Engaged and now dating a stranger?....

You steal my money, I'll steal your heart

Junhyung ordered In Jung to go pack up her things before moving into his home. She refused for him to take her back home or else it would’ve revealed their secret hideout plus it meant another few extra hours of freedom.

As she walked into the hideout, all the boys started laughing.

“What are you-“ she then realised that she was still in her school uniform “Oh~”

“Yah! In Jung-ah~ did you learn anything today?” Taeil mocked.

“Shut up” she hissed. She pulled at her tie. Jaehyo came over and fixed the tie back to it’s neat form.

“Aw~ don’t be like that. You look cute in that uniform” he pinched her cheeks causing her to push him away and huff off.

*Stupid Junhyung! Now my reputation and my cover are at stake because of him! I want to just ki-*

Suddenly Zico came in, disturbing her thoughts.

“Yah! School girl!”

“What do you want?” she said monotonously.

“Are you really going to let that guy push you around?”

“What choice do I have?! If I totally ignore all his pathetic requests then all of us will be thrown in jail!”

Zico sighed “why don’t just leave this city? We’ll leave no traces and it’ll look like we’ve never existed”

“We can do that?”

He nodded “plus that stupid Infinite and B1A4 gang will leave us alone. What do you say?”

She bit her lip “I don’t know...he might find us and...”

“Dinner’s ready!!” P.O interrupted.

“Arasso” In Jung called back and made her way to the kitchen, Zico followed after.

Whilst eating, In Jung received a text from Junhyung.

Have you packed yet? I’ll be waiting at CUBE hotel in an hour’s time. Be ready by then

 She sighed heavily and looked over to Zico who was happily eating *Sorry oppa, I can’t run away, I’ll just do these favours for Junhyung and it'll all be over soon. Then everything will be back to normal...I promise*

An hour passed, In Jung sneaked out of the hideout with her backpack and made her way to CUBE hotel. On her way, she spotted a large crowd and she soon grew curious. She approached the crowd and asked a man “Ahjussi, what’s happening over there?”

“They’re selling special medicine. Even if you aren’t sick you should get some. The stuff really works!” he then disappeared into the crowd.

*Special medicine?* In Jung grew even more curious and dug further into the crowd and soon she was in the heart of the commotion.

“Step right up and buy Infinite health medicine right here! At only $30, it’s a bargain you don’t want to miss!”

*Infinite health medicine? Pfft, who are they trying to kid?* With a small smirk on her face, In Jung stepped in front of the handsome boy who was selling the questionable medicine.

“Oh~ a pretty girl. For you, I’ll give you Infinite health medicine for only $20” he winked.

She rolled her eyes “You’re not fooling anyone...well...maybe these bunch of people but I know you’re-“

Before she could say anymore, they boy covered and pulled her away. “Sungjong ah!! Take over my place whilst I deal with this!!”

He pulled her out the crowd and into a nearby alley.

“Yah! Get off me!!” In Jung grabbed his wrist and tried twisting it away from her but he fought back with more force.

“If you don’t want to buy then why do you have to come in and destroy other people’s businesses” the boy yelled.

“I’m not the one selling some stupid medicine. It’s obviously a con!”

“Well keep it to yourself and don’t cause a ruckus!”

“I wasn’t causing a ruckus. I was simply stating the truth!”

*Aish~ what’s up with this girl? She’s feisty but pretty cute*

“Look, I’ll cut you a deal. If you are that bothered with us selling fake medicine then we’ll stop but only if you go on a date with me”


“If we stop selling then you’ll have to go on a date with me” the boy smiled.

“You’re crazy” she muttered.

“I know I am” he beamed “Come on, you know you want to go on a date with this pretty face” he smiled, showing off his handsome face.

*Wow~ he is pretty..wait, what am I thinking? Why did I even start this argument? I can’t agree to this deal, not until my deal with Junhyung has finished*

“So, what do you say?”

“No chance” she walked away but he pulled her back and pulled her into a back hug “I always get what I want, so are you going to go on a date with me or not?” he whispered creepily causing a small shiver to run down her spine.

“I already said n-“

All of a sudden she was twirled around and her lips met his. It was all too quick for In Jung to grasp ahold of the situation.

The awkward kiss lasted for a few seconds until In Jung realised what was happening. She quickly pushed him away.

“Y-You can’t just do that!!”

“I can” he smirked “That kissed just sealed the deal. You’re going on a date with me. Meet me tomorrow at 1pm near Woolim Hotel”

“No I’m not”

He quickly slipped his fingers into her pocket and pulled out her phone without her even noticing.

“In Jung? Pretty name” he started going through her pictures.

“Give that back! How did you-“

“Wait” he saved his number onto her phone and returned it to her “I now have your number so no backing out. I’ll keep pestering you for this date until you show up”

She let out a sigh “Fine”

She walked away from the boy and started making her way to CUBE hotel. *Why do I keep getting involved in weird deals?? I’m on my way to meet my fake fiancé and tomorrow I’m going on a date with a guy who just kissed me and who’s name I don’t know!*

“What’s up with you?” a voice from behind asked.

She spun around to see Junhyung, dressed casually, something she had never seen before. *He looks a lot better without the stupid suit*

“Have you got your stuff?”

She nodded and held up her backpack.

“Is that all?”

“Well...I don’t have much stuff” she shrugged.

“Come on, let’s go, the car is waiting” he offered kindly to carry her backpack into the car but she refused.

Soon they arrived at Junhyung’s house (which was more like a mansion.)

“We’re here” Junhyung said with a smile and hopped out the car whilst pulling her out with him. “You like it?”

She sighed “It’s okay, I guess”

“Hey, what’s up? Aren’t you going to start shouting at me like you usually do?”

“I don’t have the energy right now” she sighed once again.

“Look, it’ll all be over in a few months” he gently her soft hair causing her to flinch away.

“Don’t get too carried away. We may be ‘together’ but doesn’t mean you can touch me like that” she hissed.

“You’re pretty, you know that?”

“Shut up” she lifted her heavy backpack and carried it on her back.

“I’m being serious. You have an angelic face...too bad you have a bad attitude”

“I don’t have a bad attitude! You just annoy me” she argued back.

“Aha~ you’re back to your old self again” he smirked “arguing and shouting like always”

“Aish~ talking as if you know me” she mumbled irritably.

He chuckled “come on, I’ll show you your new home” he pulled her along.

Whilst Junhyung was pulling/dragging In Jung inside, Junhyung’s father was watching them from afar.

“He’s marrying a pretty feisty girl. Ilhoon, look up the name Kim Ji Eun and see what you can find about this interesting character”

“Yes sir”

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Chapter 8: update pleajeeuuu ;~~~~~~~~; /loves your story down/
stanyou #2
update update update update
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese update!!!!!
i love it tooooooo much!!!
Lovey_dovey_dovey #3