Clubbing and broken beds...

You steal my money, I'll steal your heart

In Jung opened her eyes and checked around to see if the members were all asleep. She quickly changed into some revealing clothes and sneaked out.

“Wow, In Jung, dressing to impress?” Yoseob asked

She shook her head “We’re going to a club right? This will make pick pocketing a lot easier” she smirked

“Aigoo~ always stealing with you, can’t you just have some fun?”

She laughed “It’s my job and this is fun”

Yoseob put his jacket over her to cover her up “I don’t want other guys looking at my girl”

She laughed “I’m your girl now?”

“You know what I mean. I don’t anyone ing on my best friend” he slung his arm around her “So, what’s new?”

“Well...Zico oppa got a new haircut and P.O has just stolen us a car”

“I meant what’s new with you. I don’t want to know about Block B” he chuckled.

“If you really want to know...I got caught today”

“Caught stealing?”

She nodded “Yep”

“Wah~ the great Phantom is finally being thrown in jail” he joked

“That’s not funny” she pushed him a little.

“By who?”

“CUBE’s Yong Junhyung, know him?”

“Course I know him! Wow, you must have gotten into big trouble!”

“I still am...he’s blackmailing me”

“What?! He can’t do that, you should report him to the police!”

“If I report him, he’ll report me!”

“Oh yeah...look, let’s not worry about this and have fun?”

She nodded and the two walked into the club. As she stepped in, she caught nearly all the of the guys attention.  Yoseob quickly stood in front of her so no one could see her revealing outfit.

“Yah! In Jung, fix the top half of your dress, those guy over there look like they’re about to-“ he turned around to see she was gone.

“In Jung?” *Aish that girl* he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to search for her.

Whilst Yoseob was looking for In Jung, In Jung was having the time of her life. She had already taken 4 wallets and 3 purses, it was her lucky night after the horrible encounter with Junhyung. She took to the dance floor, hopefully to bag more money.

“Hey little lady, you look a little young to be at a club” one man started to dance next to her.

In Jung smirked as she saw his wallet stick out of his pocket. “I’m 18, check my ID” she leaned closer to him.

“No need” he smirked and put his arm around her “Let’s dance”

“That’s what I came here for” she smiled innocently. She snuck her hands into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet successfully *Gotcha* she smirked and put it into her bag.

“Let’s take this back to my place” the man smiled.

“No thanks, I think I’ve had enough for tonight” she pulled away from him and walked away. He pulled her back “Don’t be too hasty here, you and me, it could work” he lied.

She walked out the club while he followed her. “Ahjussi, I really need to go back home”

“Okay, we’ll go back to your place”

She rolled her eyes and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground unconscious. *What a ert*

“In Jung! You’re here!” Yoseob ran up to her “Where’ve you been?!”

“Oh sorry, was just busy with some stuff” she opened her bag showing all the money she collected in the club.

“Woah, you really are great!”

“Here” she counted $100 and handed it to him “Take this”

“I can’t”

“Yes you can! I know all you eat now is bread! You need money so take this” she stuffed the money in his pockets.

“Thanks In Jung, you’re the best” he hugged her

“I know” she muttered whilst smiling.

“Umm, In Jung...why is there an unconscious man lying on the ground?”

“I really don’t know, let’s go” she pulled him away.

“Yah! Where’re we going?”

She shrugged “Anywhere, I don’t want to go back yet.


“Where is she?!” Zico yelled

“Dude, calm down, In Jung can look after herself, you know that” Kyung said gently

“Yeah but-“

“I think you like her”

“No I don’t!”

“Admit it Zico, you love that girl. I mean...I do too...” Jaehyo admitted quietly

“I don’t love her!”

“Then why are you overreacting? Remember when she got kidnapped by UKISS? She beat them all up and no one’s ever heard from them since”

“I just care for her, that’s all” he mumbled

“Sure you do, just get some sleep, she’ll be back”


“Woo~!” In Jung ran to the sea and splashed about in it.

“I don’t think you should be doing that, it’s cold”

She shrugged “I don’t care” she splashed about more and laughed.

Yoseob rolled his eyes *What a kid*

After a few hours she returned home where Zico was waiting.

She jumped onto her bed and hit something hard. “Ow, Oppa?!”

“Ouch, did you really have to jump?!” he got up.

“What were you doing on my bed?”

“Uhh, my bed broke so I just uhh...and I was waiting for you and...” he blabbered

She chuckled *Oppa’s so cute when he’s making excuses*

“You can sleep in my bed then”


She nodded “I can trust you not to do anything so you can just sleep next to me” she smiled.

The two of them got into In Jung’s bed and slept for the rest of the night.

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Chapter 8: update pleajeeuuu ;~~~~~~~~; /loves your story down/
stanyou #2
update update update update
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese update!!!!!
i love it tooooooo much!!!
Lovey_dovey_dovey #3