Topbom? Are you ok?

Butterfly Kiss




"okay girlies, I did some research and found out about a university wide talent show, of course the boys are gonna perform, but this could be our big break!" Chae exclaimed, clasping her hands together


"unnie! Thats a great idea, I actually saw that too! But one problem, what are we going to sing?" Mingkii said, he ever wise maknae


"we are a band, a NEW, band. We can't sing someone else's songs! Look at Bigbang! They always come up with new songs that are incredible. Let's do that too!" Dara said sensibly


"but do you know how hard that is? Especially if we plan to sing two different songs like the requirements. There's only one month till the show, we would have to make the songs, learn them and choreograph them!" Chae said with minzy nodding in agreement


"Hmm, I can take care of one song if you guys can write the other song" I said bravely. I've been writing a song, and I think it could really work.


"Can you really do it by yourself Bommie unnie?" CL said with hope glistening in her eyes. "It really is a lot of work!"


"Mmhmm, I've been working on this song for a while and it's almost finished. I think it's best to sing a song that means a lot to you in order to move your audience, and we know that our audience is gonna be pretty cold towards us" I said.


The girls awkwardly all scratched their heads, cause they knew that was true. We were all scared about that. I know I wasn't the only one scared of being pelted with rotten tomatoes and being booed off the stage.


I checked my watch to see how much longer I had until my date with Tabi. We haven't been able to go out lately since the boys have been practicing hard core. On top of the show, the boys want to get scouted before the time they graduate which is only a couple of years.


Omo! I'm late!! "Aishh, I'm late for my date! Mianhe! I'll finish the song soon and run it by you guys. Byeeeee!" I ran out the door before the girls had time to reply to me




"Yah! Pabo Bom! Over here! You made me wait for... 23 minutes! I thought you were going to stand me up!"  I saw my lovely prince charming sitting on a low wall surrounded by cherry blossoms. Ahhh he looks so cute with flower petals on his jacket!


I skip towards him and pick the petals off and laugh at his shocked expression. He then plucks a flower from the tree hanging over us and tucks it in my hair behind my ear. I tiptoe and kiss him on his nose and lead him to the restaurant.


We sit down in a small cafe and make some small talk. We have a lot to catch up on since he's been M.I.A for awhile.


"So did you miss me?" Tabi said mischievously


"Hmmm... No" I replied monotonously, "Kekeke just kidding! But the girls and I have been really busy working on our songs also. You heard how we are performing in the the talent show also right?"


"Yeah we heard... Um I actually have to talk to you about that. I don't think you girls should do it"


"Do what? Perform in the show?" I said shocked


"No, we all think that this band of yours should just stay as an idea" he said while taking my hand. I quickly yank my hand away and exclaim:


"Jagi! Our choice in making this band has nothing to do with you boys. Is is something us girls need to do!"


"Why?! Is it because of tour fan girls? We will protect you! Don't you believe us?" by now our voices grew a little fierce than just a whisper but not yet yelling.


"Well thats one factor! You can't guard us 24/7! We need to gain respect, for who we are. And we are NOT going to back down" I say my tone not backing down either


"Babe, calm down. Try to see that I'm saying this for your own good! You don't know how it is to be in a band! There can be tension, the spotlight is almost always on you, you always have to be on your best behavior, its really tough." his voice was trying to calm down


"I know. And we are willing to take that chance. Why can't you just support us in our choice?"


"I want to, but how do you think this is going to work out in the future? If you guys DO possibly get popular, how will our fandoms react to each other?"


",,, You're not worried about the fandoms. You're worried about us! You don't want to rival us because you just can't handle it. You don't want to face us cause your scared it could be the end of you and me!"


"Bom, what are you saying! Do you hear yourself!?" I walked outside the café and he followed me out.


"No you hear me Choi Seunghyun. I will not back down, I will stand up for myself. If your love for me is this thin, then that's it, it won't work out anyways. I trusted that you would support me, I thought that you had faith we would be together forever. I guess I was wrong. I can't believe you. I really trusted you, how could you betray me! You promised me!"


"You know what!? Maybe your father was right by trying to keep you under control!" at that moment it felt like time stood still. I knew Tabi came to recognize what he had just said, and regretted it. I couldn't hear anything else except for the impact the palm of my hand made with his cheek.


"I hate you. Never speak to me again." I screamed at him as I threw my shoes at him and ran back home barefoot.


I ran up the stares to our house and threw open the doors. I flung my bag down and ran into my room slamming the door behind me.


I crawled into my covers and buried my head into my pillow and cried harder than I have ever cried before, Tabi's betrayal hurt me more than my father's, I loved Tabi. I thought we would be able to overcome anything together, apparently I was the only one thinking that.


"Bom? Can I come in?" I didn't reply because I couldn't possibly make out any sensible words inbetween my hiccups. I heard the door open and several footsteps making their way towards me


I felt a pair of hands lift my head into their lap. Another pair my hair, and another rub my back until I calmed down enough to explain what happened. The girls stayed quiet thought my story, but I couldn't see their faces because my eyes were swollen from crying so much.


After I finished my series of unfortunate events, I heard mummers of curses on the boys, the person rubbing my back jumped up from the bed and said


"Ahh! The nerve! I can't believe that! From now until the show, none of us can come in contact with the boys. What they did was unforgivable, not just Top Oppa. They were all in it together." next, the one my hair spoke:


"Mmhmm, I agree, that was just too cruel. On top of that, they strategically attacked Bom unnie!"


"Now we have more motivation to do this! No one is going to tell us what to do, we need to do this for respect, our pride, our love lives, and for us!" Dara finally spoke up

"Nolza on three!"











A/N: Hey wuss up! Bexx here! Please don't be too mad at me for not posting in ages! I've been reaalllyyyyy busy. Omo, I'm actually writing this during class! Kekeke I'm such a bad girl!


So I just posted two chapters, please make sure to read both of them, other wise you will be very confused once again! Well 2ne1 is finally made! Unfortunately Tabi was a poopie head to Bommie and they fought. I'm so mad at Tabi!... Oh wait, I wrote the story... Ahh I'm so mad at me!


Well once again, my teacher is coming my way, so I gotta go!


Bai Bai! I love you all! Don't forget to subscribe and comment!


~Bexxx <333

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰