Daemin birth????

Butterfly Kiss


A/N: Ok, well this is a seperate chapter from the last. This I guess happens after Tabi's confession. It's Daemin timeeeee!!!




Oh my god! I hate being the maknae! It's not fair! I'm always put down for being the youngest; everyone thinks that I’m not good enough. Even in school, I’m the least popular out of everyone, and now since Bom unnie came I was demoted even more!


So today i come downstairs and I decide to make some pancakes cause the guys had come over for breakfast. Dara unnie finishes the rest of the pancakes while I set the table.


There was a mug with warm water in it and I just assumed it was Bom unnie’s because she doesn't like to drink cold water, she says it’s bad for her voice and throat...


I decide to pour the water into a regular cup and wash the mug so I can make coffee for everyone.


"Hey, come and get 'em while they are hot" I call out towards the laughing group in the living room.


"Yes mother" Dae yelled back... Aigoo


I see everyone walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. What catches my eye is that Dae is holding a hand towel to his eye.


"Dae what happened to you eye?" Dara asked


"Ahh, this? I have a sty on my eye and i was just putting a hot towel on it. Umm did anyone see a white mug filled with hot water in it?" oh my goodness gracious... You have got to be kidding me


"Dae oppa! Was the cup on the table?" I asked frantically


"Yeah, minzy-ah, did you see it?"


"Yeah... bommie unnie just drank it" I said as bommie unnie started gagging, “how was I supposed to know! I mean, it was in a drinking mug and I know that Bommie unnie only drinks hot water so I thought it was hers!"


"Mingkii!! Why didn't you think about it! You should have asked first" Dara unnie scolded me


"Would you have really asked unnie? It was an honest mistake! I'm sorry! I will apologize to Bommie unnie!"


"Minzy, Dara unnie is right! You might be book smart, but one thing you lack is common sense." Chae scolded me and it felt like i was backstabbed.

I just left the room and ran upstairs crying. I was humiliated in front of everyone. I mean, who would really ask if this was someone's water for their sty rag! No one would! They just like to attack me because they can. I might as well leave them, I don’t belong.


"Minzy? Can you open the door please? I know you're in there" I heard a female voice call out. I open the door and I see Bommie Unnie, she's probably one of the last people I wanna see.


She's probably going to lecture me like everyone else did. She's the eldest of us all and I'm the youngest, I probably look like nothing to her.


"Mingkii, are you alright? They shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It was an honest mistake; I know that if I were in your situation I would have done the same thing!"


"U-unniee-iee" I managed to say between gulps and sobs. She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.


"Minzy baby, it's ok. Don't cry okay? Hmm, do you feel like you're always put down from everyone? I'm still a little new to everyone, but i think I know enough to see how much of a great woman you are! Don't let anyone push you down ok?"


Bom unnie just let me cry it out on her shoulder. She wasn't even mad at me for giving her water that was used to warm Dae's sty rag.


"Mingkii, I’m fine ok? My eyes are big enough as is so I don't think that a sty would affect it much! No matter what I will always be there for you, and not just me but I know that there is someone else who really cares for you..."




"Noona, can i speak with minzy?"


"... Speaking of the devil. Kekeke, I'll see you downstairs ok? And with that Bommie unnie left and Daesung sat beside me on my bed.


It was awkward between us for a little while, we just sat there not saying anything, not even breathing. I jump up, off the bed and start to walk across the room, but I was stopped my Dae's hand.


"Minzy I'm so sorry, I know it was all my fault yet you took the blame. I shouldn't have used a drinking mug, I was stupid. Bommie noona and I already cleared it up with everyone else downstairs" he apologized.


He was looking at me with his small eyes, but I could see the sincerity in him.


"You should have seen Bom noona, she was going crazy yelling at them. Top hyung had to hold her back and calm her down. Please forgive me Mingkii" he gave me a puppy dog face. Aigoo, how can I resist that face?


I jump and hug him; he lifts me up and spins me around. We both laugh because we were so dizzy. He puts me down, but he tripped on a pair of my shoes and we both fall on the bed, our mouths knocking into each other.


He pulled away first and I’m sure that the both of us were as red as tomatoes and strawberries, but I couldn't see because Daesung kissed me again…


A/N: Wussup? Hehe, so I decided to tease everyone because everyone was asking me about Tabi's previous confession to Bommie. Instead of following up with that I decided to do make the Daemin couple official.

Next chapter will be topbom, dont worry!

-Bexx <3

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
0 points #2
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰