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 : Review for veneficious
by Luvkookietae > Title: Intersomnia
> author: veneficious Yeri is on the verge of ending her life, and she's thrown into a different world when she attempts to take her life. She jumps off the building of her apartment, and ends up in Johnny's dream realm. She and Johnny become acquainted and find they share similarities and interests, but Johnny's real world is a thousand years into the future. Score: 63%
> Title: 10/10
> Description: 7/10
> Plot: 15/20
> Characterization: 15/20
> Grammar: 16/20
> enjoyment: 6/10  : The review 1. Title : 10/10

Your title is excellent. There's no way to describe how good this is. the word itself holds a deep meaning, something that connects clearly with the story itself, and there's a certain poetic feel to it that made me instantly attracted, and made me want to check it out. I like how you shaped the title to have a deeper underlying meaning, and in it I could see why the story was called as such. I was tempted to cut off marks at the "Oneshot" word, but then I decided to overlook it (Barely). It's better if you don't write something like that, it sounds weird LOL. 2. Description : 7/10

You know what? This wasn't what I'd call a description, if you're talking serious stuff with fancy words and all that bull, but this had a ring of something like a whispered promise (Maybe just my overactive imagination), but then I could almost see Yeri talking, and that image just flashed so vividly inside my head I was shocked for a moment. BUt then I cut marks, because it wasn't exactly a description, but I won't recommend you change it. It's great as it is. 3. Plot : 15/20

To be honest, I've never read something like this, It was kind of refreshing, actually. SOmetimes a short, clean oneshot is better than something with a long, complicated, plot twist (which is more my style), but then, there was some lacki
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Chapter 10: thanks so much for the detailed review! I've always had trouble with my pacing, haha...when I write, I don't have a predetermined plot or anything, I just make up the chapters as I go (it leads to super inconsistent writing XD)
the long wait is fine, I've been busy as well. I did better than I expected...heh I know I have a lot to improve on, but I started writing early so I have a lot of time to get better~
again, thanks so much! will definitely request here in the future, crediting soon
i've submitted a request! :-)
Chapter 9: I’ve read the review!! I didn’t mind the wait, I was busy also with school and I understand you must have more important stuff to do hehe nevertheless I really liked the review! tysm for being honest! :) out of all the reviews I have requested this must be my fave (lol maybe because it’s my highest remark?) I really enjoyed reading ur review and I will consider ur suggestions! more love to ur shop xoxo
I've submitted a request!
Chapter 8: i think the link to this fic is broken?
veneficious #7
Chapter 8: Picking up the review and thank you! You had me laughing through the whole review hahaha. Unfortunately, I'm actually a terrible writer, I usually only do straight pairings and I can't do anything more than a few chapters. I'm completely uncommitted T_T Thank you for your review nonetheless! No worries for the long wait, I appreciate your honestly. xD I definitely wanted Johnny to be more likable than Yeri, but a typical guy... hahahaha. I definitely understand personal preferences and differences between readers. Another reviewer scored this story a .90/100, whereas you scored it a .70/100. Both are good for me. I'm just glad the story made any sense at all. Thanks again for the review! :)
hi, sent a request!