Park sisters for life

Butterfly Kiss




Aiyah, I got out of bed with a major migraine, I must have drank too much last night... But all I had was apple juice... I don't even drink alcohol... So why am I hungover.... Wutev... I turn over on my side to stretch and I open my eyes to see that I wasn't in my house any longer.


I know this room, I've seen this purple bed sheet, this old doll, this wooden wardrobe. Oh my God, it's my fathers house.


"Bommie dear, come to Appa"  a man said in the doorway. No. No. No. No! Tabi!





I woke up because Tabi was shaking me, I was in bed and he was next to me. I looked around and sighed to my relief that I was still in my room at the girls' house.


"Bom, it was just a dream, gwenchana? Are you okay?" Tabi asked with concern in his eyes.


"Mmhmm, I'm fine cause your here. It was a bad dream, I was in my old house and my dad was there" I explained my dream to him


"Bom don't worry, if I see that sorry excuse of a human I'll rip his brains out." he said confidently


"Pabo, you're all talk" I chuckled at him as he beat his chest like Tarzan, "but Tabi, promise me this, don't hurt my father unless I tell you to. Although he has scarred me both emotionally and physically, he is still my father."


"Bom, are you sure? How can you forgive him like that?"


"Aniyo, I never said I forgave him. But, if I were to have him killed off like that then I would be no better than him, and I will never be like him"


Every cell in my body wanted to go to the police and turn him in, but the anger and hate inside of me wanted him to suffer, and death would just put him out of his misery.


I got out of bed, and got ready. I shouldn't start the day like this, I have to go shopping with Sang hyun and Dara.






Bom and I hopped into my baby bros car as we headed of to the mall. Sangie was going on a date with his new girl IU and he needed help picking out clothes, he asked me to come. Something inside of me immediately asked Bom to come with us.


I was sweating bullets cause of the heat and Sang hyun hated to roll down the windows in fear of bugs flying in, so I blasted the air condition.


"Nooonaaaa! You know I get sick easily, why'd ya hafta blas the AC? Im gonna snee... Ah-AH-AACCCHOOOOOOO!" Sang hyun let out his killer sneeze.


"Yah! Thunder! Blow your nose" Bom said handing him a tissue.... Did she just call him thunder?


"Uh, Bommie, did you just call him thunder? I've called him thunder for the longest time?" I asked


Bom looked at Sang hyun and smiled kinda sadly, she then turned to me and then spoke:


"Ah, I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. Dara, I was the one who gave Thunder his nickname. I was also the one who called you ssantoki cause you always used to eat like a bunny, you crazy bunny" Bom started to cry, My head started to hurt


"Dara, think back to awhile ago. We were best friends, no, more than best friends, we were like sisters. Your father and my father are brothers, sadly. But your father was more of a father to me than mine." she was choked up on her words as she held my hand. Unknowingly I started crying while holding my head in pain.


"Bom what are you saying, I met you for the first time when TOP introduced you to us"


"Noona, she's telling the truth. We grew up together, but, when Bom noona told us that she was abused you were scared. then when Bom noona disappeared and her father claimed she was dead you panicked. You thought he killed her and you fainted. You lost your memories" My brother said, his head was turned the other way


But that was it, I felt my body go limp and I collapsed. Then I heard sirens from an ambulance, and I out. 

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
0 points #2
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺