So are you two sleeping together now?

You steal my money, I'll steal your heart

“So are you two sleeping together now?” P.O asked bluntly with a straight face.

Zico choked as he drank his water “No!”

“Then why were you and In Jung sleeping in the same bed?”

“I told her my bed was broken and she let me sleep in her bed” he smirked *Best sleep of my life*

“But you’re bed isn’t-“

Zico covered his mouth as In Jung walked in “What’s up with you guys?”

“Uhh nothing, just showing P.O a few moves, you know, just in case he gets into trouble”

She chuckled “Well you’re doing it wrong, it’s like this” she stepped in and pushed Zico away, twisted P.O’s arm and stepped on his back.

“Then you put your hand over their mouth, easy huh?”

“Oww” P.O moaned as she let him go.

“I can teach you some more if you like”

“N-no thanks, I think I’ll just stick to my fists then tactical fighting”

She rolled her eyes “That’s going to get to nowhere, well, I’ll able here if you need any help”

“Thanks” he smiled

As she left Zico and P.O continued their talk

“Hyung, your bed isn’t broken. What’ll happen if she finds out?”

“Does it matter?”

“Uh yes, she’ll flip when she finds out you’ve just been breaking beds to sleep next to her”

“Whatever” Zico muttered, walking away.


*6:45?! , I’m going to be late!*

In Jung picked up her jacket and rushed to CUBE hotel.

*7:01 phew*

“Yah! You’re late!” Junhyung hit her lightly on the head.

“Only by a minute!”

“No excuses, let’s go” he pulled her along but then stopped “You don’t look suitable enough. We’re going to have to get you some new clothes. Luckily the dinner will start an hour late no thanks to my dad”

*Tch, then why are you so bothered that I’m late?*

He rushed her into his limo and drove around to different shops and bought her a dress and other accessorises.

She sat calmly in his car but then realise where she was also supposed to be.

“!” she hissed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to...I have to...*If I leave, this guy is going to send me to jail, if I stay Zico will never trust me again. Ottokae?!!* she bit her bottom lip.

“You have to...what? What’s is it?”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter anymore”

“You know, you don’t seem like the thief type” Junhyung looked closely at her.

“Well looks can be deceiving” she pushed him away.

“What’s your name?”


“I don’t know your name, what is it?”

“’s...Ji eun” she lied

“Ji eun?” he looked at her suspiciously “Now tell me your real name”

“It’s Ji eun! Ask my friends if you don’t believe me!”

“Arasso arasso, I believe you”

“Where are we going?”

“To a family dinner, my family are dying to meet you”

“But I’ve already met your mum, do I really need to meet the rest of your family?”

He nodded “It’s part of the favour, I can easily call the police right now if you like?”

“No no! It’s fine”

He chuckled “You’re so cute, trying to keep your secret. If you weren’t a thief then I might like you”

“Thanks” she rolled her eyes.

“We’re here” the car stopped in front of a big fancy restaurant.



“Where is she?! She’s 30 minutes late!”

“I think we should just start without her”

Zico sighed “fine, let’s go” *Out of all days, she decides to let me down today?! In Jung, you’re dead meat when I see you*

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Chapter 8: update pleajeeuuu ;~~~~~~~~; /loves your story down/
stanyou #2
update update update update
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese update!!!!!
i love it tooooooo much!!!
Lovey_dovey_dovey #3