All's Well that Ends Well

Butterfly Kiss


  Well its been a little over three weeks since I was in school, the last time I was here was for the talent competition. Alot has happened over the past couple of weeks and Im more than happy to get back to my normal lifestyle. Tabi stayed with me for two weeks, but had to go back to school again  soon after... he came to see me right after though. *Ding Dong* Speaking of the devil, that must be him


"Well hello there gorgeous" he said swooping me off my feet, planting a kiss on my smirking lips.

"Yah! Lemme down paboo! You're messing up my outfit!" I squealed

"Hmph, what an ungrateful vain girlfriend, didnt you miss your beloved boyfriend?" He pouted

"Oh shut it you big baby, hurry up or we will be late for school" I said, grabbing my bag from the couch.  The rest of the girls left before hand since my classes started later than theirs today. We walked out of the house and I locked the front door and walked to the car. Tabi started the car and took my left hand into his and didnt let go throughout the whole ride. We reached campus and Tabi parked the car. We spotted our most of our crew hanging around Tae's new convertible and walked towards them.

"Oh Top hyung! Bom noona, how are you feeling?" Tae said to us

"Much better, thanks, im excited to be back"

"Dont be, we have an essay next monday in the form of a critical analysis on the agnostic behaviour of the stickeback fish." Dara said, while giving me a hug.

"What a great welcome back present right?" Minzy said while giving the other side of my body a hug

"Danggit..." I sighed in defeat. Our next class started in 15 mins so we started walking into that general directions. Things were going pretty smoothly, until two very familiar bodies popped up infront of us with their eyes bugging out of their heads.

"Omo! What happened to you guys! You look like you guys saw freaking Santa Claus!" Seungri exclaimed at our leaders.

"Hell no, we saw something even better than that!" Ji choked out

"Well what is it! Spit it out!!" Mingkii jumped

"We... currently have... two acceptance letters.. to... YG ENTERTAINMENT!" CL practically collapsed at the last part

"WHAAATTTTTT" Dae screamed like a little girl

"How? I mean, we didnt even audition??" I spoke, my eyes even larger than usual.

"Scouts for YG were here for the competition, and they were really impressed with us, so they got a hold of the recordings and showed the CEO, and he wrote to us, asking us to be his new groups!" Jiyong and Chae explained together while the rest of us looked like a bunch of dead fish gasping for breath.

"So... should we do it?" Seungri questioned

"Dafuq man? Hell yeah!" My overly excited boyfried said, choosing his words wisely.

"Lol dude, but seriously, I think Top hyung is right, how can we pass up something like this. This is more than what we have ever dreamed of!" Tae said, with much more wisdom than my boyfriend. I look at Tabi with worry in my eyes, what if the girls cant debut because of my history and my scar? He must have known what my stare meant because he took a hold of my hand and squeezed it reassuringly, as if saying "dont worry, I will protect you". I smiled back and watched the rest of the crew squeal and squirm as they invisioned the rest of our futures.

However, the only future I cared about was the one involving my soulmate and the love of my life... Choi Seunghyun. For he was the one who taught my butterflies how to fly...


A/N: Uwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Its finisheddddddddd!!!! Im so saddddd! But do not fret my little guppies, i shall be making a sequel!! I will post it in the next upload bc I didnt actually create it yet. Its gonna be about the 2 groups in YG and the trials they will face. Im gonna make some real drama go on, so be excited! I know I am!

Well I have to say thank you to all my beautiful subbers who stuck with me thruough all of my unfrequent postings. I love you guys more than words can explain. You guys are really like my sisters (idk if there are any guys out there, but I love you guys as brothers too!). So Ummmmmma! Im giving u all one biiig kiss, hehe its a sloppy doggy kiss! 

Please comment of what you thought of my very first REAL fanfic (aka. this fanfic), and make sure to subscribe to the sequal once I post it! Bai Bai for now!

~Bexxx <333

P.S. Thanks to jeabhi0317 for the awesome poster!

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
0 points #2
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰