He's touching MY girl...

You steal my money, I'll steal your heart

“Hey! She’s back!” P.O shouted

 Leader Zico smirked “Yah, In Jung ah! Got anything for us today?!”

She crashed down on her bed, ignoring Zico and started to think of the trouble she got herself into *Should I run away?! Beat him up? If I did he would surely leave me alone*

“In Jung! Don’t you hear me?!” he shouted

“Huh? Oh sorry oppa, I was just thinking”

He looked at her funny “Not like you to ever think, what happened?”

“Nothing” she mumbled

“Tell me” he sat next to her

“I don’t want to talk about it” she mumbled

“Tell me, pretty please?”

“huh?” the other members eyes widened *Did our leader just say ‘pretty please’??*

“Uhh Hyung”

“Yeah yeah, I know what I said. Just ignore it alright? My head isn’t in the right place today”

The members sighed in relief

“Hey, I think I know why she’s all upset!” B-Bomb suddenly shouted


B-Bomb stepped closer to her “In Jung ah, you got caught didn’t you?”

“Uhh” she couldn’t say anything

“You did didn’t you?” he laughed

Zico pushed her to the floor “You got what?!!”

“Oww” she moaned whilst getting back onto her bed.

The other members laughed “Our great Phantom finally got caught”

“Shut it!” Zico snapped and looked at her “Is this true?!”

She gulped and nodded

“And you just waltzed in here? What if they followed you here, huh? We’re screwed because of you!”

“We’re fine, he didn’t follow me”

“How do you know that?! Come on guys, we’re leaving” Zico got up

“I’m sure of it” she pulled him back down

“Does this guy know you’re the Phantom?”

She nodded

He sighed “Great, our most skilled thief gets caught right before our big robbery”

“I’m sorry”

“You should be” he muttered *I love this girl but now what if she’s endangered all of us?*

“So who caught you?” P.O casually slung his arm around her shoulder. Zico was giving him a death glare *He’s touching my girl*

“Yong Junhyung” she mumbled

“Yong Junhyung? Wait...That guy from CUBE enterprise?!”

She nodded “I was in Busan train station and stole his wallet and then...well, he caught me”

Zico buried his face in his hands and shook his head “This can’t be happening”

“Don’t worry hyung, she only got caught once” P.O turned back to you “So what did he do?”

“He said he was going to report me if I didn’t do him a favour”

“What kind of favour?”

“He made me wear this and told his mum I was his fiancé”

They all laughed

“I was about to ask why you were dressed like this. It looks weird on you...in a good way”

“You look pretty” Jaehyo smiled

She blushed “thanks oppa” She rummaged through her clothes and pulled out what she would normally wear, t-shirt, skinnys and pair of converse and got changed into them.

“Wait, so you’re now his fiancé?” Zico’s eyes widened

“Fake fiancé” she corrected him

“I don’t care. In Jung, I’m pulling you out of the robbery tomorrow”

“What?! You can’t do that, you won’t be able to do it without me!” she shouted.

“It’s too risky, that rich boy will probably be watching over you and this time you won’t be the only one getting caught”

“Oppa, I can do it. Trust me” she begged


“Oh come on hyung, she’s the most skilled here. The job will be three times quicker than us doing it”

“True” he mumbled to himself. He looked at her and sighed “fine, you can do it. Meet us behind the jewellery shop tomorrow at 7pm sharp, don’t be late”


“Is that a problem?”

She shook her head “n-no it’s fine”

“Good, now get some rest. You’ll need to be focused tomorrow”

“Arasso” she pulled the duvet over her and started to sleep. Zico watched her as she slept *Don’t disappoint me In Jung, I love you but I need to look after the rest of the gang too*

He kissed her on the forehead without anyone looking. *sweet dreams*

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Chapter 8: update pleajeeuuu ;~~~~~~~~; /loves your story down/
stanyou #2
update update update update
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese update!!!!!
i love it tooooooo much!!!
Lovey_dovey_dovey #3