
Red Velvet | Groupchat | Peek a Boo | Sm Family

callmewendy created a group chat named: uh,, hi

callmewendy added emojoy, Joohyunnie, Kangempire & Yerimisthename to the chat!

Yerimisthename: what do you want

callmewendy: well,,

Joohyunnie: have you guys seen my laptop?

Kangempire: oh yeh joy had it

Joohyunnie: where is she?

Yerimisthename: slEEping

Joohyunnie: understandable

Kangempire: well it is four in the morning

Yerimisthename: why are yall still up then?

Kangempire: I was reading

Joohyunnie: how bout you yERIM

Yerimsithename: im a light sleeper

Joohuynnie: buLLi


Joohyunnie: yk what im not even gonna ask

Joohyunnie: yk what im not even gonna ask

Yerimisthename: ask whAt


Yerimsithename: u just jealous

callmewendy: are u gonna listen or wHAT

Yerimsithename: biH u is cancelled

callmewendy: whY

Yerimisthename: coz i said so

Joohyunnie: ye

Yerimisthename: also

Joohyunnie: whAt

Kangempire: what

Yerimsithename: did u watch Joy's drama?

Joohyunnie: no, i dont watch trash

Yerimisthename: okEY theN

Kangempire: funny that, i thought you watched national geographic

Yerimisthename: grAnDma

Joohyunnie: it's educational trash


Yerimisthename: no

Joohyunnie: we're literally all in the same room.

Yerimisthename: im in the kItchen, so nO

Kangempire: yeah but Im reading a goOd book

Yerimisthename: fifty shades?

Kangempire: LJFLSJd

Kangempire: no

Yerimisthename: ik u like that expliCIT maTErIAl

Kangempire: stAhp

Joohyunnie: grOw up u two

Yerimsithename: and be old like u? no thanks

Joohyunnie: i am NOT old

Yerimsithename: whatever u say....

callmewendy: so i just wanted to say--

Joohyunnie: im done with this gn!

Yerimsithename: cOOl

Kangempire: heY wanna add random ppl?

callmewendy: smH lisTen to ME

Yerimsithename: who should we add?

Kangempire: idK

Yerimisthename added Jaehunn, Teayong & seojhonny to the chat!

Kangempire: they aint even gon be awake

seojhonny:  u thougHT

Yerimsithename: ayyye ppl my age!!!

Teayong: what dis

Jaehunn: it's a gc

Teayong: but why at fOUR in the moRning

Jaehunn: iDk


Yerimisthename: and i didnt ask for ur opinion

Jaehunn: oOh

Teayong: so why we here

Yerimisthename: im bored

Jaehunn: then go to bed

Yerimsithename: hoW bOUt nO>!?!!11?

Jaehunn: woah calm down

Yerimisthename: is johnny awake?

seojhonny: yeh

Yerimisthename: where yall @

Jaehunn: up ur

Teayong: ew

Yerimsithename: i heard thats a nice place

Jaehunn: yeah, it's real humid tho

Yerimisthename: i wonder whY

seojhonny: can u two nOt

Yerimsithename: sure!

Jaehunn: whY

seojhonny: i want to eat my ramyun in peace

Teayong: too bad

seojhonny: hey wanna go out this weekend

Yeirmisthename: and do what?

seojhonny: idK bowLing

Teayong: but u at bowling

seojhonny: okEy mister perfect

Teayong: i aint lying....

Yerimisthename: as long as its free im in

seojhonny: coOl

Jaehunn: where are ur other members

Yeirmisthename: irene's asleep, wendy is irrelevant and seulgi's reading 50 shades

Kangempire: SLKJKJ

Kangempire: i aM noT

Yeirmisthename: sure...

Jaehunn: im too young for this

Yeirmsithename: ur odler than me, shutup

seojhonny: i forgot he was older

Yeirmisthename: so are u

seojhonny: not by much

Teayong: why she reading that nasty stuff

Kangempire: iM not

Yerimisthename: then what are u reading?

Kangempire: notHIGN

Teayong: what book is that?

Yerimisthename: its fifty shades im telling u

Kangempire: YERIM-

Jaehunn: u on wp?

Kangempire: no...

Yerimsithename: she is

Kangempire: OK FINE

Kangempire: im reading on twitter

Yerimsithename: oOF

Teayong: how u readin on twitter

seojhonny: its called a thread

Teayong: im sorry. i dont waste my time on the internet

seojhonny: but who asked

Yerimisthename: wanna hear a joke?

seojhonny: no

Yermisthename: kill spORt

callmewendy: that wasnt funny

Yerimsithename: its called youth humor

callmewendy: whatever

Jaehunn: i got a joke

Yerimisthename: gOOooO

Jaehunn: what's non-existent?

Teayong: ur

Jaehunn: LJFHSDJh nO

Yerimsithename: but it iS

seojhonny: trU


Yerimsithename: thEn what was it

Jaehunn: johnny's lines

Yerimsithename: .....

Teayong: were we supposed to laugh?

Jaehunn: u know what? nvm

Yeirmisthename: yall are boring

Jaehunn: rOOd

Teayong: im sorry, im kinda uh,, TIRED

seojhonny: go to bed

Yerimisthename: who's cool?

seojhonny: me

Yeirmisthename: faLSe

Yerimsithename: hmmmm who should i add

Kangempire: i got a good one

Yeirmisthename: whO?

Kangempire: GO TO SLEEP

Yerimisthename: sleep's for old ppl 

Teayong: sometimes i question ur logic

Yerimisthename: i have that effect on ppl

Teayong: well, gn, im tired

Yerimsithename: bYE

seojhonny: imma go bed too

Yerimsithename: seuLGi

Kangempire: whAt

Yeirmsithename: u reading outcast aint you

Kangempire: SLJHJS-

Kangempire: HOW-

Yerimsithename: i looked over ur shoulder duhhh

Kangempire: oH

Yeirmsithename added whoteukmyfood & Hechoochoo to the chat!

Hechoochoo: WHAT DIS

whoteukmyfood: hello!

Yerimsithename: why yall awake

Hechoochoo: i had a schedule

Hechoochoo: why are YOU awake yeri?

Yerimisthename: im feeling lonely

Hechoochoo: poor u

whoteukmyfood: yall want wendys?

Hechoochoo: sure!

whoteukmyfood: hmu, i'm ordering soem

Yeirmsithename: i want a baconator

Hechoochoo: i want a baconator too

Yerimisthename: oh and get me some nuggets

whoteukmyfood: the twelve pack or...?

Yerimisthename: 12 paCk

Hechoochoo: i want a frosty

Yerimisthename: OOOH FROSTY

whoteukmyfood: anything else?

Kangempire: what we doin

Yerimisthename: ordering wendys

Kangempire: ooh i want nuggets

Yerimsithename: make it two 12 pack nuggets, three frostys and two baconators

whoteukmyfood: hoLY yall are fAt

Hechoochoo: im big boned

Yerimisthename: well im hungry

whoteukmyfood: that what midnight snacks are for

Hechoochoo: its past midnight bro

Kangempire: its basically five AM now

Yerimisthename: oh well

whoteukmyfood: okay, im going now then

Hechoochoo: i wonder how much it'll cost

Yerimsithename: probs too much

Kangempire: should we wake the others up?

Yerimisthename: naH

Hechoochoo: just come over to our dorm, its only me here

Yerimisthename: u sure its sanitary?

Hechoochoo: what u saying?

Yeirmsithename: nussing....

Hechoochoo: u saying im dirty?!?11

Kangempire: well im going, idk bout u yeri

Yeirmsithename: ok im coming


Hechoochoo: what

Yerimsithename: where every1 @

Hechoochoo: oOf

Hechoochoo: I forgot

Kangempire: FORGoT whAt

Hechoochoo: Im in my apartment, not the doRm

Kangempire: how tf we supposed to get my wendys

Yerimisthename: yeah man i want my baconator


Yerimisthename: too lazy man

Hechoochoo: ainT my fauLT

whoteukmyfood: oOf

Kangempire: whAT

whoteukmyfood: wendys aint open

Kangempire: BS

Yerimisthename: I thot it was 24 hours

Hechoochoo: holduP

Hechoochoo: i aINT gettIN my frostYYYY

whoteukmyfood: why yall complaining

Yerimisthename: im huNGERY

Kangempire: iM anGERy

Yerimisthename: donT u dAre


Hechoochoo: oOh memE gamE toO sTRong

Hechoochoo: oOh memE gamE toO sTRong

Kangempire: dAmn riGht

Hechoochoo: woah caLM dowN


Yerimisthename: since when did seulgi have memes

Yerimisthename: since when did seulgi have memes

Hechoochoo: I was wondering the same thing

whoteukmyfood: WHAT ABOTU THE WENDYS

Yerimisthename: no one likes wendys



a/n: this was such a lazy chapter but ooh well.




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Y'all should i make a SHINee/Red Velvet chapter? I've been wanting to ever since i made this but then...well we all know what happened. Tell me what ya think? Should I make one? Would it be inappropriate?


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Chapter 11: seulgi's laziness is me
Chapter 5: //is dead//
Chapter 2: making out with wendy woohoo
Chapter 2: I cant imagine if theyre really chatted like dis ya know XD