"I bet you can't even steal candy from a baby"

You steal my money, I'll steal your heart

“Aish, what does this guy want now?” In Jung mumbled as she made her way to the park to meet Junhyung. He was smiling and waving her over to a bench. She walked towards him with an expressionless face “What? Why did you call me here for?!”

“Shh!” He pulled her away from his bodyguards “My parents have hired bodyguards to monitor our relationship”


“Because they want to see if we really are ‘in love’ and together. It seems they didn’t buy the story enough”

“This is your problem not mine so-“

“Please! Just do it for me?”

She rolled her eyes “You? Why would I do it for you? You’re the one who’s blackmailing-“

He put his hand over as the guards walked towards them

“Everything okay Master Yong?”

“Everything’s fine, could you give us a little privacy? Just for a few seconds” he pulled her away from them and started whispering again making the guards become a little suspicious.

“Look, if you don’t do it I will report you along with your whole underground connection”

“How did you-“

“I’m not stupid, I know you don’t work alone”

She sighed *Why can’t this guy just leave me alone?! What a pain in the !*

“Also, will you move in with me? It’s the only way to prove we’re together”       

“Are you crazy?!”

“Shh!!” he put his hand over “Just do it, please? Also, which school are you attending?”

“I don’t attend a school. Does it look like I need to go?”

“Well then you’ll have to attend CUBE high with me”


“It’s settled, you’ll be living in my house while attending the same school as me. That’ll look convincing enough right?”

*Argghh this guy is changing my life in a matter of seconds! The Phantom does not attend school!! And never will!!*


“This is humiliating” In Jung mumbled as she stood in front of the school gates with Junhyung.

“They’re looking at us again. Hold my hand so it looks like we’re a couple” he held his hand out.

“Pfft” she walked into the school without him *these students better be rich because I feel like stealing a few things right now*

“Yah! Wait up!” he ran after her “I told you they’re watching! We could get busted if you don’t listen to me!”

“If you don’t like it then find another fake fiancé, I’m not just here for you, you know”

“What’s your other reason then?”

“I don’t want my gang to get caught also these kids here look easy” she smirked “I’ll be rich by the end of this”

“Yah! No stealing, if they find out then they will tell my parents and I’ll be forced to marry another girl”

“Whatever” she muttered, walking away from him.

Junhyung sighed in frustration *This thief is so difficult. Wish I asked someone else to do this with me. On the good side, she is pretty cute looking...*


To.: In Jung

From: Zico

Yah! Where are you?! P.O said you’re at school but I don’t believe him.

In Jung chuckled and replied back

To: Zico

Yeah I’m in school. CUBE High with that posh boy. I’ll explain later, okay?

Zico quickly replied

To: In Jung

That guy again?! He’s getting annoying now:L

And why are you even in school? Did he make you go?

Just as she was about to reply Junhyung stopped her.

“We’re supposed to look like a couple and all you’ve done is walk away from me. Come on, I’ll show you around the school” he pulled her by the arm.

It was a long but productive day for In Jung. She managed to steal some money from pupils but had to put up with teachers going on and on about maths, geography and science.

“Phew!” she counted up the money she stole as she reached the school gates.

“Where did you get all that from?!” Junhyung’s eyes widened *Wow this girl really is a Phantom*

“A few students ‘leant’ me some money”

“Stop lying”

She shrugged “It’s not my fault they’re easy targets. They should put padlocks on their bags”

He shook his head “I told you not to steal” he whispered.

“It can’t be helped. They were practically telling me they wanted to be pick-pocketed”


“You’re just jealous you can’t do it as well as me” she stuck her tongue out.

“Yeah right. I would be a better phantom then you”

“Pfft you’re joking right? I bet you can’t even steal candy from a baby”

“Shall I show you?” he smirked and walked up to one student. He started making conversation and whilst the student was distracted, he slips his hand into her bag and pulled out her purse.

“Oh, I gotta go. See ya” he quickly walked away and approached In Jung once again with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Told you, I can do it better then you”

Amateur” she mumbled whilst scoffing “But not bad” 

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Chapter 8: update pleajeeuuu ;~~~~~~~~; /loves your story down/
stanyou #2
update update update update
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese update!!!!!
i love it tooooooo much!!!
Lovey_dovey_dovey #3