First Rides and First Loves

Butterfly Kiss


 During the car ride we planned what to do about Chae's set up date. We decided that we would split up into two groups. Tae, Dae and Minzy would be with Chae and Seungri. Then Chaerin and Seungri would split off by accidentally and the rest would be taken care of by Chae. We finally reached the cafe, a little earlier than we were supposed to, but that's ok. We walked into the café and I could see Tae's mouth drop at the sight of us. Kekeke





Oh my goodness gracious. I think I've died and gone to heaven, the girls walked into my shop and i couldn't take my eyes off of Bom. She looked awesome, she was wearing a white loose shirt that showed the straps of her bathing suit and she wearing medium length shorts. It wasn't provocative like most other girls our age, I guess that's what I liked about her. She was really innocent and sweet, always caring for others before herself. I haven't known her for all that much but she just has that personality that makes you feel like you have been friends forever. I think i'm falling for her, but I'm sure that hyung likes her also and I don't want to cross his wrath. Speaking of the devil, here he comes with the rest of the guys.


Wow, I can't wait for later. Just thinking about it makes me wanna burst, I have never been so excited before. This woman is really poisoning me or something. Well we all say hello and I hold on to Bom's shoulder so that I don't loose her to one of the other guys, and by other guys I mean Tae. Everyone else already practically has their groups, Ji is obviously gonna be with his girlfriend Dara, Seungri has a thing for CL and Dae with Minzy. Tae can just go off with a random girl cuz Bom is mine...

We arrive at the park and it's huge. There are so many rides so we decide to split into to two groups.  Jiyong, Dara, Bom and I in one group and Seungri, CL, Daesung, Minzy, and Tae in the other. I could tell that Tae was pretty pissed I kicked him out and away from Bom, but he knows better than to mess with me.

Our group heads to the first ride, it's a group one. The tubes were connected in a circle and could fit 5 people. We each got in a tube and I could tell that Bom was scared out of her mind. I mean, who wouldn't be on their very first ride.

"Bom, you ok? If you're scared then you can squeeze my hand. When you feel your fear rising during the ride don't forget to scream, it's less scary when you scream" I gave her a crash course on roller coasters before we started.

"Thank you teacher-nim" she cutely smiled at me trying to hide her fear. She grasped my hand as the guy who worked at the ride pushed our tubes forward. I swear, I have never heard a girl scream so loud and so much in my life, but she was holding my hand the whole time, so it was worth it.

By the time we got off the ride we were all soaking wet. Bom and Dara both took off their coverups, but Bom's shorts kinda shocked me. They were high shorts, not super high but not normal either, they went right below her belly button. I didn't think anything of it really, but it drew more attention to her from other guys. I did NOT like that.

"Is anything wrong Tabi?"

"oh, um, what's with your shorts"

"Eh, um... well Dara's bikini bottom didn't fit me perfectly so I have to wear my shorts"

"But why are they so long?" I asked, but there was an awkward silence.

"Are they bad?" ...What?? No! Don't misunderstand Bom!

"No! Nononono, I didn't mean that at all! I swear, it looks really good on you. But a lot of guys are looking at you, so stay close to me aight?" ahh I'm so pathetic. She just took my hand and giggle. Yes, I'm so pathetic, but sooo lucky.


According to plan, we all split up until it was just me and Seungri, but, we didn't stop fighting. The whole time we were constantly hurling insults at each other, calling each other names and placing the blame on each other. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"Pabo! How could you get us lost! We were perfectly fine with Dae and everyone, but noooo, you just had to seperate from us to go look at the directory." he yelled

"Excuse me? Well I never told you to follow me! I am perfectly fine on my own! Just leave!" I retorted. Pabo! What are you saying! Don't tell him to leave!

"I followed you cause I was worried that you would get lost, but I guess I'm just a fool to worry over the ice queen Chaerin. I'm out, Im gonna go find everyone else, I suggest you do the same." He said cooly as he turned his back and left. When he was a good distance away I just burst crying and my legs gave out leaving my sitting on the edge of a bench.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, hoping it was one of the girls I turned around. Much to my surprise I saw two greasy looking men who reeked of alcohol and beer.

"Hey little lady, why are you cryin? Do you want this ahjusshi to comfort you?" they said with their words slurred.

"No, please leave me alone. I don't have time for this" I said, wiping my tears while trying to keep my cool composure.

"Ahaha, what type of gentlemen would we be if we left a crying girl go? No no, let us comfort you" they said as they grabbed me and pushed me into an alleyway. We were close to the restroom are when all this happened so there really wasn't anyone who saw us.

"NO! Stop it. Please, let me go. Apa! It hurts let go of me!" I cried as they held my wrists tightly as they planted kisses on me. I screamed and shouted for help because I couldn't take on both of them, one maybe, but not two.

My screams started to gurgle with my tears, but my desperate pleas were soon silenced by the mouths of one of the men. I could taste the smoke and alcohol still on their lips and tongues. I felt like throwing up, no even worse, I wish I was dead because I was as good as dead. I was in shock as I just gave up, laying lifeless as they continued to kiss me and hit me.

"Get the hell away from her you s.o.b!" I hear a voice and more yells followed from the two men. I understood that someone came to my rescue and that a fight was going on but I didn't have the energy to look who. I only prayed that whoever it was, was ok. I heard the parks police come and the two d-bags were arrested.

"Are you ok with her sir?" I heard one of the officers asked the mystery man as my head was lifted into his lap.

"Yeah, let me stay with her. Kahmsamnida" I recognized the voice to be Seungri as I started to cry again.

"Shhh baby Chae don't cry. Oppa is here" he said as he caressed my head. He pulled me up so that I was sitting in his lap with my head in the crevice of where his shoulder and neck met. He then pulled me straight and looked into my swollen eyes.

"Where did he touch you Chae, where." he said almost crying yet with a stern serious tone. I pointed to my wrists and my face, my neck and my head almost cringing as I touched myself. His fingers traced where I pointed rubbing it gently like one would erase a pencil mark.

"There his marks have been replaced by mine" he cupped my face and leaned his forehead against mine. He wiped my tears and asked me his next question.

"Where did he kiss you Chae? Tell me" I could feel his breath on my face making my heart race even more than when I was with the two pedos before.

I pointed to my arms and I showed him the hickeys on my throat and the chest area above my tank top. He just stared into my eyes, his eyes were so black and looked so hurt that I wanted to comfort him while I was the one that need to be comforted.

He took hold of my arms and raised the left one to his mouth and kissed it in the places I told him previously. He kept a hold on my gaze the whole time and then did the same with the other arm. Then he moved to my neck. He first touched my face and then he kissed my neck placing his marks and removing the others.

"Were you kissed anywhere else? Answer Chae. Tell me now." he said while gripping my arm with one hand and holding my cheek with his other.

I nod and touch my lips, answering truthfully like he pleaded me to. He touches my lips and leans in to the kiss.

At first it was soft and chaste but then it grew. He broke it first and then hugged me as if I was about to break. Then he suddenly jumped up and smashed his hand against the wall cursing openly at everything just happened.

"Seungri! Your hand! Why did you do that, your bleeding" I run to his side taking a hold of his hand and holding it.

"Chae, I'm sorry, this is my fault. I shouldn't have left you by yourself. I turned back once I realized how stupid I acted but I was too late. You suffered because of me."

"Pabo, I'm fine, it's also because of you that nothing really happened to me. You came in time. Thank you Seunggii" I say as I hugged his back, but I didn't have time to say anything more because he kissed me, and that kiss was the answer to my years of prayers.

We met up with the rest of the group and after telling everyone what happened we thought it best to head back for the day. Throughout the whole car ride Seungri and I just held hands and the didn't say a word the whole ride except





We made it back at the house but no one really felt like talking because of what happened earlier with Chaerin. She and Seungri just went up to her room while the rest of us just sat down in the living room. I couldn't stay  in that situation anymore because I knew I was about to have an attack soon enough, I decided to try to get Sang hyun to come from his house to stop me from having it, but it would be too tricky to get past his parents. Nevertheless I had to try.

"Um, please excuse me, I need some fresh air" my eyes were practically bugging out, I'm sure that I was suspicious

"Bom?" Tabi asked. I couldn't look at him, I just kept walking to the door. I started going across the street but I couldnt even make it a meter away from the front porch. I collapsed on my hands and knees and started crying. My tears flowed freely down and my vision was blurred, but I could make out the sounds of footsteps.

A pair of arms picked me up like a parent would pick up and hold a toddler. I recognized the smell immediately and clung onto him, tabi. 

"T-t-tabbii" I managed to say in broken sentances. But then my attack started. I began to hyperventalate, if this were to continue I would pass out, then I would be brought to the hospital and my father would be informed.

But he is the reason of all this. What Chae went through is all to familiar for me, constant beatings. Abuse, being left alone with drunken ahjusshi's like it was a game. All because of the man that was my so called father.

"BOM! CALM DOWN! Listen to me, listen to my voice. Concentrate on my voice. Its ok, I'm here for you. It's ok, I'm here" Tabi said the exact words that Dara used to say to me when I was young. I calmed down and he just held me until I stopped crying.

"Bommie, does this have to do with Chaerin at all?" he asked. I nodded, i couldn't let him find out, not yet.

"But it has to do with more than that right? I'm not going to question you any further if you are uncomfortable with it. Just know that I am here for you and I alwasy will be." He said. Thank you for understandin, tabi, you will probably find out soon, even if I don't want you to. And that was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep in his arms


A/N~ Annyeong yeorobun! I know that this chapter is pretty heated. I felt so bad for Chaerin and Bommie that I was practically crying while writing it! So please ignore any of my grammer mistakes >3<  Yay! Ririn is official now! Woohoo! I'm so excited for the next chapters! I still dont know how long I wanna make my fanfic, but Im just gonna go with the flow i guess...

A special thank you  to everyone who was telling me to get better soon! I do feel better, but I only have a cough and my voice is kinda funny. Oh well, it sounds cooler when I sing tho! hehe, well please comment and subscribe! I love you all! Saranghae! Bai Bai

  ~Bexx <33

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
0 points #2
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
0 points #3
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
0 points #4
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰