years old fair lady, black hair tied back neatly without a strand out of place, dressed in a beautiful colored hanbok, carrying a subtle smile on her face with maturity in her gaze that unveiled wisdom far beyond her age.  


He closed his eyes tightly and took another deep whiff of the lady in his arms, pretending that lady was her, pretending she was the one in his embrace and that the warmth and scent belongs to her.

A loud cough broke off his enrapture with the lady and the illusion was broken. But he remained his eyes shut as he rests his head against the crook of the lady’s neck. Behind his fringe that were obscuring his sights, he could make out two people walking past them, a hazel-coloured hair man, clutching his female friend’s shoulder and guiding her gently. The female friend dropped her gaze almost immediately when he stared at them.

That girl has fair skin and long black hair as well. He smiled at the sight.

Then he stopped himself.

And he turned around for a second look.

The pair had already made their way to the elevator and he froze, not daring to breathe, as he watched her, turning around once she stepped into the elevator. His eyes widened at the face he was staring.


If she was still alive…. how would she look like?

That thought that surfaced in his mind, seemed to be taunting him now. 


It was as if he had left with nothing, but one last shred of reasoning within him. In the next moment, he was tearing off towards the elevator; his eyes never once left the sight of that girl’s face. A face so foreign, yet so hauntingly familiar.

But the metal doors were closing his vision at the thing he most desperately wished to see. When the elevator finally shut its doors, he felt as if his whole world had collapsed.

Before he knew it, he slammed right into the doors as the elevator descended.

Is this it?

He slammed his fists against the elevator door, breathing hard, trying to regain his tumbling composure.

Was that an illusion as well? Has he finally gone crazy?

He closed his eyes and took another deep breath.


He pushed himself away and looked at the surrounding area. His eyes trailed towards the emergency stairs and he dashed towards it, leaping down half the flight of stairs each time.


His mind was pleading hard with each leap he took.



Once his feet hit the level of ground floor, he pushed open the exit, ran across the lobby and out of the building, only to see a line of gray taxi running along the street.

He looked left and right, and left and right again.

But there was no sight of her.

At all.

He panted hard as the body exhaustion caught up. But nothing was more tiring than the disappointment welling in his heart.


He laughed at his pitiful state.

Was he missing her so badly that he was imagining her now?

 As if heavens heard his question, a soft rumble called out from above.

Looking up to the sky, he noticed fine rain falling down. He reached out his hands to catch the raindrops and caress the wet drops in his fingers, trying his best to keep his last shred of composure intact.

 “Yeon Woo ah…”


#Author's Note =D

Can anyone imagine the image of Kibum pressing the close door button furiously to shut the elevator door in someone's face? Though he never done it before, I can strangely imagine the whole thing happening. Kekekekeke....

Phew so its a super long chapter! And I introduce a new character!! Who is he???? shall have to wait and find out! I might soon post a picture of him *cough*

If you have any questions or confusion about ANYTHING in the story, feel free to leave a comment! I will be more than happy to answer you! Having a confusing plot for the readers is the LAST THING I ever want on my list!!!


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Chapter 23: Will she die? I know this is an unexpected question but in her some of her dreams she gets stabbed or she drowns so will she die? Its wierd how my questions are always off topic XD but oh well...
ArieMay #2
Awwww! I love this story!!! >w<
BTW, Hwon is hot xD
I was (O_O) when I found out Seo Yun was Hwon's fiancee
Can't wait to see how it ends >:3
as much as Taemin is topping my bias list, I still ship Seo Yun with Hwon. I'm just really into 'second' guys (& Park Jiho), ya know >.<
MagicalColours #6
I missed the previous chapter :< I've been too busy with school stuff -.- Anyway writing these wishes was really cute ^^ And as for Hwon... I guess I expected that but now I'm totally curious what's gonna happen!
KISSmeBecca #7
Yes, my face went (O_O) at the end... OMG WHAT ABOUT TAEMINNIE!!!??? Dx
@wintersnow - That's more than alright! In fact, i'm just glad that you even keep up reading what I wrote (^_^) your comments are an added bonus with it. Kekekeke...I don't think Hwon is a bad guy either because i think he truly truly loves Seo-Yun ^^
Ahh sorry for not commenting for so long! Kept forgetting to sign in comment>< Taemin n seoyun are soooooo cute!! OMG my heart melts when I read about them <3 And Hwon doesnt seem like such a bad guy here
@KISSmeBecca - Ooo.. I have also take note of NU'EST recently (^_^) And they started reminding me how old I am...all-over-again (-.-)
@MagicalColours - Keke thanks for your well-wishes! Love you lots! (^____^) I actually had fun writing up SHINee's discussion part. Maybe it's influenced from all those SHINee variety and talks shows I've been watching recently! Kekeke...